[Yt-svn] yt: Added get_data_by_force kwarg to EnzoSimulation class. If T...

hg at spacepope.org hg at spacepope.org
Fri Aug 20 14:29:01 PDT 2010

hg Repository: yt
details:   yt/rev/77bc22280fa2
changeset: 1963:77bc22280fa2
user:      Britton Smith <brittonsmith at gmail.com>
Fri Aug 20 17:28:56 2010 -0400
Added get_data_by_force kwarg to EnzoSimulation class.  If True, this
searches the working directory for directories that match the DataDirName
keyword, then gets their times and redshifts manually by loading each one up
first.  This is useful for those who do output based on cycle number and for those
doing OutputFirstTimeAtLevel with collapse sims.


 yt/extensions/enzo_simulation.py |  259 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 339 to 300 lines):

diff -r fe18a0de0d14 -r 77bc22280fa2 yt/extensions/enzo_simulation.py
--- a/yt/extensions/enzo_simulation.py	Thu Aug 19 01:00:50 2010 -0400
+++ b/yt/extensions/enzo_simulation.py	Fri Aug 20 17:28:56 2010 -0400
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import yt.lagos as lagos
 import yt.funcs as funcs
 import numpy as na
+import glob
 import os
 dt_Tolerance = 1e-3
@@ -12,7 +13,8 @@
     a simulation from one redshift to another.
     def __init__(self, EnzoParameterFile, initial_time=None, final_time=None, initial_redshift=None, final_redshift=None,
-                 links=False, enzo_parameters=None, get_time_outputs=True, get_redshift_outputs=True, get_available_data=False):
+                 links=False, enzo_parameters=None, get_time_outputs=True, get_redshift_outputs=True, get_available_data=False,
+                 get_data_by_force=False):
         Initialize an EnzoSimulation object.
         :param initial_time (float): the initial time in code units for the dataset list.  Default: None.
@@ -31,12 +33,15 @@
                be added to the dataset list.  Default: True.
         :param get_redshift_outputs (bool): if False, the redshift datasets will not be added to the dataset list.  Default: True.
         :param get_available_data (bool): if True, only datasets that are found to exist at the file path are added 
-               to the list.  Devault: False.
+               to the list.  Default: False.
+        :param get_data_by_force (bool): if True, time data dumps are not calculated using dtDataDump.  Instead, the 
+               the working directory is searched for directories that match the datadumpname keyword.  Each dataset 
+               is loaded up to get the time and redshift manually.  This is useful with collapse simulations that use 
+               OutputFirstTimeAtLevel or with simulations that make outputs based on cycle numbers.  Default: False.
         self.EnzoParameterFile = EnzoParameterFile
         self.enzoParameters = {}
-        self.redshiftOutputs = []
-        self.timeOutputs = []
+        self.redshift_outputs = []
         self.allOutputs = []
         self.InitialTime = initial_time
         self.FinalTime = final_time
@@ -52,10 +57,115 @@
         # Set some parameter defaults.
-        self._SetParameterDefaults()
+        self._set_parameter_defaults()
         # Read parameters.
-        self._ReadEnzoParameterFile()
+        self._read_enzo_parameter_file()
+        # Get all the appropriate datasets.
+        self._get_all_outputs(brute_force=get_data_by_force)
+    def _calculate_redshift_dump_times(self):
+        "Calculates time from redshift of redshift dumps."
+        for output in self.redshift_outputs:
+            output['time'] = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeTimeFromRedshift(output['redshift']) / \
+                self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits
+    def _calculate_time_dumps(self):
+        "Calculates time dumps and their redshifts if cosmological."
+        if self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] <= 0.0: return []
+        time_outputs = []
+        index = 0
+        current_time = self.SimulationInitialTime
+        while (current_time <= self.FinalTime) or \
+                (abs(self.FinalTime - current_time) / self.FinalTime) < dt_Tolerance:
+            filename = "%s/%s%04d/%s%04d" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
+                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'],index,
+                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpName'],index)
+            output = {'index':index,'filename':filename,'time':current_time}
+            if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates']:
+                t = self.enzo_cosmology.InitialTime + (self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] * self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits * index)
+                output['redshift'] = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeRedshiftFromTime(t)
+            if not self.get_available_data or os.path.exists(filename):
+                time_outputs.append(output)
+            current_time += self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump']
+            index += 1
+        return time_outputs
+    def _combine_data_outputs(self, brute_force=False):
+        "Combines redshift and time data into one sorted list."
+        # If True, get time dumps just by looking through the working directory.
+        if brute_force:
+            time_outputs = self._get_outputs_by_force()
+        # Calculate time dumps based on dtDataDump
+        elif self.enzoParameters.has_key('dtDataDump') and self.get_time_outputs:
+            time_outputs = self._calculate_time_dumps()
+        # Calculate times for redshift dumps.
+        if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates'] and self.get_redshift_outputs:
+            self._calculate_redshift_dump_times()
+        else:
+            self.redshift_outputs = []
+        self.allOutputs = self.redshift_outputs + time_outputs
+        self.allOutputs.sort(key=lambda obj:obj['time'])
+        start_index = None
+        end_index = None
+        # Add links to next and previous dataset to each entry.
+        for q in range(len(self.allOutputs)):
+            if self.allOutputs[q].has_key('index'): del self.allOutputs[q]['index']
+            if start_index is None:
+                if self.allOutputs[q]['time'] >= self.InitialTime or \
+                        abs(self.allOutputs[q]['time'] - self.InitialTime) < \
+                        self.allOutputs[q]['time'] * dt_Tolerance:
+                    start_index = q
+            if end_index is None:
+                if self.allOutputs[q]['time'] > self.FinalTime:
+                    end_index = q - 1
+                if abs(self.allOutputs[q]['time'] - self.FinalTime) < \
+                        self.allOutputs[q]['time'] * dt_Tolerance:
+                    end_index = q
+                if q == len(self.allOutputs) - 1:
+                    end_index = q
+        for q in range(len(self.allOutputs)):
+            if self.links and start_index is not None:
+                if q <= start_index:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = None
+                else:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = self.allOutputs[q-1]
+                if q >= end_index:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = None
+                else:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = self.allOutputs[q+1]
+        del self.redshift_outputs
+        if end_index is None:
+            end_index = len(self.allOutputs)-1
+        self.allOutputs = self.allOutputs[start_index:end_index+1]
+        mylog.info("Loaded %s total data outputs." % len(self.allOutputs))
+    def _get_all_outputs(self, brute_force=False):
+        """
+        Get all the datasets in the time/redshift interval requested, or search 
+        the data directory for potential datasets.
+        """
         # Check for sufficient starting/ending parameters.
         if self.InitialTime is None and self.InitialRedshift is None:
@@ -108,104 +218,39 @@
             self.SimulationInitialTime = 0.0
-        # Combine all data dumps.
-        self._CombineDataOutputs()
+        # Combine all data dumps in to ordered list.
+        self._combine_data_outputs(brute_force=brute_force)
-    def _CalculateRedshiftDumpTimes(self):
-        "Calculates time from redshift of redshift dumps."
+    def _get_outputs_by_force(self):
+        """
+        Search for directories matching the data dump keywords.
+        If found, get dataset times by brute force py opening the pf.
+        """
-        for output in self.redshiftOutputs:
-            output['time'] = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeTimeFromRedshift(output['redshift']) / \
-                self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits
+        # look for time dumps.
+        potential_time_outputs = glob.glob("%s/%s*" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'], 
+                                                       self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir']))
+        time_outputs = []
+        mylog.info("Checking validity of %d potential time dumps." % 
+                   len(potential_time_outputs))
-    def _CalculateTimeDumps(self):
-        "Calculates time dumps and their redshifts if cosmological."
+        for output in potential_time_outputs:
+            index = output[output.find(self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir']) + 
+                           len(self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir']):]
+            filename = "%s/%s%s/%s%s" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
+                                         self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'], index,
+                                         self.enzoParameters['DataDumpName'], index)
+            if os.path.exists(filename):
+                pf = lagos.EnzoStaticOutput(filename)
+                if pf is not None:
+                    time_outputs.append({'filename': filename, 'time': pf['InitialTime']})
+                    if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates']:
+                        time_outputs[-1]['redshift'] = pf['CosmologyCurrentRedshift']
+                del pf
+        mylog.info("Located %d time dumps." % len(time_outputs))
+        return time_outputs
-        if self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] <= 0.0: return
-        index = 0
-        current_time = self.SimulationInitialTime
-        while (current_time <= self.FinalTime) or \
-                (abs(self.FinalTime - current_time) / self.FinalTime) < dt_Tolerance:
-            filename = "%s/%s%04d/%s%04d" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
-                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'],index,
-                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpName'],index)
-            output = {'index':index,'filename':filename,'time':current_time}
-            if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates']:
-                t = self.enzo_cosmology.InitialTime + (self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] * self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits * index)
-                output['redshift'] = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeRedshiftFromTime(t)
-            if not self.get_available_data or os.path.exists(filename):
-                self.timeOutputs.append(output)
-            current_time += self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump']
-            index += 1
-    def _CombineDataOutputs(self):
-        "Combines redshift and time data into one sorted list."
-        # Calculate redshifts for dt data dumps.
-        if self.enzoParameters.has_key('dtDataDump') and self.get_time_outputs:
-            self._CalculateTimeDumps()
-        # Calculate times for redshift dumps.
-        if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates'] and self.get_redshift_outputs:
-            self._CalculateRedshiftDumpTimes()
-        else:
-            self.redshiftOutputs = []
-        if self.get_time_outputs and self.get_redshift_outputs:
-            self.allOutputs = self.redshiftOutputs + self.timeOutputs
-        elif self.get_time_outputs and not self.get_redshift_outputs:
-            self.allOutputs = self.timeOutputs
-        elif not self.get_time_outputs and self.get_redshift_outputs:
-            self.allOutputs = self.redshiftOutputs
-        self.allOutputs.sort(key=lambda obj:obj['time'])
-        start_index = None
-        end_index = None
-        for q in range(len(self.allOutputs)):
-            del self.allOutputs[q]['index']
-            if start_index is None:
-                if self.allOutputs[q]['time'] >= self.InitialTime or \
-                        abs(self.allOutputs[q]['time'] - self.InitialTime) < \
-                        self.allOutputs[q]['time'] * dt_Tolerance:
-                    start_index = q
-            if end_index is None:
-                if self.allOutputs[q]['time'] > self.FinalTime:
-                    end_index = q - 1
-                if abs(self.allOutputs[q]['time'] - self.FinalTime) < \
-                        self.allOutputs[q]['time'] * dt_Tolerance:
-                    end_index = q
-                if q == len(self.allOutputs) - 1:
-                    end_index = q
-        for q in range(len(self.allOutputs)):
-            if self.links and start_index is not None:
-                if q <= start_index:
-                    self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = None
-                else:
-                    self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = self.allOutputs[q-1]
-                if q >= end_index:
-                    self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = None
-                else:
-                    self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = self.allOutputs[q+1]
-        del self.redshiftOutputs
-        del self.timeOutputs
-        if end_index is None:
-            end_index = len(self.allOutputs)-1
-        self.allOutputs = self.allOutputs[start_index:end_index+1]
-    def _ReadEnzoParameterFile(self):
+    def _read_enzo_parameter_file(self):
         "Reads an Enzo parameter file looking for cosmology and output parameters."
         lines = open(self.EnzoParameterFile).readlines()
         for line in lines:
@@ -228,23 +273,23 @@
                     self.enzoParameters[param] = t
             elif param.startswith("CosmologyOutputRedshift["):
                 index = param[param.find("[")+1:param.find("]")]
-                self.redshiftOutputs.append({'index':int(index), 'redshift':float(vals)})
+                self.redshift_outputs.append({'index':int(index), 'redshift':float(vals)})
         # Add filenames to redshift outputs.

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