[Yt-svn] yt-commit r1516 - in branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions: . lightcone

britton at wrangler.dreamhost.com britton at wrangler.dreamhost.com
Tue Nov 3 15:45:19 PST 2009

Author: britton
Date: Tue Nov  3 15:45:17 2009
New Revision: 1516
URL: http://yt.enzotools.org/changeset/1516

Added new light cone generator, EnzoSimulation, and HaloProfiler, all with 


Added: branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/EnzoSimulation.py
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/EnzoSimulation.py	Tue Nov  3 15:45:17 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+import yt.lagos as lagos
+from yt.logger import lagosLogger as mylog
+import numpy as na
+dt_Tolerance = 1e-3
+class EnzoSimulation(object):
+    """
+    Super class for performing the same operation over all data dumps in 
+    a simulation from one redshift to another.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, EnzoParameterFile, initial_time=None, final_time=None, initial_redshift=None, final_redshift=None,
+                 links=False, enzo_parameters=None, get_time_outputs=True, get_redshift_outputs=True):
+        """
+        Initialize an EnzoSimulation object.
+        :param initial_time (float): the initial time in code units for the dataset list.  Default: None.
+        :param final_time (float): the final time in code units for the dataset list.  Default: None.
+        :param initial_redshift (float): the initial (highest) redshift for the dataset list.  Only for 
+               cosmological simulations.  Default: None.
+        :param final_redshift (float): the final (lowest) redshift for the dataset list.  Only for cosmological 
+               simulations.  Default: None.
+        :param links (bool): if True, each entry in the dataset list will contain entries, previous and next, that 
+               point to the previous and next entries on the dataset list.  Default: False.
+        :param enzo_parameters (dict): a dictionary specify additional parameters to be retrieved from the 
+               parameter file.  The format should be the name of the parameter as the key and the variable type as 
+               the value.  For example, {'CosmologyComovingBoxSize':float}.  All parameter values will be stored in 
+               the dictionary attribute, enzoParameters.  Default: None.
+        :param get_time_outputs (bool): if False, the time datasets, specified in Enzo with the dtDataDump, will not 
+               be added to the dataset list.  Default: True.
+        :param get_redshift_outputs (bool): if False, the redshift datasets will not be added to the dataset list.  Default: True.
+        """
+        self.EnzoParameterFile = EnzoParameterFile
+        self.enzoParameters = {}
+        self.redshiftOutputs = []
+        self.timeOutputs = []
+        self.allOutputs = []
+        self.InitialTime = initial_time
+        self.FinalTime = final_time
+        self.InitialRedshift = initial_redshift
+        self.FinalRedshift = final_redshift
+        self.links = links
+        self.get_time_outputs = get_time_outputs
+        self.get_redshift_outputs = get_redshift_outputs
+        # Add any extra parameters to parameter dict.
+        if enzo_parameters is None: enzo_parameters = {}
+        EnzoParameterDict.update(enzo_parameters)
+        # Set some parameter defaults.
+        self._SetParameterDefaults()
+        # Read parameters.
+        self._ReadEnzoParameterFile()
+        # Check for sufficient starting/ending parameters.
+        if self.InitialTime is None and self.InitialRedshift is None:
+            if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates'] and \
+                    self.enzoParameters.has_key('CosmologyInitialRedshift'):
+                self.InitialRedshift = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyInitialRedshift']
+            elif self.enzoParameters.has_key('InitialTime'):
+                self.InitialTime = self.enzoParameters['InitialTime']
+            else:
+                mylog.error("Couldn't find parameter for initial time or redshift from parameter file.")
+                return None
+        if self.FinalTime is None and self.FinalRedshift is None:
+            if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates'] and \
+                    self.enzoParameters.has_key('CosmologyFinalRedshift'):
+                self.FinalRedshift = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyFinalRedshift']
+            elif self.enzoParameters.has_key('StopTime'):
+                self.FinalTime = self.enzoParameters['StopTime']
+            else:
+                mylog.error("Couldn't find parameter for final time or redshift from parameter file.")
+                return None
+        # Convert initial/final redshifts to times.
+        if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates']:
+            # Instantiate a cosmology calculator.
+            self.cosmology = lagos.Cosmology(HubbleConstantNow = 
+                                             (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
+                                             OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
+                                             OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'])
+            # Instantiate EnzoCosmology object for units and time conversions.
+            self.enzo_cosmology = lagos.EnzoCosmology(HubbleConstantNow = 
+                                                 (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
+                                                 OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
+                                                 OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'],
+                                                 InitialRedshift = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyInitialRedshift'])
+            if self.InitialRedshift is not None:
+                self.InitialTime = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeTimeFromRedshift(self.InitialRedshift) / \
+                    self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits
+            if self.FinalRedshift is not None:
+                self.FinalTime = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeTimeFromRedshift(self.FinalRedshift) / \
+                    self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits
+        # Get initial time of simulation.
+        if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates'] and \
+                self.enzoParameters.has_key('CosmologyInitialRedshift'):
+            self.SimulationInitialTime = self.enzo_cosmology.InitialTime / self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits
+        elif self.enzoParameters.has_key('InitialTime'):
+            self.SimulationInitialTime = self.enzoParameters['InitialTime']
+        else:
+            self.SimulationInitialTime = 0.0
+        # Combine all data dumps.
+        self._CombineDataOutputs()
+    def _CalculateRedshiftDumpTimes(self):
+        "Calculates time from redshift of redshift dumps."
+        for output in self.redshiftOutputs:
+            output['time'] = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeTimeFromRedshift(output['redshift']) / \
+                self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits
+    def _CalculateTimeDumps(self):
+        "Calculates time dumps and their redshifts if cosmological."
+        if self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] <= 0.0: return
+        index = 0
+        current_time = self.SimulationInitialTime
+        while (current_time <= self.FinalTime) or \
+                (abs(self.FinalTime - current_time) / self.FinalTime) < dt_Tolerance:
+            filename = "%s/%s%04d/%s%04d" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
+                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'],index,
+                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpName'],index)
+            self.timeOutputs.append({'index':index,'filename':filename,'time':current_time})
+            if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates']:
+                t = self.enzo_cosmology.InitialTime + (self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] * self.enzo_cosmology.TimeUnits * index)
+                self.timeOutputs[-1]['redshift'] = self.enzo_cosmology.ComputeRedshiftFromTime(t)
+            current_time += self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump']
+            index += 1
+    def _CombineDataOutputs(self):
+        "Combines redshift and time data into one sorted list."
+        # Calculate redshifts for dt data dumps.
+        if self.enzoParameters.has_key('dtDataDump') and self.get_time_outputs:
+            self._CalculateTimeDumps()
+        # Calculate times for redshift dumps.
+        if self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates'] and self.get_redshift_outputs:
+            self._CalculateRedshiftDumpTimes()
+        self.allOutputs = self.redshiftOutputs + self.timeOutputs
+        self.allOutputs.sort(key=lambda obj:obj['time'])
+        start_index = None
+        end_index = None
+        for q in range(len(self.allOutputs)):
+            del self.allOutputs[q]['index']
+            if start_index is None:
+                if self.allOutputs[q]['time'] >= self.InitialTime or \
+                        abs(self.allOutputs[q]['time'] - self.InitialTime) < \
+                        self.allOutputs[q]['time'] * dt_Tolerance:
+                    start_index = q
+            if end_index is None:
+                if self.allOutputs[q]['time'] > self.FinalTime:
+                    end_index = q - 1
+                if abs(self.allOutputs[q]['time'] - self.FinalTime) < \
+                        self.allOutputs[q]['time'] * dt_Tolerance:
+                    end_index = q
+                if q == len(self.allOutputs) - 1:
+                    end_index = q
+            if self.links and start_index is not None:
+                if q == start_index:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = None
+                else:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = self.allOutputs[q-1]
+                if q == end_index:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = None
+                else:
+                    self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = self.allOutputs[q+1]
+        del self.redshiftOutputs
+        del self.timeOutputs
+        if end_index is None:
+            end_index = len(self.allOutputs)-1
+        self.allOutputs = self.allOutputs[start_index:end_index+1]
+    def _ReadEnzoParameterFile(self):
+        "Reads an Enzo parameter file looking for cosmology and output parameters."
+        lines = open(self.EnzoParameterFile).readlines()
+        for line in lines:
+            if line.find("#") >= 0: # Keep the commented lines
+                line=line[:line.find("#")]
+            line=line.strip()
+            if len(line) < 2:
+                continue
+            try:
+                param, vals = map(str,line.split("="))
+                param = param.strip()
+                vals = vals.strip().split("#", 1)[0].split("//", 1)[0]
+            except ValueError:
+                continue
+            if EnzoParameterDict.has_key(param):
+                t = map(EnzoParameterDict[param], vals.split())
+                if len(t) == 1:
+                    self.enzoParameters[param] = t[0]
+                else:
+                    self.enzoParameters[param] = t
+            elif param.startswith("CosmologyOutputRedshift["):
+                index = param[param.find("[")+1:param.find("]")]
+                self.redshiftOutputs.append({'index':int(index),
+                                             'redshift':float(vals)})
+        # Add filenames to redshift outputs.
+        for output in self.redshiftOutputs:
+            output["filename"] = "%s/%s%04d/%s%04d" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
+                                                       self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpDir'],output['index'],
+                                                       self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpName'],output['index'])
+    def _SetParameterDefaults(self):
+        "Set some default parameters to avoid problems if they are not in the parameter file."
+        self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'] = "."
+        self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpName'] = "RD"
+        self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpDir'] = "RD"
+        self.enzoParameters['DataDumpName'] = "DD"
+        self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'] = "DD"
+        self.enzoParameters['ComovingCoordinates'] = 0
+    def imagine_minimal_splice(self, initial_redshift, final_redshift, decimals=3, filename=None, 
+                               redshift_output_string='CosmologyOutputRedshift', start_index=0):
+        """
+        Create imaginary list of redshift outputs to maximally span a redshift interval.
+        :param decimals (int): The decimal place to which the output redshift will be rounded.  
+               If the decimal place in question is nonzero, the redshift will be rounded up to 
+               ensure continuity of the splice.  Default: 3.
+        :param filename (str): If provided, a file will be written with the redshift outputs in 
+               the form in which they should be given in the enzo parameter file.  Default: None.
+        :param redshift_output_string (str): The parameter accompanying the redshift outputs in the 
+               enzo parameter file.  Default: "CosmologyOutputRedshift".
+        :param start_index (int): The index of the first redshift output.  Default: 0.
+        """
+        z = initial_redshift
+        outputs = []
+        while z > final_redshift:
+            rounded = na.round(z, decimals=decimals)
+            if rounded - z < 0:
+                rounded += na.power(10.0,(-1.0*decimals))
+            z = rounded
+            deltaz_max = deltaz_forward(self.cosmology, z, self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize'])
+            outputs.append({'redshift': z, 'deltazMax': deltaz_max})
+            z -= deltaz_max
+        mylog.info("imagine_maximal_splice: Needed %d data dumps to get from z = %f to %f." %
+                   (len(outputs), initial_redshift, final_redshift))
+        if filename is not None:
+            mylog.info("Writing redshift dump list to %s." % filename)
+            f = open(filename,'w')
+            for q, output in enumerate(outputs):
+                z_string = "%%s[%%d] = %%.%df" % decimals
+                f.write(("%s[%d] = %." + str(decimals) + "f\n") % (redshift_output_string, (q+start_index), output['redshift']))
+            f.close()
+        return outputs
+    def create_cosmology_splice(self, minimal=True, deltaz_min=0.0, initial_redshift=None, final_redshift=None):
+        """
+        Create list of datasets to be used for LightCones or LightRays.
+        :param minimal (bool): if True, the minimum number of datasets is used to connect the initial and final 
+               redshift.  If false, the list will contain as many entries as possible within the redshift 
+               interval.  Default: True.
+        :param deltaz_min (float): specifies the minimum delta z between consecutive datasets in the returned 
+               list.  Default: 0.0.
+        :param initial_redshift (float): the initial (highest) redshift in the cosmology splice list.  If none 
+               given, the highest redshift dataset present will be used.  Default: None.
+        :param final_redshift (float): the final (lowest) redshift in the cosmology splice list.  If none given, 
+               the lowest redshift dataset present will be used.  Default: None.
+        """
+        if initial_redshift is None: initial_redshift = self.InitialRedshift
+        if final_redshift is None: final_redshift = self.FinalRedshift
+        # Calculate maximum delta z for each data dump.
+        self._calculate_deltaz_max()
+        # Calculate minimum delta z for each data dump.
+        self._calculate_deltaz_min(deltaz_min=deltaz_min)
+        cosmology_splice = []
+        # Use minimum number of datasets to go from z_i to z_f.
+        if minimal:
+            z_Tolerance = 1e-3
+            z = initial_redshift
+            # fill redshift space with datasets
+            while ((z > final_redshift) and 
+                   (na.fabs(z - final_redshift) > z_Tolerance)):
+                # For first data dump, choose closest to desired redshift.
+                if (len(cosmology_splice) == 0):
+                    # Sort data outputs by proximity to current redsfhit.
+                    self.allOutputs.sort(key=lambda obj:na.fabs(z - obj['redshift']))
+                    cosmology_splice.append(self.allOutputs[0])
+                # Move forward from last slice in stack until z > z_max.
+                else:
+                    current_slice = cosmology_splice[-1]
+                    while current_slice['next'] is not None and \
+                            (z < current_slice['next']['redshift'] or \
+                                 na.abs(z - current_slice['next']['redshift']) < z_Tolerance):
+                        current_slice = current_slice['next']
+                    if current_slice is cosmology_splice[-1]:
+                        final_redshift = cosmology_splice[-1]['redshift'] - cosmology_splice[-1]['deltazMax']
+                        mylog.error("Cosmology splice incomplete due to insufficient data outputs.")
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        cosmology_splice.append(current_slice)
+                z = cosmology_splice[-1]['redshift'] - cosmology_splice[-1]['deltazMax']
+        # Make light ray using maximum number of datasets (minimum spacing).
+        else:
+            # Sort data outputs by proximity to current redsfhit.
+            self.allOutputs.sort(key=lambda obj:na.fabs(initial_redshift - obj['redshift']))
+            # For first data dump, choose closest to desired redshift.
+            cosmology_splice.append(self.allOutputs[0])
+            nextOutput = cosmology_splice[-1]['next']
+            while (nextOutput is not None):
+                if (nextOutput['redshift'] <= final_redshift):
+                    break
+                if ((cosmology_splice[-1]['redshift'] - nextOutput['redshift']) > cosmology_splice[-1]['deltazMin']):
+                    cosmology_splice.append(nextOutput)
+                nextOutput = nextOutput['next']
+            if (cosmology_splice[-1]['redshift'] - cosmology_splice[-1]['deltazMax']) > final_redshift:
+                mylog.error("Cosmology splice incomplete due to insufficient data outputs.")
+                final_redshift = cosmology_splice[-1]['redshift'] - cosmology_splice[-1]['deltazMax']
+        mylog.info("create_cosmology_splice: Used %d data dumps to get from z = %f to %f." % 
+                   (len(cosmology_splice),initial_redshift,final_redshift))
+        return cosmology_splice
+    def _calculate_deltaz_max(self):
+        "Calculate delta z that corresponds to full box length going from z to (z - delta z)."
+        d_Tolerance = 1e-4
+        max_Iterations = 100
+        targetDistance = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize']
+        for output in self.allOutputs:
+            z = output['redshift']
+            # Calculate delta z that corresponds to the length of the box at a given redshift.
+            # Use Newton's method to calculate solution.
+            z1 = z
+            z2 = z1 - 0.1 # just an initial guess
+            distance1 = 0.0
+            iteration = 1
+            # Convert comoving radial distance into Mpc / h, since that's how box size is stored.
+            distance2 = self.cosmology.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
+            while ((na.fabs(distance2-targetDistance)/distance2) > d_Tolerance):
+                m = (distance2 - distance1) / (z2 - z1)
+                z1 = z2
+                distance1 = distance2
+                z2 = ((targetDistance - distance2) / m) + z2
+                distance2 = self.cosmology.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
+                iteration += 1
+                if (iteration > max_Iterations):
+                    mylog.error("calculate_deltaz_max: Warning - max iterations exceeded for z = %f (delta z = %f)." % 
+                                (z,na.fabs(z2-z)))
+                    break
+            output['deltazMax'] = na.fabs(z2-z)
+    def _calculate_deltaz_min(self, deltaz_min=0.0):
+        "Calculate delta z that corresponds to a single top grid pixel going from z to (z - delta z)."
+        d_Tolerance = 1e-4
+        max_Iterations = 100
+        targetDistance = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize'] / self.enzoParameters['TopGridDimensions'][0]
+        for output in self.allOutputs:
+            z = output['redshift']
+            # Calculate delta z that corresponds to the length of a top grid pixel at a given redshift.
+            # Use Newton's method to calculate solution.
+            z1 = z
+            z2 = z1 - 0.01 # just an initial guess
+            distance1 = 0.0
+            iteration = 1
+            # Convert comoving radial distance into Mpc / h, since that's how box size is stored.
+            distance2 = self.cosmology.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
+            while ((na.fabs(distance2 - targetDistance) / distance2) > d_Tolerance):
+                m = (distance2 - distance1) / (z2 - z1)
+                z1 = z2
+                distance1 = distance2
+                z2 = ((targetDistance - distance2) / m) + z2
+                distance2 = self.cosmology.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
+                iteration += 1
+                if (iteration > max_Iterations):
+                    mylog.error("calculate_deltaz_max: Warning - max iterations exceeded for z = %f (delta z = %f)." % 
+                                (z,na.fabs(z2-z)))
+                    break
+            # Use this calculation or the absolute minimum specified by the user.
+            output['deltazMin'] = max(na.fabs(z2-z),deltaz_min)
+EnzoParameterDict = {"CosmologyOmegaMatterNow": float,
+                     "CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow": float,
+                     "CosmologyHubbleConstantNow": float,
+                     "CosmologyInitialRedshift": float,
+                     "CosmologyFinalRedshift": float,
+                     "ComovingCoordinates": int,
+                     "InitialTime": float,
+                     "StopTime": float,
+                     "TopGridDimensions": float,
+                     "dtDataDump": float,
+                     "RedshiftDumpName": str,
+                     "RedshiftDumpDir":  str,
+                     "DataDumpName": str,
+                     "DataDumpDir": str,
+                     "GlobalDir" : str}
+def deltaz_forward(cosmology, z, target_distance):
+    "Calculate deltaz corresponding to moving a comoving distance starting from some redshift."
+    d_Tolerance = 1e-4
+    max_Iterations = 100
+    # Calculate delta z that corresponds to the length of the box at a given redshift.
+    # Use Newton's method to calculate solution.
+    z1 = z
+    z2 = z1 - 0.1 # just an initial guess
+    distance1 = 0.0
+    iteration = 1
+    # Convert comoving radial distance into Mpc / h, since that's how box size is stored.
+    distance2 = cosmology.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * cosmology.HubbleConstantNow / 100.0
+    while ((na.fabs(distance2-target_distance)/distance2) > d_Tolerance):
+        m = (distance2 - distance1) / (z2 - z1)
+        z1 = z2
+        distance1 = distance2
+        z2 = ((target_distance - distance2) / m) + z2
+        distance2 = cosmology.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * cosmology.HubbleConstantNow / 100.0
+        iteration += 1
+        if (iteration > max_Iterations):
+            mylog.error("deltaz_forward: Warning - max iterations exceeded for z = %f (delta z = %f)." % 
+                        (z,na.fabs(z2-z)))
+            break
+    return na.fabs(z2-z)

Modified: branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/HaloProfiler.py
--- branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/HaloProfiler.py	(original)
+++ branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/HaloProfiler.py	Tue Nov  3 15:45:17 2009
@@ -27,21 +27,99 @@
 from yt.lagos.HaloFinding import HaloFinder
 from yt.logger import lagosLogger as mylog
 import yt.raven as raven
+from HaloFilters import *
 import numpy as na
 import os
 import h5py
+import types
 class HaloProfiler(lagos.ParallelAnalysisInterface):
-    def __init__(self,dataset,HaloProfilerParameterFile,halos='multiple',radius=0.1,radius_units='1',hop_style='new'):
+    "Radial profiling, filtering, and projections for halos in cosmological simulations."
+    def __init__(self, dataset, halos='multiple', halo_list_file='HopAnalysis.out', halo_list_format='yt_hop',
+                 halo_finder_function=HaloFinder, halo_finder_args=None, halo_finder_kwargs=None,
+                 use_density_center=False, density_center_exponent=1.0, use_field_max_center=None,
+                 halo_radius=0.1, radius_units='1', n_profile_bins=50,
+                 profile_output_dir='radial_profiles', projection_output_dir='projections',
+                 projection_width=8.0, projection_width_units='mpc', project_at_level='max',
+                 velocity_center=['bulk', 'halo'], filter_quantities=['id','center']):
+        """
+        Initialize a HaloProfiler object.
+        :param halos (str): "multiple" for profiling more than one halo.  In this mode halos are read in 
+               from a list or identified with a halo finder.  In "single" mode, the one and only halo 
+               center is identified automatically as the location of the peak in the density field.  
+               Default: "multiple".
+        :param halo_list_file (str): name of file containing the list of halos.  The HaloProfiler will 
+               look for this file in the data directory.  Default: "HopAnalysis.out".
+        :param halo_list_format (str or dict): the format of the halo list file.  "yt_hop" for the format 
+               given by yt's halo finders.  "enzo_hop" for the format written by enzo_hop.  This keyword 
+               can also be given in the form of a dictionary specifying the column in which various 
+               properties can be found.  For example, {"id": 0, "center": [1, 2, 3], "mass": 4, "radius": 5}.  
+               Default: "yt_hop".
+        :param halo_finder_function (function): If halos is set to multiple and the file given by 
+               halo_list_file does not exit, the halo finding function specified here will be called.  
+               Default: HaloFinder (yt_hop).
+        :param halo_finder_args (tuple): args given with call to halo finder function.  Default: None.
+        :param halo_finder_kwargs (dict): kwargs given with call to halo finder function. Default: None.
+        :param use_density_center (bool): re-center halos before performing profiles with an center of mass 
+               weighted by overdensity.  This is generally not needed.  Default: False.
+        :param density_center_exponent (float): when use_density_center set to True, this specifies the 
+               exponent, alpha, such that the halo center calculation is weighted by overdensity^alpha.  
+               Default: 1.0.
+        :param use_field_max_center (str): another alternative for halo re-centering by selecting the 
+               location of the maximum of the field given by this keyword.  This is generally not needed.  
+               Default: None.
+        :param halo_radius (float): if no halo radii are provided in the halo list file, this parameter is 
+               used to specify the radius out to which radial profiles will be made.  This keyword is also 
+               used when halos is set to single.  Default: 0.1.
+        :param radius_units (str): the units of halo_radius.  Default: "1" (code units).
+        :param n_profile_bins (int): the number of bins in the radial profiles.  Default: 50.
+        :param profile_output_dir (str): the subdirectory, inside the data directory, in which radial profile 
+               output files will be created.  The directory will be created if it does not exist.  
+               Default: "radial_profiles".
+        :param projection_output_dir (str): the subdirectory, inside the data directory, in which projection 
+               output files will be created.  The directory will be created if it does not exist.  
+               Default: "projections".
+        :param projection_width (float): the width of halo projections.  Default: 8.0.
+        :param projection_width_units (str): the units of projection_width. Default: "mpc".
+        :param project_at_level (int or "max"): the maximum refinement level to be included in projections.  
+               Default: "max" (maximum level within the dataset).
+        :param velocity_center (list): the method in which the halo bulk velocity is calculated (used for 
+               calculation of radial and tangential velocities.  Valid options are:
+     	          - ["bulk", "halo"] (Default): the velocity provided in the halo list
+                  - ["bulk", "sphere"]: the bulk velocity of the sphere centered on the halo center.
+    	          - ["max", field]: the velocity of the cell that is the location of the maximum of the field 
+                                    specified (used only when halos set to single).
+        :param filter_quantities (list): quantities from the original halo list file to be written out in the 
+               filtered list file.  Default: ['id','center'].
+        """
         self.dataset = dataset
-        self.HaloProfilerParameterFile = HaloProfilerParameterFile
-        self.haloProfilerParameters = {}
-        self.profileFields = {}
-        self.projectionFields = {}
-        self.hopHalos = []
-        self.virialQuantities = []
+        self.profile_output_dir = profile_output_dir
+        self.projection_output_dir = projection_output_dir
+        self.n_profile_bins = n_profile_bins
+        self.projection_width = projection_width
+        self.projection_width_units = projection_width_units
+        self.project_at_level = project_at_level
+        self.filter_quantities = filter_quantities
+        if self.filter_quantities is None: self.filter_quantities = []
+        self.profile_fields = []
+        self.projection_fields = []
+        self._halo_filters = []
+        self.all_halos = []
+        self.filtered_halos = []
+        self._projection_halo_list = []
+        # Set halo finder function and parameters, if needed.
+        self.halo_finder_function = halo_finder_function
+        self.halo_finder_args = halo_finder_args
+        if self.halo_finder_args is None: self.halo_finder_args = ()
+        self.halo_finder_kwargs = halo_finder_kwargs
+        if self.halo_finder_kwargs is None: self.halo_finder_kwargs = {}
         # Set option to get halos from hop or single halo at density maximum.
         # multiple: get halos from hop
@@ -51,36 +129,62 @@
             mylog.error("Keyword, halos, must be either 'single' or 'multiple'.")
             return None
-        # Set hop file style.
-        # old: enzo_hop output.
-        # new: yt hop output.
-        self.hop_style = hop_style
-        if not(self.hop_style is 'old' or self.hop_style is 'new'):
-            mylog.error("Keyword, hop_style, must be either 'old' or 'new'.")
+        # Set halo list format.
+        # 'yt_hop': yt hop output.
+        # 'enzo_hop': enzo_hop output.
+        # dictionary: a dictionary containing fields and their corresponding columns.
+        self.halo_list_file = halo_list_file
+        if halo_list_format == 'yt_hop':
+            self.halo_list_format = {'id':0, 'mass':1, 'center':[7, 8, 9], 'velocity':[10, 11, 12], 'r_max':13}
+        elif halo_list_format == 'enzo_hop':
+            self.halo_list_format = {'id':0, 'center':[4, 5, 6]}
+        elif isinstance(halo_list_format, types.DictType):
+            self.halo_list_format = halo_list_format
+        else:
+            mylog.error("Keyword, halo_list_format, must be 'yt_hop', 'enzo_hop', or a dictionary of custom settings.")
             return None
-        # Set some parameter defaults.
-        self._SetParameterDefaults()
-        # Read parameter file.
-        self._ReadHaloProfilerParameterFile()
+        # Option to recenter sphere on density center.
+        self.use_density_center = use_density_center
+        self.density_center_exponent = density_center_exponent
+        if self.use_density_center:
+            def _MatterDensityXTotalMass(field, data):
+                return na.power((data['Matter_Density'] * data['TotalMassMsun']), self.density_center_exponent)
+            def _Convert_MatterDensityXTotalMass(data):
+                return 1
+            lagos.add_field("MatterDensityXTotalMass", units=r"",
+                      function=_MatterDensityXTotalMass,
+                      convert_function=_Convert_MatterDensityXTotalMass)
+        # Option to recenter sphere on the location of a field max.
+        self.use_field_max_center = use_field_max_center
+        if self.use_field_max_center is not None:
+            self.use_density_center = False
+        # Look for any field that might need to have the bulk velocity set.
+        self._need_bulk_velocity = False
+        for field in [hp['field'] for hp in self.profile_fields]:
+            if 'Velocity' in field or 'Mach' in field:
+                self._need_bulk_velocity = True
+                break
         # Check validity for VelocityCenter parameter which toggles how the 
         # velocity is zeroed out for radial velocity profiles.
-        if self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][0] == 'bulk':
-            if self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][1] == 'halo' and \
+        self.velocity_center = velocity_center[:]
+        if self.velocity_center[0] == 'bulk':
+            if self.velocity_center[1] == 'halo' and \
                     self.halos is 'single':
                 mylog.error("Parameter, VelocityCenter, must be set to 'bulk sphere' or 'max <field>' with halos flag set to 'single'.")
                 return None
-            if self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][1] == 'halo' and \
-                    self.hop_style is 'old':
+            if self.velocity_center[1] == 'halo' and \
+                    self.halo_list_format is 'enzo_hop':
                 mylog.error("Parameter, VelocityCenter, must be 'bulk sphere' for old style hop output files.")
                 return None
-            if not(self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][1] == 'halo' or 
-                   self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][1] == 'sphere'):
+            if not(self.velocity_center[1] == 'halo' or 
+                   self.velocity_center[1] == 'sphere'):
                 mylog.error("Second value of VelocityCenter must be either 'halo' or 'sphere' if first value is 'bulk'.")
                 return None
-        elif self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][0] == 'max':
+        elif self.velocity_center[0] == 'max':
             if self.halos is 'multiple':
                 mylog.error("Getting velocity center from a max field value only works with halos='single'.")
                 return None
@@ -91,144 +195,258 @@
         # Create dataset object.
         self.pf = lagos.EnzoStaticOutput(self.dataset)
-        if self.halos is 'single' or hop_style is 'old':
-            self.haloRadius = radius / self.pf[radius_units]
-    def makeProfiles(self):
-        "Make radial profiles for all halos on the list."
+        if self.halos is 'single' or not 'r_max' in self.halo_list_format:
+            self.halo_radius = halo_radius / self.pf[radius_units]
         # Get halo(s).
         if self.halos is 'single':
             v, center = self.pf.h.find_max('Density')
             singleHalo = {}
             singleHalo['center'] = center
-            singleHalo['r_max'] = self.haloRadius * self.pf.units['mpc']
+            singleHalo['r_max'] = self.halo_radius * self.pf.units['mpc']
             singleHalo['id'] = 0
-            self.hopHalos.append(singleHalo)
+            self.all_halos.append(singleHalo)
         elif self.halos is 'multiple':
             # Get hop data.
-            self._LoadHopData()
+            self._load_halo_data()
+            if len(self.all_halos) == 0:
+                mylog.error("No halos loaded, there will be nothing to do.")
+                return None
             mylog.error("I don't know whether to get halos from hop or from density maximum.  This should not have happened.")
-            return
+            return None
+    def add_halo_filter(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
+        "Add a halo filter to the filter list."
+        self._halo_filters.append({'function':function, 'args':args, 'kwargs':kwargs})
+    def add_profile(self, field, weight_field=None, accumulation=False):
+        "Add a field for profiling."
+        self.profile_fields.append({'field':field, 'weight_field':weight_field, 'accumulation':accumulation})
+    def add_projection(self, field, weight_field=None):
+        "Add a field for projection."
+        self.projection_fields.append({'field':field, 'weight_field':weight_field})
+    def make_profiles(self, filename=None, prefilters=None, **kwargs):
+        "Make radial profiles for all halos on the list."
+        # Reset filtered halo list.
+        self.filtered_halos = []
+        # Check to see if the VirialFilter has been added to the filter list.
+        # If a lower mass cutoff is being used, use it to make a pre-filter.
+        if prefilters is None: prefilters = []
+        virial_prefilter = None
+        virial_prefilter_safety_factor = 0.5
+        all_filter_functions = [hf['function'] for hf in self._halo_filters]
+        virial_filter = VirialFilter in all_filter_functions
+        if 'mass' in self.halo_list_format and VirialFilter in all_filter_functions:
+            vFilter = self._halo_filters[all_filter_functions.index(VirialFilter)]
+            if vFilter['kwargs'].has_key('virial_filters') and \
+               vFilter['kwargs']['virial_filters'] is not None:
+                all_vqFilters = [vqf[0] for vqf in vFilter['kwargs']['virial_filters']]
+                if 'TotalMassMsun' in all_vqFilters:
+                    mass_filter = vFilter['kwargs']['virial_filters'][all_vqFilters.index('TotalMassMsun')]
+                    if '>' in mass_filter[1]:
+                        virial_prefilter = "halo['mass'] %s %f * %s" % (mass_filter[1], virial_prefilter_safety_factor, mass_filter[2])
+                        prefilters.append(virial_prefilter)
+                    elif '<' in mass_filter[1]:
+                        virial_prefilter = "halo['mass'] %s %f * %s" % (mass_filter[1], (1./virial_prefilter_safety_factor), mass_filter[2])
+                        prefilters.append(virial_prefilter)
         # Add profile fields necessary for calculating virial quantities.
-        self._CheckForNeededProfileFields()
+        if virial_filter: self._check_for_needed_profile_fields()
-        outputDir = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,self.haloProfilerParameters['ProfileOutputDir'])
+        outputDir = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath, self.profile_output_dir)
-        for q,halo in enumerate(self._get_objs('hopHalos', round_robin=True)):
-            filename = "%s/Halo_%04d_profile.dat" % (outputDir,halo['id'])
+        # Profile all halos.
+        for halo in self._get_objs('all_halos', round_robin=True):
+            # Apply prefilters to avoid profiling unwanted halos.
+            filter_result = True
+            haloQuantities = {}
+            if prefilters is not None:
+                for prefilter in prefilters:
+                    if not eval(prefilter):
+                        filter_result = False
+                        break
+            if filter_result and len(self.profile_fields) > 0:
+                profile_filename = "%s/Halo_%04d_profile.dat" % (outputDir, halo['id'])
-            # Read profile from file if it already exists.
-            # If not, profile will be None.
-            profile = self._ReadProfile(filename)
-            # Make profile if necessary.
-            newProfile = profile is None
-            if profile is None:
-                r_min = 2*self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx() * self.pf['mpc']
-                if (halo['r_max'] / r_min < PROFILE_RADIUS_THRESHOLD):
-                    mylog.error("Skipping halo with r_max / r_min = %f." % (halo['r_max']/r_min))
+                profiledHalo = self._get_halo_profile(halo, profile_filename, virial_filter=virial_filter)
+                if profiledHalo is None:
-                sphere = self.pf.h.sphere(halo['center'],halo['r_max']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
-                if len(sphere._grids) == 0: continue
+                # Apply filter and keep track of the quantities that are returned.
+                for hFilter in self._halo_filters:
+                    filter_result, filterQuantities = hFilter['function'](profiledHalo, *hFilter['args'], **hFilter['kwargs'])
-                # Set velocity to zero out radial velocity profiles.
-                if self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][0] == 'bulk':
-                    if self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][1] == 'halo':
-                        sphere.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity',halo['velocity'])
-                    elif self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][1] == 'sphere':
-                        sphere.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity',sphere.quantities['BulkVelocity']())
-                    else:
-                        mylog.error("Invalid parameter: VelocityCenter.")
-                elif self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][0] == 'max':
-                    max_grid,max_cell,max_value,max_location = self.pf.h.find_max_cell_location(self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'][1])
-                    sphere.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity',[max_grid['x-velocity'][max_cell],
-                                                                max_grid['y-velocity'][max_cell],
-                                                                max_grid['z-velocity'][max_cell]])
-                profile = lagos.BinnedProfile1D(sphere,self.haloProfilerParameters['n_bins'],"RadiusMpc",
-                                                r_min,halo['r_max'],
-                                                log_space=True, lazy_reader=False)
-                for field in self.profileFields.keys():
-                    profile.add_fields(field,weight=self.profileFields[field][0],
-                                       accumulation=self.profileFields[field][1])
-            self._AddActualOverdensity(profile)
-            virial = self._CalculateVirialQuantities(profile)
-            virial['center'] = halo['center']
-            virial['id'] = halo['id']
-            if (virial['TotalMassMsun'] >= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff']):
-                self.virialQuantities.append(virial)
-            if newProfile:
-                mylog.info("Writing halo %d" % virial['id'])
-                profile.write_out(filename, format='%0.6e')
-            del profile
+                    if not filter_result: break
+                    if filterQuantities is not None:
+                        haloQuantities.update(filterQuantities)
+            if filter_result:
+                for quantity in self.filter_quantities:
+                    if halo.has_key(quantity): haloQuantities[quantity] = halo[quantity]
+                self.filtered_halos.append(haloQuantities)
+        self.filtered_halos = self._mpi_catlist(self.filtered_halos)
+        self.filtered_halos.sort(key = lambda a:a['id'])
-            if newProfile:
+        if filename is not None:
+            self._write_filtered_halo_list(filename, **kwargs)
+    def _get_halo_profile(self, halo, filename, virial_filter=True, force_write=False):
+        """
+        Profile a single halo and write profile data to a file.
+        If file already exists, read profile data from file.
+        Return a dictionary of id, center, and virial quantities if virial_filter is True.
+        """
+        # Read profile from file if it already exists.
+        # If not, profile will be None.
+        profile = self._read_profile(filename)
+        # Make profile if necessary.
+        newProfile = profile is None
+        if newProfile:
+            r_min = 2 * self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx() * self.pf['mpc']
+            if (halo['r_max'] / r_min < PROFILE_RADIUS_THRESHOLD):
+                mylog.error("Skipping halo with r_max / r_min = %f." % (halo['r_max']/r_min))
+                return None
+            sphere = self.pf.h.sphere(halo['center'], halo['r_max']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+            if len(sphere._grids) == 0: return None
+            new_sphere = False
+            if self.use_density_center:
+                dc_x = sphere.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('x', 'MatterDensityXTotalMass')
+                dc_y = sphere.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('y', 'MatterDensityXTotalMass')
+                dc_z = sphere.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('z', 'MatterDensityXTotalMass')
+                mylog.info("Moving halo center from %s to %s." % (halo['center'], [dc_x, dc_y, dc_z]))
+                halo['center'] = [dc_x, dc_y, dc_z]
+                new_sphere = True
+            if self.use_field_max_center is not None:
+                ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = sphere.quantities['MaxLocation'](self.use_field_max_center)
+                mylog.info("Moving halo center from %s to %s." % (halo['center'], [mx, my, mz]))
+                halo['center'] = [mx, my, mz]
+                new_sphere = True
+            if new_sphere:
                 # Temporary solution to memory leak.
                 for g in self.pf.h.grids:
                 del sphere
+                sphere = self.pf.h.sphere(halo['center'], halo['r_max']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
-        self._WriteVirialQuantities()
+            if self._need_bulk_velocity:
+                # Set bulk velocity to zero out radial velocity profiles.
+                if self.velocity_center[0] == 'bulk':
+                    if self.velocity_center[1] == 'halo':
+                        sphere.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity', halo['velocity'])
+                    elif self.velocity_center[1] == 'sphere':
+                        sphere.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity', sphere.quantities['BulkVelocity']())
+                    else:
+                        mylog.error("Invalid parameter: VelocityCenter.")
+                elif self.velocity_center[0] == 'max':
+                    max_grid, max_cell, max_value, max_location = self.pf.h.find_max_cell_location(self.velocity_center[1])
+                    sphere.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity', [max_grid['x-velocity'][max_cell],
+                                                                 max_grid['y-velocity'][max_cell],
+                                                                 max_grid['z-velocity'][max_cell]])
+            profile = lagos.BinnedProfile1D(sphere, self.n_profile_bins, "RadiusMpc",
+                                            r_min, halo['r_max'],
+                                            log_space=True, lazy_reader=False)
+            for hp in self.profile_fields:
+                profile.add_fields(hp['field'], weight=hp['weight_field'], accumulation=hp['accumulation'])
+#         profiledHalo = {}
+        if virial_filter:
+            self._add_actual_overdensity(profile)
+#         profiledHalo['center'] = halo['center']
+#         profiledHalo['id'] = halo['id']
+        if newProfile:
+            mylog.info("Writing halo %d" % halo['id'])
+            profile.write_out(filename, format='%0.6e')
+        elif force_write:
+            mylog.info("Re-writing halo %d" % halo['id'])
+            self._write_profile(profile, filename, format='%0.6e')
+        if newProfile:
+            # Temporary solution to memory leak.
+            for g in self.pf.h.grids:
+                g.clear_data()
+            sphere.clear_data()
+            del sphere
-    def _finalize_parallel(self):
-        self.virialQuantities = self._mpi_catlist(self.virialQuantities)
-        self.virialQuantities.sort(key = lambda a:a['id'])
+        return profile
-    @lagos.parallel_root_only
-    def __check_directory(self, outputDir):
-        if (os.path.exists(outputDir)):
-            if not(os.path.isdir(outputDir)):
-                mylog.error("Output directory exists, but is not a directory: %s." % outputDir)
-                raise IOError(outputDir)
+    def make_projections(self, axes=[0, 1, 2], halo_list='filtered', save_images=False, save_cube=True, **kwargs):
+        "Make projections of all halos using specified fields."
+        # Get list of halos for projecting.
+        if halo_list == 'filtered':
+            self._halo_projection_list = self.filtered_halos
+        elif halo_list == 'all':
+            self._halo_projection_list = self.all_halos
+        elif isinstance(halo_list, types.StringType):
+            self._halo_projection_list = self._read_halo_list(halo_list)
+        elif isinstance(halo_list, types.ListType):
+            self._halo_projection_list = halo_list
-            os.mkdir(outputDir)
+            mylog.error("Keyword, halo_list', must be 'filtered', 'all', a filename, or an actual list.")
+            return
-    def makeProjections(self,save_images=True,save_cube=True,**kwargs):
-        "Make projections of all halos using specified fields."
-        # Get virial quantities.
-        self._LoadVirialData()
+        if len(self._halo_projection_list) == 0:
+            mylog.error("Halo list for projections is empty.")
+            return
         # Set resolution for fixed resolution output.
         if save_cube:
-            if (str(self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectAtLevel']).find('max') >= 0):
+            if self.project_at_level == 'max':
                 proj_level = self.pf.h.maxLevel
-                proj_level = int(self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectAtLevel'])
-            proj_dx = self.pf.units['mpc'] / self.pf.parameters['TopGridDimensions'][0] / \
+                proj_level = int(self.project_at_level)
+            proj_dx = self.pf.units[self.projection_width_units] / self.pf.parameters['TopGridDimensions'][0] / \
-            projectionResolution = int(self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth'] / proj_dx)
+            projectionResolution = int(self.projection_width / proj_dx)
-        outputDir = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionOutputDir'])
+        outputDir = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath, self.projection_output_dir)
         center = [0.5 * (self.pf.parameters['DomainLeftEdge'][w] + self.pf.parameters['DomainRightEdge'][w])
                   for w in range(self.pf.parameters['TopGridRank'])]
         # Create a plot collection.
-        pc = raven.PlotCollection(self.pf,center=center)
+        pc = raven.PlotCollection(self.pf, center=center)
-        for halo in self._get_objs('virialQuantities', round_robin=True):
+        for halo in self._get_objs('_halo_projection_list', round_robin=True):
             if halo is None:
             # Check if region will overlap domain edge.
             # Using non-periodic regions is faster than using periodic ones.
-            leftEdge = [(halo['center'][w] - 0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+            leftEdge = [(halo['center'][w] - 0.5 * self.projection_width/self.pf.units[self.projection_width_units])
                         for w in range(len(halo['center']))]
-            rightEdge = [(halo['center'][w] + 0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+            rightEdge = [(halo['center'][w] + 0.5 * self.projection_width/self.pf.units[self.projection_width_units])
                          for w in range(len(halo['center']))]
             mylog.info("Projecting halo %04d in region: [%f, %f, %f] to [%f, %f, %f]." %
-                       (halo['id'],leftEdge[0],leftEdge[1],leftEdge[2],rightEdge[0],rightEdge[1],rightEdge[2]))
+                       (halo['id'], leftEdge[0], leftEdge[1], leftEdge[2], rightEdge[0], rightEdge[1], rightEdge[2]))
             need_per = False
             for w in range(len(halo['center'])):
@@ -238,191 +456,158 @@
             if need_per:
-                region = self.pf.h.periodic_region(halo['center'],leftEdge,rightEdge)
+                region = self.pf.h.periodic_region(halo['center'], leftEdge, rightEdge)
-                region = self.pf.h.region(halo['center'],leftEdge,rightEdge)
+                region = self.pf.h.region(halo['center'], leftEdge, rightEdge)
             # Make projections.
-            for w in range(self.pf.parameters['TopGridRank']):
+            if not isinstance(axes, types.ListType): axes = list([axes])
+            for w in axes:
                 # YT projections do not follow the right-hand rule.
                 coords = range(3)
                 del coords[w]
                 x_axis = coords[0]
                 y_axis = coords[1]
-                for field in self.projectionFields.keys():
-                    pc.add_projection(field,w,weight_field=self.projectionFields[field],source=region,lazy_reader=False,
-                                      serialize=False,**kwargs)
+                for hp in self.projection_fields:
+                    pc.add_projection(hp['field'], w, weight_field=hp['weight_field'], source=region, lazy_reader=False,
+                                      serialize=False, **kwargs)
                 # Set x and y limits, shift image if it overlaps domain boundary.
                 if need_per:
-                    pw = self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc']
-                    ShiftProjections(self.pf,pc,halo['center'],center,w)
+                    pw = self.projection_width/self.pf.units[self.projection_width_units]
+                    shift_projections(self.pf, pc, halo['center'], center, w)
                     # Projection has now been shifted to center of box.
                     proj_left = [center[x_axis]-0.5*pw, center[y_axis]-0.5*pw]
                     proj_right = [center[x_axis]+0.5*pw, center[y_axis]+0.5*pw]
-                    proj_left = [leftEdge[x_axis],leftEdge[y_axis]]
-                    proj_right = [rightEdge[x_axis],rightEdge[y_axis]]
+                    proj_left = [leftEdge[x_axis], leftEdge[y_axis]]
+                    proj_right = [rightEdge[x_axis], rightEdge[y_axis]]
-                pc.set_xlim(proj_left[0],proj_right[0])
-                pc.set_ylim(proj_left[1],proj_right[1])
+                pc.set_xlim(proj_left[0], proj_right[0])
+                pc.set_ylim(proj_left[1], proj_right[1])
                 # Save projection data to hdf5 file.
                 if save_cube:
-                    axes = ['x','y','z']
+                    axis_labels = ['x', 'y', 'z']
                     dataFilename = "%s/Halo_%04d_%s_data.h5" % \
-                            (outputDir,halo['id'],axes[w])
+                            (outputDir, halo['id'], axis_labels[w])
                     mylog.info("Saving projection data to %s." % dataFilename)
                     output = h5py.File(dataFilename, "a")
                     # Create fixed resolution buffer for each projection and write them out.
-                    for e,field in enumerate(self.projectionFields.keys()):
-                        frb = raven.FixedResolutionBuffer(pc.plots[e].data,(proj_left[0],proj_right[0],proj_left[1],proj_right[1]),
-                                                          (projectionResolution,projectionResolution),
+                    for e, hp in enumerate(self.projection_fields):
+                        frb = raven.FixedResolutionBuffer(pc.plots[e].data, (proj_left[0], proj_right[0], proj_left[1], proj_right[1]),
+                                                          (projectionResolution, projectionResolution),
-                        dataset_name = "%s_%s" % (field,self.projectionFields[field])
+                        dataset_name = "%s_%s" % (hp['field'], hp['weight_field'])
                         if dataset_name in output.listnames(): del output[dataset_name]
-                        output.create_dataset(dataset_name,data=frb[field])
+                        output.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=frb[hp['field']])
                 if save_images:
-                    pc.save("%s/Halo_%04d" % (outputDir,halo['id']),force_save=True)
+                    pc.save("%s/Halo_%04d" % (outputDir, halo['id']), force_save=True)
             del region
         del pc
-    @lagos.parallel_root_only
-    def _WriteVirialQuantities(self):
-        "Write out file with halo centers and virial masses and radii."
-        filename = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialQuantitiesOutputFile'])
-        mylog.info("Writing virial quantities to %s." % filename)
-        file = open(filename,'w')
-        file.write("#Index\tx\ty\tz\tMass [Msolar]\tRadius [Mpc]\n")
-        for vq in self.virialQuantities:
-            if vq is not None:
-                file.write("%04d %.10f %.10f %.10f %.6e %.6e\n" % (vq['id'],vq['center'][0],vq['center'][1],vq['center'][2],
-                                                                   vq['TotalMassMsun'], vq['RadiusMpc']))
-        file.close()
-    def _AddActualOverdensity(self,profile):
+    def _add_actual_overdensity(self, profile):
         "Calculate overdensity from TotalMassMsun and CellVolume fields."
-        if (profile.keys()).count('ActualOverdensity') > 0:
+        if 'ActualOverdensity' in profile.keys():
-        rho_crit_now = 1.8788e-29 * self.pf['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']**2.0 # g cm^-3
+        rho_crit_now = 1.8788e-29 * self.pf['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']**2.0 * \
+            self.pf['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'] # g cm^-3
         Msun2g = 1.989e33
         rho_crit = rho_crit_now * ((1.0 + self.pf['CosmologyCurrentRedshift'])**3.0)
         profile['ActualOverdensity'] = (Msun2g * profile['TotalMassMsun']) / \
             profile['CellVolume'] / rho_crit
-    def _CalculateVirialQuantities(self,profile,overdensity_field='ActualOverdensity'):
-        "Calculate virial radius and virial mass from radial profiles."
+    def _check_for_needed_profile_fields(self):
+        "Make sure CellVolume and TotalMass fields are added so virial quantities can be calculated."
+        all_profile_fields = [hp['field'] for hp in self.profile_fields]
+        if not 'CellVolume' in all_profile_fields:
+            mylog.info("Adding CellVolume field to so virial quantities can be calculated")
+            self.add_profile('CellVolume', weight_field=None, accumulation=True)
+        if not 'TotalMassMsun' in all_profile_fields:
+            mylog.info("Adding TotalMassMsun field to so virial quantities can be calculated")
+            self.add_profile('TotalMassMsun', weight_field=None, accumulation=True)
-        fields = ['TotalMassMsun','RadiusMpc']
-        overDensity = []
-        temp_profile = {}
-        for field in fields:
-            temp_profile[field] = []
+    def _load_halo_data(self, filename=None):
+        "Read hop output file or run hop if it doesn't exist."
-        for q in range(len(profile[overdensity_field])):
-            good = True
-            if (profile[overdensity_field][q] != profile[overdensity_field][q]):
-                good = False
-                continue
-            for field in fields:
-                if (profile[field][q] != profile[field][q]):
-                    good = False
-                    break
-            if good:
-                overDensity.append(profile[overdensity_field][q])
-                for field in fields:
-                    temp_profile[field].append(profile[field][q])
+        # Don't run if hop data already loaded.
+        if self.all_halos:
+            return
-        virial = {}
-        if (len(overDensity) < 2):
-            mylog.error("Skipping halo with no valid points in profile.")
-            for field in fields:
-                virial[field] = 0.0
-            return virial
-        if (overDensity[1] <= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity']):
-            index = 0
-        elif (overDensity[-1] >= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity']):
-            index = -2
-        else:
-            for q in (na.array(range(len(overDensity)-2))+2):
-                if (overDensity[q] < self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity']):
-                    index = q - 1
-                    break
+        if filename is None:
+            filename = self.halo_list_file
-        for field in fields:
-            if (overDensity[index+1] - overDensity[index]) == 0:
-                virial[field] = 0.0
-            else:
-                slope = (temp_profile[field][index+1] - temp_profile[field][index]) / \
-                    (overDensity[index+1] - overDensity[index])
-                value = slope * (self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity'] - overDensity[index]) + \
-                    temp_profile[field][index]
-                virial[field] = value
+        hopFile = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath, filename)
-        return virial
+        if not(os.path.exists(hopFile)):
+            mylog.info("Hop file not found, running hop to get halos.")
+            self._run_hop(hopFile)
-    def _CheckForNeededProfileFields(self):
-        "Make sure CellVolume and TotalMass fields are added so virial quantities can be calculated."
-        if not(self.profileFields.has_key('CellVolume')):
-            mylog.info("Adding CellVolume field to so virial quantities can be calculated")
-            self.profileFields['CellVolume'] = [None,True]
-        if not(self.profileFields.has_key('TotalMassMsun')):
-            mylog.info("Adding TotalMassMsun field to so virial quantities can be calculated")
-            self.profileFields['TotalMassMsun'] = [None,True]
+        self.all_halos = self._read_halo_list(hopFile)
-    def _ReadHopFile(self,hopFile):
-        "Read hop file to get halo information."
-        mylog.info("Reading halo information from %s." % hopFile)
-        hopLines = file(hopFile)
+    def _read_halo_list(self, listFile):
+        """
+        Read halo list from aue file.
+        Allow for columnar data in varying formats.
+        """
+        def __isE(arg):
+            parts = arg.lower().split('e')
+            if len(parts) != 2: return False
+            return not (True in [q.isalpha() for q in ''.join(parts)])
+        def __get_num(arg):
+            if __isE(arg):
+                return float(arg)
+            if arg != arg.swapcase():
+                return arg
+            return float(arg)
+        mylog.info("Reading halo information from %s." % listFile)
+        haloList = []
+        listLines = file(listFile)
+        fields = self.halo_list_format.keys()
+        getID = not 'id' in fields
+        getR_max = not 'r_max' in fields
-        for line in hopLines:
+        for line in listLines:
             line = line.strip()
             if not(line.startswith('#')):
+                halo = {}
                 onLine = line.split()
-                id = int(onLine[0])
-                mass = float(onLine[1])
-                if (mass >= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff']):
-                    center = [float(onLine[7]),float(onLine[8]),float(onLine[9])]
-                    velocity = [float(onLine[10]),float(onLine[11]),float(onLine[12])]
-                    r_max = float(onLine[13]) * self.pf.units['mpc']
-                    halo = {'id': id, 'center': center, 'r_max': r_max, 'velocity': velocity}
-                    self.hopHalos.append(halo)
-        mylog.info("Loaded %d halos with total dark matter mass af at least %e Msolar." % 
-                   (len(self.hopHalos),self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff']))
-    def _ReadOldHopFile(self,hopFile):
-        "Read old style hop file made by enzo_hop."
-        mylog.info("Reading halo information from old style hop file %s." % hopFile)
-        hopLines = file(hopFile)
+                for field in fields:
+                    if isinstance(self.halo_list_format[field], types.ListType):
+                        halo[field] = [__get_num(onLine[q]) for q in self.halo_list_format[field]]
+                    else:
+                        halo[field] = __get_num(onLine[self.halo_list_format[field]])
+                if getID: halo['id'] = len(haloList)
+                if getR_max: 
+                    halo['r_max'] = self.halo_radius * self.pf.units['mpc']
+                else:
+                    halo['r_max'] *= self.pf.units['mpc']
+                haloList.append(halo)
-        for line in hopLines:
-            line = line.strip()
-            if not(line.startswith('#')):
-                onLine = line.split()
-                center = [float(onLine[4]),float(onLine[5]),float(onLine[6])]
-                r_max = self.haloRadius * self.pf.units['mpc']
-                halo = {'center': center, 'r_max': r_max}
-                self.hopHalos.append(halo)
+        mylog.info("Loaded %d halos." % (len(haloList)))
+        return haloList
-    def _ReadProfile(self,profileFile):
+    def _read_profile(self, profileFile):
         "Read radial profile from file.  Return None if it doesn't have all the fields requested."
         # Check to see if file exists.
         if not os.path.exists(profileFile):
             return None
-        f = open(profileFile,'r')
+        f = open(profileFile, 'r')
         lines = f.readlines()
@@ -434,12 +619,14 @@
         profile = {}
+        profile_obj = FakeProfile(self.pf)
         for field in fields:
             profile[field] = []
         # Check if all fields needed are present.
-        for field in self.profileFields:
-            if not profile.has_key(field):
+        all_profile_fields = [hp['field'] for hp in self.profile_fields]
+        for field in all_profile_fields:
+            if not field in profile:
                 return None
         # Fill profile fields, skip bad values.
@@ -452,138 +639,94 @@
                     lineOK = False
             if lineOK:
-                for q,field in enumerate(fields):
+                for q, field in enumerate(fields):
+        for field in fields:
+            profile[field] = na.array(profile[field])
+        profile_obj._data = profile
         if len(profile[fields[0]]) > 1:
-            return profile
+            return profile_obj
             return None
-    def _RunHop(self,hopFile):
+    def _run_hop(self, hopFile):
         "Run hop to get halos."
-        hop_results = HaloFinder(self.pf)
+        hop_results = self.halo_finder_function(self.pf, *self.halo_finder_args, **self.halo_finder_kwargs)
         del hop_results
-    def _LoadHopData(self):
-        "Read hop output file or run hop if it doesn't exist."
+    @lagos.parallel_root_only
+    def _write_filtered_halo_list(self, filename, format="%s"):
+        """
+        Write out list of filtered halos along with any quantities 
+        picked up during the filtering process.
+        """
-        # Don't run if hop data already loaded.
-        if self.hopHalos:
+        if len(self.filtered_halos) == 0:
+            mylog.error("No halos in filtered list.")
-        hopFile = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,
-                             self.haloProfilerParameters['HopOutputFile'])
+        filename = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath, filename)
+        mylog.info("Writing filtered halo list to %s." % filename)
+        file = open(filename, "w")
+        fields = [field for field in sorted(self.filtered_halos[0])]
+        halo_fields = []
+        for halo_field in self.filter_quantities:
+            if halo_field in fields:
+                fields.remove(halo_field)
+                halo_fields.append(halo_field)
+        # Make it so number of fields in header is same as number of data columns.
+        header_fields = []
+        for halo_field in halo_fields:
+            if isinstance(self.filtered_halos[0][halo_field], types.ListType):
+                header_fields.extend(["%s[%d]" % (halo_field, q) 
+                                      for q in range(len(self.filtered_halos[0][halo_field]))])
+            else:
+                header_fields.append(halo_field)
+        file.write("# ")
+        file.write("\t".join(header_fields + fields + ["\n"]))
+        for halo in self.filtered_halos:
+            for halo_field in halo_fields:
+                if isinstance(halo[halo_field], types.ListType):
+                    field_data = na.array(halo[halo_field])
+                    field_data.tofile(file, sep="\t", format=format)
+                else:
+                    if halo_field == 'id':
+                        file.write("%04d" % halo[halo_field])
+                    else:
+                        file.write("%s" % halo[halo_field])
+                file.write("\t")
+            field_data = na.array([halo[field] for field in fields])
+            field_data.tofile(file, sep="\t", format=format)
+            file.write("\n")
+        file.close()
-        if not(os.path.exists(hopFile)):
-            mylog.info("Hop file not found, running hop to get halos.")
-            self._RunHop(hopFile)
+    def _write_profile(self, profile, filename, format="%0.16e"):
+        fid = open(filename, "w")
+        fields = [field for field in sorted(profile.keys()) if field != "UsedBins"]
+        fid.write("\t".join(["#"] + fields + ["\n"]))
+        field_data = na.array([profile[field] for field in fields])
+        for line in range(field_data.shape[1]):
+            field_data[:, line].tofile(fid, sep="\t", format=format)
+            fid.write("\n")
+        fid.close()
-        if self.hop_style is 'new':
-            self._ReadHopFile(hopFile)
+    @lagos.parallel_root_only
+    def __check_directory(self, outputDir):
+        if (os.path.exists(outputDir)):
+            if not(os.path.isdir(outputDir)):
+                mylog.error("Output directory exists, but is not a directory: %s." % outputDir)
+                raise IOError(outputDir)
-            self._ReadOldHopFile(hopFile)
-    def _LoadVirialData(self):
-        "Read virial quantities data or ask for profiles to be run if it doesn't exist."
-        if self.virialQuantities:
-            return
-        virialFile = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,
-                                self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialQuantitiesOutputFile'])
-        if not(os.path.exists(virialFile)):
-            mylog.info("Virial quantities file not found.  Making profiles to calculate virial quantities.")
-            self.makeProfiles()
-        mylog.info("Reading virial quantities from %s." % virialFile)
-        virialLines = file(virialFile)
-        halos = 0
-        for line in virialLines:
-            line = line.strip()
-            if not(line.startswith('#')):
-                onLine = line.split()
-                index = int(onLine[0])
-                virial = {}
-                virial['id'] = int(onLine[0])
-                virial['center'] =  [float(onLine[1]),float(onLine[2]),float(onLine[3])]
-                virial['TotalMassMsun'] = float(onLine[4])
-                virial['RadiusMpc'] = float(onLine[5])
-                if (virial['TotalMassMsun'] >= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff']):
-                    self.virialQuantities.append(virial)
-                    halos += 1
-        mylog.info("Loaded virial quantities for %d halos." % halos)
-    def _ReadHaloProfilerParameterFile(self):
-        "Read a halo profiler parameter file."
-        lines = open(self.HaloProfilerParameterFile).readlines()
-        for line in lines:
-            if line.find("#") >= 0: # Keep the commented lines
-                line=line[:line.find("#")]
-            line=line.strip()
-            if len(line) < 2:
-                continue
-            try:
-                param, vals = map(str,line.split("="))
-                param = param.strip()
-                vals = vals.strip()
-            except ValueError:
-                mylog.error("Skipping line: %s" % line)
-                continue
-            if haloProfilerParameterDict.has_key(param):
-                t = map(haloProfilerParameterDict[param], vals.split())
-                if len(t) == 1:
-                    self.haloProfilerParameters[param] = t[0]
-                else:
-                    self.haloProfilerParameters[param] = t
-            elif param.startswith("Profile["):
-                field = param[param.find("[")+1:param.find("]")]
-                field_vals = vals.split(',')
-                for val in field_vals:
-                    val.strip()
-                if (field_vals[0].find('None') >= 0):
-                    field_vals[0] = None
-                if (field_vals[1].find('True') >= 0):
-                    field_vals[1] = True
-                else:
-                    field_vals[1] = False
-                self.profileFields[field] = field_vals
-            elif param.startswith("Projection["):
-                field = param[param.find("[")+1:param.find("]")]
-                if (vals.find('None') >= 0):
-                    vals = None
-                self.projectionFields[field] = vals
-    def _SetParameterDefaults(self):
-        "Set some default parameters."
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff'] = 1e13 # M_solar
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity'] = 200
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['VelocityCenter'] = ['bulk','halo']
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['n_bins'] = 50
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProfileOutputDir'] = 'radial_profiles'
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionOutputDir'] = 'projections'
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['HopOutputFile'] = "HopAnalysis.out"
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialQuantitiesOutputFile'] = "VirialQuantities.out"
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth'] = 4.0 # Mpc
-        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectAtLevel'] = 'max'
-haloProfilerParameterDict = {"ProfileOutputDir": str,
-                             "VirialQuantitiesOutputFile": str,
-                             "HopOutputFile": str,
-                             "VirialMassCutoff": float,
-                             "VirialOverdensity": float,
-                             "VelocityCenter": str,
-                             "n_bins": int,
-                             "ProjectionOutputDir": str,
-                             "ProjectionWidth": float,
-                             "ProjectAtLevel": str}
+            os.mkdir(outputDir)
-def ShiftProjections(pf,pc,oldCenter,newCenter,axis):
+def shift_projections(pf, pc, oldCenter, newCenter, axis):
     Shift projection data around.
     This is necessary when projecting a preiodic region.
@@ -596,7 +739,7 @@
     for plot in pc.plots:
         # Get name of data field.
-        other_fields = {'px':True,'py':True,'pdx':True,'pdy':True,'weight_field':True}
+        other_fields = {'px':True, 'py':True, 'pdx':True, 'pdy':True, 'weight_field':True}
         for pfield in plot.data.data.keys():
             if not(other_fields.has_key(pfield)):
                 field = pfield
@@ -652,18 +795,32 @@
         add2_y_weight_field = plot['weight_field'][plot['py'] - 0.5 * plot['pdy'] < 0]
         # Add the hanging cells back to the projection data.
-        plot.data['px'] = na.concatenate([plot['px'],add_x_px,add_y_px,add2_x_px,add2_y_px])
-        plot.data['py'] = na.concatenate([plot['py'],add_x_py,add_y_py,add2_x_py,add2_y_py])
-        plot.data['pdx'] = na.concatenate([plot['pdx'],add_x_pdx,add_y_pdx,add2_x_pdx,add2_y_pdx])
-        plot.data['pdy'] = na.concatenate([plot['pdy'],add_x_pdy,add_y_pdy,add2_x_pdy,add2_y_pdy])
-        plot.data[field] = na.concatenate([plot[field],add_x_field,add_y_field,add2_x_field,add2_y_field])
+        plot.data['px'] = na.concatenate([plot['px'], add_x_px, add_y_px, add2_x_px, add2_y_px])
+        plot.data['py'] = na.concatenate([plot['py'], add_x_py, add_y_py, add2_x_py, add2_y_py])
+        plot.data['pdx'] = na.concatenate([plot['pdx'], add_x_pdx, add_y_pdx, add2_x_pdx, add2_y_pdx])
+        plot.data['pdy'] = na.concatenate([plot['pdy'], add_x_pdy, add_y_pdy, add2_x_pdy, add2_y_pdy])
+        plot.data[field] = na.concatenate([plot[field], add_x_field, add_y_field, add2_x_field, add2_y_field])
         plot.data['weight_field'] = na.concatenate([plot['weight_field'],
-                                                    add_x_weight_field,add_y_weight_field,add2_x_weight_field,add2_y_weight_field])
+                                                    add_x_weight_field, add_y_weight_field, add2_x_weight_field, add2_y_weight_field])
         # Delete original copies of hanging cells.
-        del add_x_px,add_y_px,add2_x_px,add2_y_px
-        del add_x_py,add_y_py,add2_x_py,add2_y_py
-        del add_x_pdx,add_y_pdx,add2_x_pdx,add2_y_pdx
-        del add_x_pdy,add_y_pdy,add2_x_pdy,add2_y_pdy
-        del add_x_field,add_y_field,add2_x_field,add2_y_field
-        del add_x_weight_field,add_y_weight_field,add2_x_weight_field,add2_y_weight_field
+        del add_x_px, add_y_px, add2_x_px, add2_y_px
+        del add_x_py, add_y_py, add2_x_py, add2_y_py
+        del add_x_pdx, add_y_pdx, add2_x_pdx, add2_y_pdx
+        del add_x_pdy, add_y_pdy, add2_x_pdy, add2_y_pdy
+        del add_x_field, add_y_field, add2_x_field, add2_y_field
+        del add_x_weight_field, add_y_weight_field, add2_x_weight_field, add2_y_weight_field
+class FakeProfile(lagos.ParallelAnalysisInterface):
+    """
+    This is used to mimic a profile object when reading profile data from disk.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pf):
+        self.pf = pf
+        self._data = {}
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self._data[key]
+    def keys(self):
+        return self._data.keys()

Modified: branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/HaloMask.py
--- branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/HaloMask.py	(original)
+++ branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/HaloMask.py	Tue Nov  3 15:45:17 2009
@@ -25,81 +25,100 @@
 from yt.extensions.HaloProfiler import *
 from yt.logger import lagosLogger as mylog
+from yt.config import ytcfg
 import yt.lagos as lagos
 import copy
 import numpy as na
 import h5py
-#### Note: assumption of box width 1.  I'll fix it someday.
-def MakeLightConeHaloMask(lightCone,HaloMaskParameterFile,cube_file=None,mask_file=None,**kwargs):
+def light_cone_halo_mask(lightCone, cube_file=None, mask_file=None, **kwargs):
     "Make a boolean mask to cut clusters out of light cone projections."
-    pixels = int(lightCone.lightConeParameters['FieldOfViewInArcMinutes'] * 60.0 / \
-                     lightCone.lightConeParameters['ImageResolutionInArcSeconds'])
+    pixels = int(lightCone.field_of_view_in_arcminutes * 60.0 /
+                 lightCone.image_resolution_in_arcseconds)
-    lightConeMask = []
+    light_cone_mask = []
     # Loop through files in light cone solution and get virial quantities.
-    for slice in lightCone.lightConeSolution:
-        hp = HaloProfiler(slice['filename'],HaloMaskParameterFile,**kwargs)
-        hp._LoadVirialData()
-        lightConeMask.append(_MakeSliceMask(slice,hp.virialQuantities,pixels))
+    for slice in lightCone.light_cone_solution:
+        halo_list = _get_halo_list(slice['filename'], **kwargs)
+        light_cone_mask.append(_make_slice_mask(slice, halo_list, pixels))
     # Write out cube of masks from each slice.
-    if cube_file is not None:
+    if cube_file is not None and ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
         mylog.info("Saving halo mask cube to %s." % cube_file)
-        output = h5py.File(cube_file,'a')
-        output.create_dataset('haloMaskCube',data=na.array(lightConeMask))
+        output = h5py.File(cube_file, 'a')
+        output.create_dataset('haloMaskCube', data=na.array(light_cone_mask))
     # Write out final mask.
-    if mask_file is not None:
+    if mask_file is not None and ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
         # Final mask is simply the product of the mask from each slice.
         mylog.info("Saving halo mask to %s." % mask_file)
-        finalMask = na.ones(shape=(pixels,pixels))
-        for mask in lightConeMask:
+        finalMask = na.ones(shape=(pixels, pixels))
+        for mask in light_cone_mask:
             finalMask *= mask
-        output = h5py.File(mask_file,'a')
-        output.create_dataset('haloMask',data=na.array(finalMask))
+        output = h5py.File(mask_file, 'a')
+        output.create_dataset('HaloMask', data=na.array(finalMask))
-    return lightConeMask
+    return light_cone_mask
-def MakeLightConeHaloMap(lightCone,HaloMaskParameterFile,map_file='halo_map.dat',**kwargs):
+def light_cone_halo_map(lightCone, map_file='halo_map.out', **kwargs):
     "Make a text list of location of halos in a light cone image with virial quantities."
     haloMap = []
     # Loop through files in light cone solution and get virial quantities.
-    for slice in lightCone.lightConeSolution:
-        hp = HaloProfiler(slice['filename'],HaloMaskParameterFile,**kwargs)
-        hp._LoadVirialData()
-        haloMap.extend(_MakeSliceHaloMap(slice,hp.virialQuantities))
+    for slice in lightCone.light_cone_solution:
+        halo_list = _get_halo_list(slice['filename'], **kwargs)
+        haloMap.extend(_make_slice_halo_map(slice, halo_list))
     # Write out file.
-    mylog.info("Saving halo map to %s." % map_file)
-    f = open(map_file,'w')
-    f.write("#z       x         y        M [Msun]  R [Mpc]   R [image]\n")
-    for halo in haloMap:
-        f.write("%7.4f %9.6f %9.6f %9.3e %9.3e %9.3e\n" % \
-                    (halo['redshift'],halo['x'],halo['y'],
-                     halo['mass'],halo['radiusMpc'],halo['radiusImage']))
-    f.close()
+    if ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
+        mylog.info("Saving halo map to %s." % map_file)
+        f = open(map_file, 'w')
+        f.write("#z       x         y        M [Msun]  R [Mpc]   R [image]\n")
+        for halo in haloMap:
+            f.write("%7.4f %9.6f %9.6f %9.3e %9.3e %9.3e\n" % \
+                        (halo['redshift'], halo['x'], halo['y'],
+                         halo['mass'], halo['radiusMpc'], halo['radiusImage']))
+        f.close()
+def _get_halo_list(dataset, halo_profiler_kwargs=None, halo_profiler_actions=None, halo_list='all'):
+    "Load a list of halos for the dataset."
+    if halo_profiler_kwargs is None: halo_profiler_kwargs = {}
+    if halo_profiler_actions is None: halo_profiler_actions = []
+    hp = HaloProfiler(dataset, **halo_profiler_kwargs)
+    for action in halo_profiler_actions:
+        if not action.has_key('args'): action['args'] = ()
+        if not action.has_key('kwargs'): action['kwargs'] = {}
+        action['function'](hp, *action['args'], **action['kwargs'])
+    if halo_list == 'all':
+        return_list = copy.deepcopy(hp.all_halos)
+    elif halo_list == 'filtered':
+        return_list = copy.deepcopy(hp.filtered_halos)
+    else:
+        mylog.error("Keyword, halo_list, must be either 'all' or 'filtered'.")
+        return_list = None
+    del hp
+    return return_list
-def _MakeSliceMask(slice,virialQuantities,pixels):
+def _make_slice_mask(slice, halo_list, pixels):
     "Make halo mask for one slice in light cone solution."
     # Get shifted, tiled halo list.
-    all_halo_x,all_halo_y,all_halo_radius,all_halo_mass = _MakeSliceHaloList(slice,virialQuantities)
+    all_halo_x, all_halo_y, all_halo_radius, all_halo_mass = _make_slice_halo_list(slice, halo_list)
     # Make boolean mask and cut out halos.
     dx = slice['WidthBoxFraction'] / pixels
     x = [(q + 0.5) * dx for q in range(pixels)]
-    haloMask = na.ones(shape=(pixels,pixels),dtype=bool)
+    haloMask = na.ones(shape=(pixels, pixels), dtype=bool)
     # Cut out any pixel that has any part at all in the circle.
     for q in range(len(all_halo_radius)):
@@ -114,7 +133,7 @@
     return haloMask
-def _MakeSliceHaloMap(slice,virialQuantities):
+def _make_slice_halo_map(slice, halo_list):
     "Make list of halos for one slice in light cone solution."
     # Get units to convert virial radii back to physical units.
@@ -123,7 +142,7 @@
     del dataset_object
     # Get shifted, tiled halo list.
-    all_halo_x,all_halo_y,all_halo_radius,all_halo_mass = _MakeSliceHaloList(slice,virialQuantities)
+    all_halo_x, all_halo_y, all_halo_radius, all_halo_mass = _make_slice_halo_list(slice, halo_list)
     # Construct list of halos
     haloMap = []
@@ -142,7 +161,7 @@
     return haloMap
-def _MakeSliceHaloList(slice,virialQuantities):
+def _make_slice_halo_list(slice, halo_list):
     "Make shifted, tiled list of halos for halo mask and halo map."
    # Make numpy arrays for halo centers and virial radii.
@@ -157,7 +176,7 @@
     Mpc_units = dataset_object.units['mpc']
     del dataset_object
-    for halo in virialQuantities:
+    for halo in halo_list:
         if halo is not None:
             center = copy.deepcopy(halo['center'])
@@ -182,13 +201,13 @@
     add_left = (halo_depth + halo_radius) > 1 # should be box width
     add_right = (halo_depth - halo_radius) < 0
-    halo_depth = na.concatenate([halo_depth,(halo_depth[add_left]-1),(halo_depth[add_right]+1)])
-    halo_x = na.concatenate([halo_x,halo_x[add_left],halo_x[add_right]])
-    halo_y = na.concatenate([halo_y,halo_y[add_left],halo_y[add_right]])
-    halo_radius = na.concatenate([halo_radius,halo_radius[add_left],halo_radius[add_right]])
-    halo_mass = na.concatenate([halo_mass,halo_mass[add_left],halo_mass[add_right]])
+    halo_depth = na.concatenate([halo_depth, (halo_depth[add_left]-1), (halo_depth[add_right]+1)])
+    halo_x = na.concatenate([halo_x, halo_x[add_left], halo_x[add_right]])
+    halo_y = na.concatenate([halo_y, halo_y[add_left], halo_y[add_right]])
+    halo_radius = na.concatenate([halo_radius, halo_radius[add_left], halo_radius[add_right]])
+    halo_mass = na.concatenate([halo_mass, halo_mass[add_left], halo_mass[add_right]])
-    del add_left,add_right
+    del add_left, add_right
     # Cut out the halos outside the region of interest.
     if (slice['DepthBoxFraction'] < 1):
@@ -217,12 +236,12 @@
     # Copy original into offset positions to make tiles.
     for x in range(int(na.ceil(slice['WidthBoxFraction']))):
         for y in range(int(na.ceil(slice['WidthBoxFraction']))):
-            all_halo_x = na.concatenate([all_halo_x,halo_x+x])
-            all_halo_y = na.concatenate([all_halo_y,halo_y+y])
-            all_halo_radius = na.concatenate([all_halo_radius,halo_radius])
-            all_halo_mass = na.concatenate([all_halo_mass,halo_mass])
+            all_halo_x = na.concatenate([all_halo_x, halo_x+x])
+            all_halo_y = na.concatenate([all_halo_y, halo_y+y])
+            all_halo_radius = na.concatenate([all_halo_radius, halo_radius])
+            all_halo_mass = na.concatenate([all_halo_mass, halo_mass])
-    del halo_x,halo_y,halo_radius,halo_mass
+    del halo_x, halo_y, halo_radius, halo_mass
     # Shift centers laterally.
     offset = copy.deepcopy(slice['ProjectionCenter'])
@@ -276,17 +295,17 @@
     del add_y_left
     # Add the hanging centers back to the projection data.
-    all_halo_x = na.concatenate([all_halo_x,add_x_halo_x,add2_x_halo_x,add_y_halo_x,add2_y_halo_x])
-    all_halo_y = na.concatenate([all_halo_y,add_x_halo_y,add2_x_halo_y,add_y_halo_y,add2_y_halo_y])
-    all_halo_radius = na.concatenate([all_halo_radius,add_x_halo_radius,add2_x_halo_radius,
-                                      add_y_halo_radius,add2_y_halo_radius])
-    all_halo_mass = na.concatenate([all_halo_mass,add_x_halo_mass,add2_x_halo_mass,
-                                    add_y_halo_mass,add2_y_halo_mass])
-    del add_x_halo_x,add_x_halo_y,add_x_halo_radius
-    del add2_x_halo_x,add2_x_halo_y,add2_x_halo_radius
-    del add_y_halo_x,add_y_halo_y,add_y_halo_radius
-    del add2_y_halo_x,add2_y_halo_y,add2_y_halo_radius
+    all_halo_x = na.concatenate([all_halo_x, add_x_halo_x, add2_x_halo_x, add_y_halo_x, add2_y_halo_x])
+    all_halo_y = na.concatenate([all_halo_y, add_x_halo_y, add2_x_halo_y, add_y_halo_y, add2_y_halo_y])
+    all_halo_radius = na.concatenate([all_halo_radius, add_x_halo_radius, add2_x_halo_radius,
+                                      add_y_halo_radius, add2_y_halo_radius])
+    all_halo_mass = na.concatenate([all_halo_mass, add_x_halo_mass, add2_x_halo_mass,
+                                    add_y_halo_mass, add2_y_halo_mass])
+    del add_x_halo_x, add_x_halo_y, add_x_halo_radius
+    del add2_x_halo_x, add2_x_halo_y, add2_x_halo_radius
+    del add_y_halo_x, add_y_halo_y, add_y_halo_radius
+    del add2_y_halo_x, add2_y_halo_y, add2_y_halo_radius
     # Cut edges to proper width.
     cut_mask = (all_halo_x - all_halo_radius < slice['WidthBoxFraction']) & \
@@ -297,4 +316,4 @@
     all_halo_mass = all_halo_mass[cut_mask]
     del cut_mask
-    return (all_halo_x,all_halo_y,all_halo_radius,all_halo_mass)
+    return (all_halo_x, all_halo_y, all_halo_radius, all_halo_mass)

Modified: branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/LightCone.py
--- branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/LightCone.py	(original)
+++ branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/LightCone.py	Tue Nov  3 15:45:17 2009
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from yt.extensions.lightcone import *
+from yt.extensions.EnzoSimulation import *
 from yt.logger import lagosLogger as mylog
 from yt.config import ytcfg
 from yt.funcs import *
@@ -32,24 +33,50 @@
 import copy
 import os
 import numpy as na
-import random as rand
-import yt.lagos.Cosmology as cosmo
-class LightCone(object):
-    def __init__(self,EnzoParameterFile,LightConeParameterFile,verbose=True):
-        self.verbose = verbose
-        self.EnzoParameterFile = EnzoParameterFile
-        self.LightConeParameterFile = LightConeParameterFile
-        self.enzoParameters = {}
-        self.lightConeParameters = {}
-        self.redshiftOutputs = []
-        self.timeOutputs = []
-        self.allOutputs = []
-        self.lightConeSolution = []
-        self.masterSolution = [] # kept to compare with recycled solutions
-        self.projectionStack = []
-        self.projectionWeightFieldStack = []
-        self.haloMask = []
+class LightCone(EnzoSimulation):
+    def __init__(self, EnzoParameterFile, initial_redshift=1.0, final_redshift=0.0, observer_redshift=0.0,
+                 field_of_view_in_arcminutes=600.0, image_resolution_in_arcseconds=60.0, 
+                 use_minimum_datasets=True, deltaz_min=0.0, minimum_coherent_box_fraction=0.0,
+                 output_dir='LC', output_prefix='LightCone'):
+        """
+        Initialize a LightCone object.
+        :param initial_redshift (float): the initial (highest) redshift for the light cone.  Default: 1.0.
+        :param final_redshift (float): the final (lowest) redshift for the light cone.  Default: 0.0.
+        :param observer_redshift (float): the redshift of the observer.  Default: 0.0.
+        :param field_of_view_in_arcminutes (float): the field of view of the image in units of arcminutes.  
+               Default: 600.0.
+        :param image_resolution_in_arcseconds (float): the size of each image pixel in units of arcseconds.  
+               Default: 60.0.
+        :param use_minimum_datasets (bool): if True, the minimum number of datasets is used to connect the 
+               initial and final redshift.  If false, the light cone solution will contain as many entries 
+               as possible within the redshift interval.  Default: True.
+        :param deltaz_min (float): specifies the minimum :math:`\Delta z` between consecutive datasets in 
+               the returned list.  Default: 0.0.
+        :param minimum_coherent_box_fraction (float): used with use_minimum_datasets set to False, this 
+               parameter specifies the fraction of the total box size to be traversed before rerandomizing 
+               the projection axis and center.  This was invented to allow light cones with thin slices to 
+               sample coherent large scale structure, but in practice does not work so well.  Try setting 
+               this parameter to 1 and see what happens.  Default: 0.0.
+        :param output_dir (str): the directory in which images and data files will be written.  Default: 'LC'.
+        :param output_prefix (str): the prefix of all images and data files.  Default: 'LightCone'.
+        """
+        self.initial_redshift = initial_redshift
+        self.final_redshift = final_redshift
+        self.observer_redshift = observer_redshift
+        self.field_of_view_in_arcminutes = field_of_view_in_arcminutes
+        self.image_resolution_in_arcseconds = image_resolution_in_arcseconds
+        self.use_minimum_datasets = use_minimum_datasets
+        self.deltaz_min = deltaz_min
+        self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction = minimum_coherent_box_fraction
+        self.output_dir = output_dir
+        self.output_prefix = output_prefix
+        self.master_solution = [] # kept to compare with recycled solutions
+        self.projection_stack = []
+        self.projection_weight_field_stack = []
+        self.halo_mask = []
         # Original random seed of the first solution.
         self.originalRandomSeed = 0
@@ -58,231 +85,189 @@
         self.recycleSolution = False
         self.recycleRandomSeed = 0
-        # Set some parameter defaults.
-        self._SetParameterDefaults()
-        # Read parameters.
-        self._ReadLightConeParameterFile()
-        self._ReadEnzoParameterFile()
+        # Initialize EnzoSimulation machinery for getting dataset list.
+        EnzoSimulation.__init__(self, EnzoParameterFile, initial_redshift=self.initial_redshift,
+                                final_redshift=self.final_redshift, links=True,
+                                enzo_parameters={'CosmologyComovingBoxSize':float})
         # Calculate number of pixels.
-        self.pixels = int(self.lightConeParameters['FieldOfViewInArcMinutes'] * 60.0 / \
-                              self.lightConeParameters['ImageResolutionInArcSeconds'])
+        self.pixels = int(self.field_of_view_in_arcminutes * 60.0 / \
+                          self.image_resolution_in_arcseconds)
-        if ytcfg.getint("yt","__parallel_rank") == 0:
+        if ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
             # Create output directory.
-            if (os.path.exists(self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'])):
-                if not(os.path.isdir(self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'])):
-                    mylog.error("Output directory exists, but is not a directory: %s." % self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'])
-                    self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'] = './'
-            else:
-                os.mkdir(self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'])
-        # Calculate redshifts for dt data dumps.
-        if (self.enzoParameters.has_key('dtDataDump')):
-            if self.lightConeParameters['dtSplit'] is None:
-                self._CalculateTimeDumpRedshifts()
-            else:
-                self._CalculateSplitTimeDumpRedshifts(self.lightConeParameters['dtSplit'],self.lightConeParameters['dt_new']) 
-        # Combine all data dumps.
-        self._CombineDataOutputs()
-        # Calculate maximum delta z for each data dump.
-        self._CalculateDeltaZMax()
-        if not self.lightConeParameters['UseMinimumNumberOfProjections']:
-            # Calculate minimum delta z for each data dump.
-            self._CalculateDeltaZMin()
+            if (os.path.exists(self.output_dir)):
+                if not(os.path.isdir(self.output_dir)):
+                    mylog.error("Output directory exists, but is not a directory: %s." % self.output_dir)
+                    self.output_dir = './'
+            else:
+                os.mkdir(self.output_dir)
+        # Get list of datasets for light cone solution.
+        self.light_cone_solution = self.create_cosmology_splice(minimal=self.use_minimum_datasets,
+                                                                deltaz_min=self.deltaz_min)
-    def CalculateLightConeSolution(self,seed=None):
-        "Create list of projections to be added together to make the light cone."
+    def calculate_light_cone_solution(self, seed=None, filename=None):
+        """
+        Create list of projections to be added together to make the light cone.
+        :param seed (int): the seed for the random number generator.  Any light cone solution 
+               can be reproduced by giving the same random seed.  Default: None (each solution 
+               will be distinct).
+        :param filename (str): if given, a text file detailing the solution will be written out.  Default: None.
+        """
         # Don't use box coherence with maximum projection depths.
-        if self.lightConeParameters['UseMinimumNumberOfProjections'] and \
-                self.lightConeParameters['MinimumCoherentBoxFraction'] > 0:
-            mylog.info("Setting MinimumCoherentBoxFraction to 0 with minimal light cone.")
-            self.lightConeParameters['MinimumCoherentBoxFraction'] = 0
+        if self.use_minimum_datasets and \
+                self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction > 0:
+            mylog.info("Setting minimum_coherent_box_fraction to 0 with minimal light cone.")
+            self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction = 0
         # Make sure recycling flag is off.
         self.recycleSolution = False
         # Get rid of old halo mask, if one was there.
-        self.haloMask = []
+        self.halo_mask = []
         if seed is not None:
             self.originalRandomSeed = int(seed)
-        # Make light cone using minimum number of projections.
-        if (self.lightConeParameters['UseMinimumNumberOfProjections']):
-            z_Tolerance = 1e-4
-            z = self.lightConeParameters['InitialRedshift']
-            # fill redshift space with projections
-            while ((z > self.lightConeParameters['FinalRedshift']) and 
-                   (na.fabs(z - self.lightConeParameters['FinalRedshift']) > z_Tolerance)):
-                # Sort data outputs by proximity to current redsfhit.
-                self.allOutputs.sort(key=lambda obj:na.fabs(z - obj['redshift']))
-                # For first data dump, choose closest to desired redshift.
-                if (len(self.lightConeSolution) == 0):
-                    self.lightConeSolution.append(self.allOutputs[0])
-                # Start with data dump closest to desired redshift and move backward 
-                # until one is within max delta z of last output in solution list.
-                else:
-                    output = self.allOutputs[0]
-                    while (z > output['redshift']):
-                        output = output['previous']
-                        if (output is None):
-                            if self.verbose: mylog.error("CalculateLightConeSolution: search for data output went off the end the stack.")
-                            if self.verbose: mylog.error("Could not calculate light cone solution.")
-                            return
-                        if (output['redshift'] == self.lightConeSolution[-1]['redshift']):
-                            if self.verbose: mylog.error("CalculateLightConeSolution: No data dump between z = %f and %f." % \
-                                ((self.lightConeSolution[-1]['redshift'] - self.lightConeSolution[-1]['deltazMax']),
-                                 self.lightConeSolution[-1]['redshift']))
-                            if self.verbose: mylog.error("Could not calculate light cone solution.")
-                            return
-                    self.lightConeSolution.append(output)
-                z = self.lightConeSolution[-1]['redshift'] - self.lightConeSolution[-1]['deltazMax']
-        # Make light cone using maximum number of projections (minimum spacing).
-        else:
-            # Sort data outputs by proximity to current redsfhit.
-            self.allOutputs.sort(key=lambda obj:na.fabs(self.lightConeParameters['InitialRedshift'] - obj['redshift']))
-            # For first data dump, choose closest to desired redshift.
-            self.lightConeSolution.append(self.allOutputs[0])
-            nextOutput = self.lightConeSolution[-1]['next']
-            while (nextOutput is not None):
-                if (nextOutput['redshift'] <= self.lightConeParameters['FinalRedshift']):
-                    break
-                if ((self.lightConeSolution[-1]['redshift'] - nextOutput['redshift']) > self.lightConeSolution[-1]['deltazMin']):
-                    self.lightConeSolution.append(nextOutput)
-                nextOutput = nextOutput['next']
-        if self.verbose: mylog.info("CalculateLightConeSolution: Used %d data dumps to get from z = %f to %f." % 
-                                    (len(self.lightConeSolution),
-                                     self.lightConeParameters['InitialRedshift'],
-                                     self.lightConeParameters['FinalRedshift']))
         # Calculate projection sizes, and get random projection axes and centers.
-        rand.seed(self.originalRandomSeed)
-        co = lagos.Cosmology(HubbleConstantNow = (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
-                             OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
-                             OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'])
+        na.random.seed(self.originalRandomSeed)
         # For box coherence, keep track of effective depth travelled.
         boxFractionUsed = 0.0
-        for q in range(len(self.lightConeSolution)):
-            del self.lightConeSolution[q]['previous']
-            del self.lightConeSolution[q]['next']
-            if (q == len(self.lightConeSolution) - 1):
-                z_next = self.lightConeParameters['FinalRedshift']
+        for q in range(len(self.light_cone_solution)):
+            del self.light_cone_solution[q]['previous']
+            del self.light_cone_solution[q]['next']
+            if (q == len(self.light_cone_solution) - 1):
+                z_next = self.final_redshift
-                z_next = self.lightConeSolution[q+1]['redshift']
+                z_next = self.light_cone_solution[q+1]['redshift']
             # Calculate fraction of box required for a depth of delta z
-            self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] = co.ComovingRadialDistance(z_next,self.lightConeSolution[q]['redshift']) * \
+            self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] = self.cosmology.ComovingRadialDistance(z_next, self.light_cone_solution[q]['redshift']) * \
                 self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow'] / self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize']
             # Simple error check to make sure more than 100% of box depth is never required.
-            if (self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] > 1.0):
-                if self.verbose: mylog.error("Warning: box fraction required to go from z = %f to %f is %f" % 
-                                             (self.lightConeSolution[q]['redshift'],z_next,
-                                              self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']))
-                if self.verbose: mylog.error("Full box delta z is %f, but it is %f to the next data dump." % 
-                                             (self.lightConeSolution[q]['deltazMax'],
-                                              self.lightConeSolution[q]['redshift']-z_next))
+            if (self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] > 1.0):
+                mylog.debug("Warning: box fraction required to go from z = %f to %f is %f" % 
+                            (self.light_cone_solution[q]['redshift'], z_next,
+                             self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']))
+                mylog.debug("Full box delta z is %f, but it is %f to the next data dump." % 
+                            (self.light_cone_solution[q]['deltazMax'],
+                             self.light_cone_solution[q]['redshift']-z_next))
             # Calculate fraction of box required for width corresponding to requested image size.
-            scale = co.AngularScale_1arcsec_kpc(self.lightConeParameters['ObserverRedshift'],self.lightConeSolution[q]['redshift'])
-            size = self.lightConeParameters['FieldOfViewInArcMinutes'] * 60.0 * scale / 1000.0
+            scale = self.cosmology.AngularScale_1arcsec_kpc(self.observer_redshift, self.light_cone_solution[q]['redshift'])
+            size = self.field_of_view_in_arcminutes * 60.0 * scale / 1000.0
             boxSizeProper = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize'] / (self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow'] * 
-                                                                               (1.0 + self.lightConeSolution[q]['redshift']))
-            self.lightConeSolution[q]['WidthBoxFraction'] = size / boxSizeProper
+                                                                               (1.0 + self.light_cone_solution[q]['redshift']))
+            self.light_cone_solution[q]['WidthBoxFraction'] = size / boxSizeProper
             # Get projection axis and center.
             # If using box coherence, only get random axis and center if enough of the box has been used, 
             # or if boxFractionUsed will be greater than 1 after this slice.
-            if (q == 0) or (self.lightConeParameters['MinimumCoherentBoxFraction'] == 0) or \
-                    (boxFractionUsed > self.lightConeParameters['MinimumCoherentBoxFraction']) or \
-                    (boxFractionUsed + self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] > 1.0):
+            if (q == 0) or (self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction == 0) or \
+                    (boxFractionUsed > self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction) or \
+                    (boxFractionUsed + self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] > 1.0):
                 # Random axis and center.
-                self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis'] = rand.randint(0,2)
-                self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'] = [rand.random(),rand.random(),rand.random()]
+                self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis'] = na.random.randint(0, 3)
+                self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'] = [na.random.random(), na.random.random(), na.random.random()]
                 boxFractionUsed = 0.0
                 # Same axis and center as previous slice, but with depth center shifted.
-                self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis'] = self.lightConeSolution[q-1]['ProjectionAxis']
-                self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'] = copy.deepcopy(self.lightConeSolution[q-1]['ProjectionCenter'])
-                self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis']] += \
-                    0.5 * (self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] + self.lightConeSolution[q-1]['DepthBoxFraction'])
-                if self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis']] >= 1.0:
-                    self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis']] -= 1.0
+                self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis'] = self.light_cone_solution[q-1]['ProjectionAxis']
+                self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'] = copy.deepcopy(self.light_cone_solution[q-1]['ProjectionCenter'])
+                self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis']] += \
+                    0.5 * (self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] + self.light_cone_solution[q-1]['DepthBoxFraction'])
+                if self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis']] >= 1.0:
+                    self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis']] -= 1.0
-            boxFractionUsed += self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']
+            boxFractionUsed += self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']
         # Store this as the master solution.
-        self.masterSolution = [copy.deepcopy(q) for q in self.lightConeSolution]
+        self.master_solution = [copy.deepcopy(q) for q in self.light_cone_solution]
-        # Clear out some stuff.
-        del co
+        # Write solution to a file.
+        if filename is not None:
+            self._save_light_cone_solution(filename=filename)
-    @rootonly
-    def GetHaloMask(self,HaloMaskParameterFile,mask_file=None,map_file=None,**kwargs):
-        "Gets a halo mask from a file or makes a new one."
+    def get_halo_mask(self, mask_file=None, map_file=None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Gets a halo mask from a file or makes a new one.
+        :param mask_file (str): specify an hdf5 file to output the halo mask.
+        :param map_file (str): specify a text file to output the halo map 
+               (locations in image of halos).
+        """
         # Get halo map if map_file given.
-        if (map_file is not None):
-            MakeLightConeHaloMap(self,HaloMaskParameterFile,map_file=map_file,**kwargs)
+        if map_file is not None and not os.path.exists(map_file):
+            light_cone_halo_map(self, map_file=map_file, **kwargs)
         # Check if file already exists.
-        if (mask_file is not None) and os.path.exists(mask_file):
-            input = h5.openFile(mask_file,'r')
-            self.haloMask = input.root.haloMask.read()
+        if mask_file is not None and os.path.exists(mask_file):
+            mylog.info('Reading halo mask from %s.' % mask_file)
+            input = h5py.File(mask_file, 'r')
+            self.halo_mask = input['HaloMask'].value
         # Otherwise, make a halo mask.
-            haloMaskCube = MakeLightConeHaloMask(self,HaloMaskParameterFile,mask_file=mask_file,**kwargs)
+            halo_mask_cube = light_cone_halo_mask(self, mask_file=mask_file, **kwargs)
             # Collapse cube into final mask.
-            self.haloMask = na.ones(shape=(self.pixels,self.pixels),dtype=bool)
-            for mask in haloMaskCube:
-                self.haloMask *= mask
-            del haloMaskCube
-    def ProjectLightCone(self,field,weight_field=None,apply_halo_mask=False,node=None,
-                         save_stack=True,save_slice_images=False,flatten_stack=False,photon_field=False,**kwargs):
-        "Create projections for light cone, then add them together."
+            if ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
+                self.halo_mask = na.ones(shape=(self.pixels, self.pixels), dtype=bool)
+                for mask in halo_mask_cube:
+                    self.halo_mask *= mask
+            del halo_mask_cube
+    def project_light_cone(self, field, weight_field=None, apply_halo_mask=False, node=None,
+                           save_stack=True, save_slice_images=False, flatten_stack=False, photon_field=False, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Create projections for light cone, then add them together.
+        :param weight_field (str): the weight field of the projection.  This has the same meaning as in standard 
+               projections.  Default: None.
+        :param apply_halo_mask (bool): if True, a boolean mask is apply to the light cone projection.  See below for a 
+               description of halo masks.  Default: False.
+        :param node (str): a prefix to be prepended to the node name under which the projection data is serialized.  
+               Default: None.
+        :param save_stack (bool): if True, the unflatted light cone data including each individual slice is written to 
+               an hdf5 file.  Default: True.
+        :param save_slice_images (bool): save images for each individual projection slice.  Default: False.
+        :param flatten_stack (bool): if True, the light cone stack is continually flattened each time a slice is added 
+               in order to save memory.  This is generally not necessary.  Default: False.
+        :param photon_field (bool): if True, the projection data for each slice is decremented by 4 Pi R^2`, where R 
+               is the luminosity distance between the observer and the slice redshift.  Default: False.
+        """
         # Clear projection stack.
-        self.projectionStack = []
-        self.projectionWeightFieldStack = []
-        if (self.lightConeSolution[-1].has_key('object')):
-            del self.lightConeSolution[-1]['object']
+        self.projection_stack = []
+        self.projection_weight_field_stack = []
+        if (self.light_cone_solution[-1].has_key('object')):
+            del self.light_cone_solution[-1]['object']
-        if not(self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'].endswith("/")):
-                 self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'] += "/"
+        if not(self.output_dir.endswith("/")):
+                 self.output_dir += "/"
-        for q,output in enumerate(self.lightConeSolution):
+        for q, output in enumerate(self.light_cone_solution):
             if node is None:
-                name = "%s%s_%04d_%04d" % (self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'],self.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix'],
-                                           q,len(self.lightConeSolution))
+                name = "%s%s_%04d_%04d" % (self.output_dir, self.output_prefix,
+                                           q, len(self.light_cone_solution))
-                name = "%s%s_%s_%04d_%04d" % (self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'],self.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix'],
-                                              node,q,len(self.lightConeSolution))
+                name = "%s%s_%s_%04d_%04d" % (self.output_dir, self.output_prefix,
+                                              node, q, len(self.light_cone_solution))
             output['object'] = lagos.EnzoStaticOutput(output['filename'])
-            frb = LightConeProjection(output,field,self.pixels,weight_field=weight_field,
+            frb = LightConeProjection(output, field, self.pixels, weight_field=weight_field,
-                                      name=name,node=node,**kwargs)
-            if ytcfg.getint("yt","__parallel_rank") == 0:
+                                      name=name, node=node, **kwargs)
+            if ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
                 if photon_field:
-                #need to decrement the flux by the luminosity distance. Assume field in frb is in erg/s/cm^2/Hz
+                    # Decrement the flux by the luminosity distance. Assume field in frb is in erg/s/cm^2/Hz
                     co = lagos.Cosmology(HubbleConstantNow = (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
                                          OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
                                          OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'])
-                    dL = co.LuminosityDistance(self.lightConeParameters['ObserverRedshift'],output['redshift']) #in Mpc
+                    dL = self.cosmology.LuminosityDistance(self.observer_redshift, output['redshift']) #in Mpc
                     boxSizeProper = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize'] / (self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow'] * 
                                                                                        (1.0 + output['redshift']))
                     pixelarea = (boxSizeProper/self.pixels)**2 #in proper cm^2
@@ -290,44 +275,44 @@
                     mylog.info("Distance to slice = %e" % dL)
                     frb[field] *= factor #in erg/s/cm^2/Hz on observer's image plane.
-            if ytcfg.getint("yt","__parallel_rank") == 0:
-                if (weight_field is not None):
+            if ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
+                if weight_field is not None:
                     # Data come back normalized by the weight field.
                     # Undo that so it can be added up for the light cone.
-                    self.projectionStack.append(frb[field]*frb['weight_field'])
-                    self.projectionWeightFieldStack.append(frb['weight_field'])
+                    self.projection_stack.append(frb[field]*frb['weight_field'])
+                    self.projection_weight_field_stack.append(frb['weight_field'])
-                    self.projectionStack.append(frb[field])
+                    self.projection_stack.append(frb[field])
                 # Delete the frb.  This saves a decent amount of ram.
-                if (q < len(self.lightConeSolution) - 1):
+                if (q < len(self.light_cone_solution) - 1):
                     del frb
                 # Flatten stack to save memory.
-                if flatten_stack and (len(self.projectionStack) > 1):
-                    self.projectionStack = [sum(self.projectionStack)]
+                if flatten_stack and (len(self.projection_stack) > 1):
+                    self.projection_stack = [sum(self.projection_stack)]
                     if weight_field is not None:
-                        self.projectionWeightFieldStack = [sum(self.projectionWeightFieldStack)]
+                        self.projection_weight_field_stack = [sum(self.projection_weight_field_stack)]
             # Delete the plot collection now that the frb is deleted.
             del output['pc']
             # Unless this is the last slice, delete the dataset object.
             # The last one will be saved to make the plot collection.
-            if (q < len(self.lightConeSolution) - 1):
+            if (q < len(self.light_cone_solution) - 1):
                 del output['object']
-        if ytcfg.getint("yt","__parallel_rank") == 0:
+        if ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
             # Add up slices to make light cone projection.
             if (weight_field is None):
-                lightConeProjection = sum(self.projectionStack)
+                lightConeProjection = sum(self.projection_stack)
-                lightConeProjection = sum(self.projectionStack) / sum(self.projectionWeightFieldStack)
+                lightConeProjection = sum(self.projection_stack) / sum(self.projection_weight_field_stack)
             if node is None:
-                filename = "%s%s" % (self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'],self.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix'])
+                filename = "%s%s" % (self.output_dir, self.output_prefix)
-                filename = "%s%s_%s" % (self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'],self.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix'],node)
+                filename = "%s%s_%s" % (self.output_dir, self.output_prefix, node)
             # Save the last fixed resolution buffer for the plot collection, 
             # but replace the data with the full light cone projection data.
@@ -335,28 +320,28 @@
             # Write stack to hdf5 file.
             if save_stack:
-                self._SaveLightConeStack(field=field,weight_field=weight_field,filename=filename)
+                self._save_light_cone_stack(field=field, weight_field=weight_field, filename=filename)
             # Apply halo mask.
             if apply_halo_mask:
-                if len(self.haloMask) > 0:
+                if len(self.halo_mask) > 0:
                     mylog.info("Applying halo mask.")
-                    frb.data[field] *= self.haloMask
+                    frb.data[field] *= self.halo_mask
-                    mylog.error("No halo mask loaded, call GetHaloMask.")
+                    mylog.error("No halo mask loaded, call get_halo_mask.")
             # Make a plot collection for the light cone projection.
-            center = [0.5 * (self.lightConeSolution[-1]['object'].parameters['DomainLeftEdge'][w] + 
-                             self.lightConeSolution[-1]['object'].parameters['DomainRightEdge'][w])
-                      for w in range(self.lightConeSolution[-1]['object'].parameters['TopGridRank'])]
-            pc = raven.PlotCollection(self.lightConeSolution[-1]['object'],center=center)
-            pc.add_fixed_resolution_plot(frb,field,**kwargs)
+            center = [0.5 * (self.light_cone_solution[-1]['object'].parameters['DomainLeftEdge'][w] + 
+                             self.light_cone_solution[-1]['object'].parameters['DomainRightEdge'][w])
+                      for w in range(self.light_cone_solution[-1]['object'].parameters['TopGridRank'])]
+            pc = raven.PlotCollection(self.light_cone_solution[-1]['object'], center=center)
+            pc.add_fixed_resolution_plot(frb, field, **kwargs)
             # Return the plot collection so the user can remake the plot if they want.
             return pc
-    def RerandomizeLightConeSolution(self,newSeed,recycle=True):
+    def rerandomize_light_cone_solution(self, newSeed, recycle=True, filename=None):
         When making a projection for a light cone, only randomizations along the line of sight make any 
         given projection unique, since the lateral shifting and tiling is done after the projection is made.
@@ -368,23 +353,29 @@
         This routine has now been updated to be a general solution rescrambler.  If the keyword recycle is set to 
         True, then it will recycle.  Otherwise, it will create a completely new solution.
+        :param recycle (bool): if True, the new solution will have the same shift in the line of sight as the original 
+               solution.  Since the projections of each slice are serialized and stored for the entire width of the 
+               box (even if the width used is left than the total box), the projection data can be deserialized 
+               instead of being remade from scratch.  This can greatly speed up the creation of a large number of light 
+               cone projections.  Default: True.
+        :param filename (str): if given, a text file detailing the solution will be written out.  Default: None.
         # Get rid of old halo mask, if one was there.
-        self.haloMask = []
+        self.halo_mask = []
         # Clean pf objects out of light cone solution.
-        for slice in self.lightConeSolution:
+        for slice in self.light_cone_solution:
             if slice.has_key('object'):
                 del slice['object']
         if recycle:
-            if self.verbose: mylog.info("Recycling solution made with %s with new seed %s." % 
-                                        (self.originalRandomSeed,
-                                         newSeed))
+            mylog.debug("Recycling solution made with %s with new seed %s." % 
+                        (self.originalRandomSeed, newSeed))
             self.recycleRandomSeed = int(newSeed)
-            if self.verbose: mylog.info("Creating new solution with random seed %s." % newSeed)
+            mylog.debug("Creating new solution with random seed %s." % newSeed)
             self.originalRandomSeed = int(newSeed)
             self.recycleRandomSeed = 0
@@ -398,86 +389,90 @@
         boxFractionUsed = 0.0
         # Seed random number generator with new seed.
-        rand.seed(int(newSeed))
+        na.random.seed(int(newSeed))
-        for q,output in enumerate(self.lightConeSolution):
+        for q, output in enumerate(self.light_cone_solution):
             # It is necessary to make the same number of calls to the random number generator
             # so the original solution willbe produced if the same seed is given.
             # Get projection axis and center.
             # If using box coherence, only get random axis and center if enough of the box has been used, 
             # or if boxFractionUsed will be greater than 1 after this slice.
-            if (q == 0) or (self.lightConeParameters['MinimumCoherentBoxFraction'] == 0) or \
-                    (boxFractionUsed > self.lightConeParameters['MinimumCoherentBoxFraction']) or \
-                    (boxFractionUsed + self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] > 1.0):
+            if (q == 0) or (self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction == 0) or \
+                    (boxFractionUsed > self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction) or \
+                    (boxFractionUsed + self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] > 1.0):
                 # Get random projection axis and center.
                 # If recycling, axis will get thrown away since it is used in creating a unique projection object.
-                newAxis = rand.randint(0,2)
+                newAxis = na.random.randint(0, 3)
-                newCenter = [rand.random(),rand.random(),rand.random()]
+                newCenter = [na.random.random(), na.random.random(), na.random.random()]
                 boxFractionUsed = 0.0
                 # Same axis and center as previous slice, but with depth center shifted.
-                newAxis = self.lightConeSolution[q-1]['ProjectionAxis']
-                newCenter = copy.deepcopy(self.lightConeSolution[q-1]['ProjectionCenter'])
+                newAxis = self.light_cone_solution[q-1]['ProjectionAxis']
+                newCenter = copy.deepcopy(self.light_cone_solution[q-1]['ProjectionCenter'])
                 newCenter[newAxis] += \
-                    0.5 * (self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] + self.lightConeSolution[q-1]['DepthBoxFraction'])
+                    0.5 * (self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'] + self.light_cone_solution[q-1]['DepthBoxFraction'])
                 if newCenter[newAxis] >= 1.0:
                     newCenter[newAxis] -= 1.0
             if recycle:
-                output['ProjectionAxis'] = self.masterSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis']
+                output['ProjectionAxis'] = self.master_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis']
                 output['ProjectionAxis'] = newAxis
-            boxFractionUsed += self.lightConeSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']
+            boxFractionUsed += self.light_cone_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']
             # Make list of rectangle corners to calculate common volume.
-            newCube = na.zeros(shape=(len(newCenter),2))
-            oldCube = na.zeros(shape=(len(newCenter),2))
+            newCube = na.zeros(shape=(len(newCenter), 2))
+            oldCube = na.zeros(shape=(len(newCenter), 2))
             for w in range(len(newCenter)):
-                if (w == self.masterSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis']):
-                    oldCube[w] = [self.masterSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] - 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'],
-                                  self.masterSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] + 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']]
+                if (w == self.master_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis']):
+                    oldCube[w] = [self.master_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] - 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'],
+                                  self.master_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] + 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']]
-                    oldCube[w] = [self.masterSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] - 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['WidthBoxFraction'],
-                                  self.masterSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] + 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['WidthBoxFraction']]
+                    oldCube[w] = [self.master_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] - 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['WidthBoxFraction'],
+                                  self.master_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] + 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['WidthBoxFraction']]
                 if (w == output['ProjectionAxis']):
                     if recycle:
                         newCube[w] = oldCube[w]
-                        newCube[w] = [newCenter[w] - 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'],
-                                      newCenter[w] + 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']]
+                        newCube[w] = [newCenter[w] - 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction'],
+                                      newCenter[w] + 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['DepthBoxFraction']]
-                    newCube[w] = [newCenter[w] - 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['WidthBoxFraction'],
-                                  newCenter[w] + 0.5 * self.masterSolution[q]['WidthBoxFraction']]
+                    newCube[w] = [newCenter[w] - 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['WidthBoxFraction'],
+                                  newCenter[w] + 0.5 * self.master_solution[q]['WidthBoxFraction']]
-            commonVolume += commonNVolume(oldCube,newCube,periodic=na.array([[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]]))
+            commonVolume += commonNVolume(oldCube, newCube, periodic=na.array([[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]]))
             totalVolume += output['DepthBoxFraction'] * output['WidthBoxFraction']**2
             # Replace centers for every axis except the line of sight axis.
             for w in range(len(newCenter)):
-                if not(recycle and (w == self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionAxis'])):
-                    self.lightConeSolution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] = newCenter[w]
+                if not(recycle and (w == self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionAxis'])):
+                    self.light_cone_solution[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] = newCenter[w]
         if recycle:
-            if self.verbose: mylog.info("Fractional common volume between master and recycled solution is %.2e" % (commonVolume/totalVolume))
+            mylog.debug("Fractional common volume between master and recycled solution is %.2e" % (commonVolume/totalVolume))
-            if self.verbose: mylog.info("Fraction of total volume in common with old solution is %.2e." % (commonVolume/totalVolume))
-            self.masterSolution = [copy.deepcopy(q) for q in self.lightConeSolution]
+            mylog.debug("Fraction of total volume in common with old solution is %.2e." % (commonVolume/totalVolume))
+            self.master_solution = [copy.deepcopy(q) for q in self.light_cone_solution]
+        # Write solution to a file.
+        if filename is not None:
+            self._save_light_cone_solution(filename=filename)
-    def RestoreMasterSolution(self):
+    def restore_master_solution(self):
         "Reset the active light cone solution to the master solution."
-        self.lightConeSolution = [copy.deepcopy(q) for q in self.masterSolution]
+        self.light_cone_solution = [copy.deepcopy(q) for q in self.master_solution]
-    def SaveLightConeSolution(self,file="light_cone.dat"):
+    def _save_light_cone_solution(self, filename="light_cone.dat"):
         "Write out a text file with information on light cone solution."
-        if self.verbose: mylog.info("Saving light cone solution to %s." % file)
+        mylog.info("Saving light cone solution to %s." % filename)
-        f = open(file,'w')
+        f = open(filename, 'w')
         if self.recycleSolution:
             f.write("Recycled Solution\n")
             f.write("OriginalRandomSeed = %s\n" % self.originalRandomSeed)
@@ -486,243 +481,33 @@
             f.write("Original Solution\n")
             f.write("OriginalRandomSeed = %s\n" % self.originalRandomSeed)
         f.write("EnzoParameterFile = %s\n" % self.EnzoParameterFile)
-        f.write("LightConeParameterFile = %s\n" % self.LightConeParameterFile)
-        for parameter in self.lightConeParameters:
-            f.write("%s = %s\n" % (parameter,str(self.lightConeParameters[parameter])))
-        f.write("\n")
-        for q,output in enumerate(self.lightConeSolution):
+        for q, output in enumerate(self.light_cone_solution):
             f.write("Proj %04d, %s, z = %f, depth/box = %f, width/box = %f, axis = %d, center = %f, %f, %f\n" %
-                    (q,output['filename'],output['redshift'],output['DepthBoxFraction'],output['WidthBoxFraction'],
-                    output['ProjectionAxis'],output['ProjectionCenter'][0],output['ProjectionCenter'][1],output['ProjectionCenter'][2]))
+                    (q, output['filename'], output['redshift'], output['DepthBoxFraction'], output['WidthBoxFraction'],
+                    output['ProjectionAxis'], output['ProjectionCenter'][0], output['ProjectionCenter'][1], output['ProjectionCenter'][2]))
-    def _CalculateDeltaZMax(self):
-        "Calculate delta z that corresponds to full box length going from z to (z - delta z)."
-        co = lagos.Cosmology(HubbleConstantNow = (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
-                       OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
-                       OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'])
-        d_Tolerance = 1e-4
-        max_Iterations = 100
-        targetDistance = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize']
-        for output in self.allOutputs:
-            z = output['redshift']
-            # Calculate delta z that corresponds to the length of the box at a given redshift.
-            # Use Newton's method to calculate solution.
-            z1 = z
-            z2 = z1 - 0.1 # just an initial guess
-            distance1 = 0.0
-            iteration = 1
-            # Convert comoving radial distance into Mpc / h, since that's how box size is stored.
-            distance2 = co.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
-            while ((na.fabs(distance2-targetDistance)/distance2) > d_Tolerance):
-                m = (distance2 - distance1) / (z2 - z1)
-                z1 = z2
-                distance1 = distance2
-                z2 = ((targetDistance - distance2) / m) + z2
-                distance2 = co.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
-                iteration += 1
-                if (iteration > max_Iterations):
-                    if self.verbose: mylog.error("CalculateDeltaZMax: Warning - max iterations exceeded for z = %f (delta z = %f)." % (z,na.fabs(z2-z)))
-                    break
-            output['deltazMax'] = na.fabs(z2-z)
-        del co
-    def _CalculateDeltaZMin(self):
-        "Calculate delta z that corresponds to a single top grid pixel going from z to (z - delta z)."
-        co = lagos.Cosmology(HubbleConstantNow = (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
-                       OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
-                       OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'])
-        d_Tolerance = 1e-4
-        max_Iterations = 100
-        targetDistance = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyComovingBoxSize'] / self.enzoParameters['TopGridDimensions'][0]
-        for output in self.allOutputs:
-            z = output['redshift']
-            # Calculate delta z that corresponds to the length of a top grid pixel at a given redshift.
-            # Use Newton's method to calculate solution.
-            z1 = z
-            z2 = z1 - 0.01 # just an initial guess
-            distance1 = 0.0
-            iteration = 1
-            # Convert comoving radial distance into Mpc / h, since that's how box size is stored.
-            distance2 = co.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
-            while ((na.fabs(distance2 - targetDistance) / distance2) > d_Tolerance):
-                m = (distance2 - distance1) / (z2 - z1)
-                z1 = z2
-                distance1 = distance2
-                z2 = ((targetDistance - distance2) / m) + z2
-                distance2 = co.ComovingRadialDistance(z2,z) * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']
-                iteration += 1
-                if (iteration > max_Iterations):
-                    if self.verbose: mylog.error("CalculateDeltaZMax: Warning - max iterations exceeded for z = %f (delta z = %f)." % 
-                                                 (z,na.fabs(z2-z)))
-                    break
-            # Use this calculation or the absolute minimum specified by the user.
-            output['deltazMin'] = max(na.fabs(z2-z),self.lightConeParameters['MinimumSliceDeltaz'])
-        del co
-    def _CalculateTimeDumpRedshifts(self):
-        "Calculates redshift values for the dt data dumps."
-        ec = lagos.EnzoCosmology(HubbleConstantNow = \
-                               (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
-                           OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
-                           OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'],
-                           InitialRedshift = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyInitialRedshift'])
-        z_Tolerance = 1e-3
-        z = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyInitialRedshift']
-        index = 0
-        while ((z > self.enzoParameters['CosmologyFinalRedshift']) and 
-               (na.fabs(z-self.enzoParameters['CosmologyFinalRedshift']) > z_Tolerance)):
-            t = ec.InitialTime + (self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] * ec.TimeUnits * index)
-            z = ec.ComputeRedshiftFromTime(t)
-            filename = "%s/%s%04d/%s%04d" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
-                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'],
-                                             index,
-                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'],
-                                             index)
-            self.timeOutputs.append({'index':index,'redshift':z,'filename':filename})
-            index += 1
-    def _CalculateSplitTimeDumpRedshifts(self,break_index,new_dt):
-        "Calculates redshift values for the dt data dumps."
-        ec = lagos.EnzoCosmology(HubbleConstantNow = \
-                               (100.0 * self.enzoParameters['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']),
-                           OmegaMatterNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaMatterNow'],
-                           OmegaLambdaNow = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow'],
-                           InitialRedshift = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyInitialRedshift'])
-        z_Tolerance = 1e-3
-        z = self.enzoParameters['CosmologyInitialRedshift']
-        index = 0
-        while ((z > self.enzoParameters['CosmologyFinalRedshift']) and 
-               (na.fabs(z-self.enzoParameters['CosmologyFinalRedshift']) > z_Tolerance)):
-            if index <= break_index:
-                t = ec.InitialTime + (self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] * ec.TimeUnits * index)
-                z = ec.ComputeRedshiftFromTime(t)
-            else:
-                t = ec.InitialTime + (self.enzoParameters['dtDataDump'] * ec.TimeUnits * (break_index))
-                t += (new_dt * ec.TimeUnits * (index-break_index))
-                z = ec.ComputeRedshiftFromTime(t)
-            filename = "%s/%s%04d/%s%04d" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
-                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'],
-                                             index,
-                                             self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'],
-                                             index)
-            self.timeOutputs.append({'index':index,'redshift':z,'filename':filename})
-            index += 1
-    def _CombineDataOutputs(self):
-        "Combines redshift and time data into one sorted list."
-        self.allOutputs = self.redshiftOutputs + self.timeOutputs
-        self.allOutputs.sort(reverse=True,key=lambda obj:obj['redshift'])
-        for q in range(len(self.allOutputs)):
-            del self.allOutputs[q]['index']
-            if (q == 0):
-                self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = None
-                self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = self.allOutputs[q+1]
-            elif (q == len(self.allOutputs) - 1):
-                self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = self.allOutputs[q-1]                
-                self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = None
-            else:
-                self.allOutputs[q]['previous'] = self.allOutputs[q-1]
-                self.allOutputs[q]['next'] = self.allOutputs[q+1]
-        del self.redshiftOutputs
-        del self.timeOutputs
-    def _ReadEnzoParameterFile(self):
-        "Reads an Enzo parameter file looking for cosmology and output parameters."
-        lines = open(self.EnzoParameterFile).readlines()
-        for line in lines:
-            if line.find("#") >= 0: # Keep the commented lines
-                line=line[:line.find("#")]
-            line=line.strip()
-            if len(line) < 2:
-                continue
-            try:
-                param, vals = map(str,line.split("="))
-                param = param.strip()
-                vals = vals.strip()
-            except ValueError:
-                if self.verbose: mylog.error("Skipping line: %s" % line)
-                continue
-            if EnzoParameterDict.has_key(param):
-                t = map(EnzoParameterDict[param], vals.split())
-                if len(t) == 1:
-                    self.enzoParameters[param] = t[0]
-                else:
-                    self.enzoParameters[param] = t
-            elif param.startswith("CosmologyOutputRedshift["):
-                index = param[param.find("[")+1:param.find("]")]
-                self.redshiftOutputs.append({'index':int(index),
-                                             'redshift':float(vals)})
-        # Add filenames to redshift outputs.
-        for output in self.redshiftOutputs:
-            output["filename"] = "%s/%s%04d/%s%04d" % (self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'],
-                                                       self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpDir'],
-                                                       output['index'],
-                                                       self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpDir'],
-                                                       output['index'])
-    def _ReadLightConeParameterFile(self):
-        "Reads a light cone parameter file."
-        lines = open(self.LightConeParameterFile).readlines()
-        for line in lines:
-            if line.find("#") >= 0: # Keep the commented lines
-                line=line[:line.find("#")]
-            line=line.strip()
-            if len(line) < 2:
-                continue
-            try:
-                param, vals = map(str,line.split("="))
-                param = param.strip()
-                vals = vals.strip()
-            except ValueError:
-                if self.verbose: mylog.error("Skipping line: %s" % line)
-                continue
-            if LightConeParameterDict.has_key(param):
-                t = map(LightConeParameterDict[param], vals.split())
-                if len(t) == 1:
-                    self.lightConeParameters[param] = t[0]
-                else:
-                    self.lightConeParameters[param] = t
-    def _SaveLightConeStack(self,field=None,weight_field=None,filename=None,over_write=True):
+    def _save_light_cone_stack(self, field=None, weight_field=None, filename=None, over_write=True):
         "Save the light cone projection stack as a 3d array in and hdf5 file."
         # Make list of redshifts to include as a dataset attribute.
-        redshiftList = na.array([slice['redshift'] for slice in self.lightConeSolution])
+        redshiftList = na.array([slice['redshift'] for slice in self.light_cone_solution])
-        field_node = "%s_%s" % (field,weight_field)
+        field_node = "%s_%s" % (field, weight_field)
         weight_field_node = "weight_field_%s" % weight_field
         import h5py
         if (filename is None):
-            filename = "%s/%s_data" % (self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'],self.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix'])
+            filename = "%s/%s_data" % (self.output_dir, self.output_prefix)
         if not(filename.endswith('.h5')):
                filename += ".h5"
-        if (len(self.projectionStack) == 0):
-            if self.verbose: mylog.error("SaveLightConeStack: no projection data loaded.")
+        if (len(self.projection_stack) == 0):
+            mylog.debug("save_light_cone_stack: no projection data loaded.")
-        if self.verbose: mylog.info("Writing light cone data to %s." % filename)
+        mylog.info("Writing light cone data to %s." % filename)
         output = h5py.File(filename, "a")
@@ -734,82 +519,38 @@
                 write_data = True
                 del output[field_node]
-                mylog.info("Dataset, %s, already exists in %s, not saving." % (field_node,filename))
+                mylog.info("Dataset, %s, already exists in %s, not saving." % (field_node, filename))
                 write_data = False
             write_data = True
         if write_data:
             mylog.info("Saving %s to %s." % (field_node, filename))
-            self.projectionStack = na.array(self.projectionStack)
-            field_dataset = output.create_dataset(field_node,data=self.projectionStack)
+            self.projection_stack = na.array(self.projection_stack)
+            field_dataset = output.create_dataset(field_node, data=self.projection_stack)
             field_dataset.attrs['redshifts'] = redshiftList
-            field_dataset.attrs['ObserverRedshift'] = na.float(self.lightConeParameters['ObserverRedshift'])
-            field_dataset.attrs['FieldOfViewInArcMinutes'] = na.float(self.lightConeParameters['FieldOfViewInArcMinutes'])
-            field_dataset.attrs['ImageResolutionInArcSeconds'] = na.float(self.lightConeParameters['ImageResolutionInArcSeconds'])
+            field_dataset.attrs['observer_redshift'] = na.float(self.observer_redshift)
+            field_dataset.attrs['field_of_view_in_arcminutes'] = na.float(self.field_of_view_in_arcminutes)
+            field_dataset.attrs['image_resolution_in_arcseconds'] = na.float(self.image_resolution_in_arcseconds)
-        if (len(self.projectionWeightFieldStack) > 0):
+        if (len(self.projection_weight_field_stack) > 0):
             if node_exists:
                 if over_write:
                     mylog.info("Dataset, %s, already exists, overwriting." % weight_field_node)
                     del output[field_node]
-                    mylog.info("Dataset, %s, already exists in %s, not saving." % (weight_field_node,filename))
+                    mylog.info("Dataset, %s, already exists in %s, not saving." % (weight_field_node, filename))
                     write_data = False
                 write_data = True
             if write_data:
                 mylog.info("Saving %s to %s." % (weight_field_node, filename))
-                self.projectionWeightFieldStack = na.array(self.projectionWeightFieldStack)
-                weight_field_dataset = output.create_dataset(weight_field_node,data=self.projectionWeightFieldStack)
+                self.projection_weight_field_stack = na.array(self.projection_weight_field_stack)
+                weight_field_dataset = output.create_dataset(weight_field_node, data=self.projection_weight_field_stack)
                 weight_field_dataset.attrs['redshifts'] = redshiftList
-                weight_field_dataset.attrs['ObserverRedshift'] = na.float(self.lightConeParameters['ObserverRedshift'])
-                weight_field_dataset.attrs['FieldOfViewInArcMinutes'] = na.float(self.lightConeParameters['FieldOfViewInArcMinutes'])
-                weight_field_dataset.attrs['ImageResolutionInArcSeconds'] = na.float(self.lightConeParameters['ImageResolutionInArcSeconds'])
+                weight_field_dataset.attrs['observer_redshift'] = na.float(self.observer_redshift)
+                weight_field_dataset.attrs['field_of_view_in_arcminutes'] = na.float(self.field_of_view_in_arcminutes)
+                weight_field_dataset.attrs['image_resolution_in_arcseconds'] = na.float(self.image_resolution_in_arcseconds)
-    def _SetParameterDefaults(self):
-        "Set some default parameters to avoid problems if they are not in the parameter file."
-        self.enzoParameters['GlobalDir'] = "./"
-        self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpName'] = "RD"
-        self.enzoParameters['RedshiftDumpDir'] = "RD"
-        self.enzoParameters['DataDumpName'] = "DD"
-        self.enzoParameters['DataDumpDir'] = "DD"
-        self.lightConeParameters['UseMinimumNumberOfProjections'] = 1
-        self.lightConeParameters['MinimumCoherentBoxFraction'] = 0.0
-        self.lightConeParameters['MinimumSliceDeltaz'] = 0.0
-        self.lightConeParameters['ObserverRedshift'] = 0.0
-        self.lightConeParameters['OutputDir'] = "./"
-        self.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix'] = "LightCone"
-        self.lightConeParameters['dtSplit'] = None
-        self.lightConeParameters['dt_new'] = 0.0
-EnzoParameterDict = {"CosmologyCurrentRedshift": float,
-                     "CosmologyComovingBoxSize": float,
-                     "CosmologyOmegaMatterNow": float,
-                     "CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow": float,
-                     "CosmologyHubbleConstantNow": float,
-                     "CosmologyInitialRedshift": float,
-                     "CosmologyFinalRedshift": float,
-                     "TopGridDimensions": float,
-                     "dtDataDump": float,
-                     "RedshiftDumpName": str,
-                     "RedshiftDumpDir":  str,
-                     "DataDumpName": str,
-                     "DataDumpDir": str,
-                     "GlobalDir" : str}
-LightConeParameterDict = {"InitialRedshift": float,
-                          "FinalRedshift": float,
-                          "ObserverRedshift": float,
-                          "FieldOfViewInArcMinutes": float,
-                          "ImageResolutionInArcSeconds": float,
-                          "UseMinimumNumberOfProjections": int,
-                          "MinimumCoherentBoxFraction": float,
-                          "MinimumSliceDeltaz": float,
-                          "OutputDir": str,
-                          "OutputPrefix": str,
-                          "dtSplit": float,
-                          "dt_new": float}

Modified: branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/LightConeProjection.py
--- branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/LightConeProjection.py	(original)
+++ branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/LightConeProjection.py	Tue Nov  3 15:45:17 2009
@@ -31,13 +31,9 @@
 import numpy as na
 import copy
-#### Note: There is an assumption that the box width is 1 in every direction.  This doesn't have to be, but 
-####       I don't have time to fix it now.  All that is required is a multiplication by the box width in 
-####       the direction in question wherever DepthBoxFraction or WidthBoxFraction appears.
-####       To be fixed before turning 30.  - Britton
-def LightConeProjection(lightConeSlice,field,pixels,weight_field=None,save_image=False,name="",node=None,field_cuts=None,**kwargs):
+def LightConeProjection(lightConeSlice, field, pixels, weight_field=None, save_image=False, name="", node=None, field_cuts=None,
+                        add_redshift_label=False, **kwargs):
     "Create a single projection to be added into the light cone stack."
     # Use some projection parameters to seed random number generator to make unique node name.
@@ -50,11 +46,11 @@
     # DepthBoxFraction
     # Name node with user specified keyword if given with 'node' keyword.
-    node_name = "LightCone_%s_%d_%f_%f" % (node,lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis'],
+    node_name = "LightCone_%s_%d_%f_%f" % (node, lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis'],
-    mylog.info("Making projection at z = %f from %s." % (lightConeSlice['redshift'],lightConeSlice['filename']))
+    mylog.info("Making projection at z = %f from %s." % (lightConeSlice['redshift'], lightConeSlice['filename']))
     region_center = [0.5 * (lightConeSlice['object'].parameters['DomainRightEdge'][q] +
                             lightConeSlice['object'].parameters['DomainLeftEdge'][q]) \
@@ -62,7 +58,7 @@
     # Make the plot collection and put it in the slice so we can delete it cleanly in the same scope 
     # as where the frb will be deleted.
-    lightConeSlice['pc'] = raven.PlotCollection(lightConeSlice['object'],center=region_center)
+    lightConeSlice['pc'] = raven.PlotCollection(lightConeSlice['object'], center=region_center)
     # 1. The Depth Problem
     # Use coordinate field cut in line of sight to cut projection to proper depth.
@@ -72,26 +68,26 @@
         these_field_cuts = copy.deepcopy(field_cuts)
     if (lightConeSlice['DepthBoxFraction'] < 1):
-        axis = ('x','y','z')[lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis']]
+        axis = ('x', 'y', 'z')[lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis']]
         depthLeft = lightConeSlice['ProjectionCenter'][lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis']] - 0.5 * lightConeSlice['DepthBoxFraction']
         depthRight = lightConeSlice['ProjectionCenter'][lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis']] + 0.5 * lightConeSlice['DepthBoxFraction']
         if (depthLeft < 0):
             cut_mask = "((grid[\"%s\"] + 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] >= 0) & (grid[\"%s\"] - 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] <= %f)) | ((grid[\"%s\"] + 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] >= %f) & (grid[\"%s\"] - 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] <= 1))" % \
-                (axis,axis,axis,axis,depthRight,axis,axis,(depthLeft+1),axis,axis)
+                (axis, axis, axis, axis, depthRight, axis, axis, (depthLeft+1), axis, axis)
         elif (depthRight > 1):
             cut_mask = "((grid[\"%s\"] + 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] >= 0) & (grid[\"%s\"] - 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] <= %f)) | ((grid[\"%s\"] + 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] >= %f) & (grid[\"%s\"] - 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] <= 1))" % \
-                (axis,axis,axis,axis,(depthRight-1),axis,axis,depthLeft,axis,axis)
+                (axis, axis, axis, axis, (depthRight-1), axis, axis, depthLeft, axis, axis)
-            cut_mask = "(grid[\"%s\"] + 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] >= %f) & (grid[\"%s\"] - 0.5*grid[\"%s\"] <= %f)" % (axis,axis,depthLeft,axis,axis,depthRight)
+            cut_mask = "(grid[\"%s\"] + 0.5*grid[\"d%s\"] >= %f) & (grid[\"%s\"] - 0.5*grid[\"%s\"] <= %f)" % (axis, axis, depthLeft, axis, axis, depthRight)
     # Make projection.
-    lightConeSlice['pc'].add_projection(field,lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis'],weight_field=weight_field,field_cuts=these_field_cuts,
-                                        node_name=node_name,**kwargs)
+    lightConeSlice['pc'].add_projection(field, lightConeSlice['ProjectionAxis'], weight_field=weight_field, field_cuts=these_field_cuts,
+                                        node_name=node_name, **kwargs)
     # If parallel: all the processes have the whole projection object, but we only need to do the tiling, shifting, and cutting once.
-    if ytcfg.getint("yt","__parallel_rank") == 0:
+    if ytcfg.getint("yt", "__parallel_rank") == 0:
         # 2. The Tile Problem
         # Tile projection to specified width.
@@ -108,12 +104,12 @@
         for x in range(int(na.ceil(lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction']))):
             for y in range(int(na.ceil(lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction']))):
                 if ((x + y) > 0):
-                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['px'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['px'],original_px+x])
-                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['py'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['py'],original_py+y])
-                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdx'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdx'],original_pdx])
-                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdy'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdy'],original_pdy])
-                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data[field] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data[field],original_field])
-                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['weight_field'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['weight_field'],original_weight_field])
+                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['px'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['px'], original_px+x])
+                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['py'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['py'], original_py+y])
+                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdx'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdx'], original_pdx])
+                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdy'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdy'], original_pdy])
+                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data[field] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data[field], original_field])
+                    lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['weight_field'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['weight_field'], original_weight_field])
         # Delete originals.
         del original_px
@@ -186,21 +182,21 @@
         del add_y_left
         # Add the hanging cells back to the projection data.
-        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['px'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['px'],add_x_px,add_y_px,add2_x_px,add2_y_px])
-        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['py'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['py'],add_x_py,add_y_py,add2_x_py,add2_y_py])
-        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdx'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['pdx'],add_x_pdx,add_y_pdx,add2_x_pdx,add2_y_pdx])
-        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdy'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['pdy'],add_x_pdy,add_y_pdy,add2_x_pdy,add2_y_pdy])
-        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data[field] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0][field],add_x_field,add_y_field,add2_x_field,add2_y_field])
-        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['weight_field'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['weight_field'],add_x_weight_field,add_y_weight_field,
-                                                           add2_x_weight_field,add2_y_weight_field])
+        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['px'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['px'], add_x_px, add_y_px, add2_x_px, add2_y_px])
+        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['py'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['py'], add_x_py, add_y_py, add2_x_py, add2_y_py])
+        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdx'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['pdx'], add_x_pdx, add_y_pdx, add2_x_pdx, add2_y_pdx])
+        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['pdy'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['pdy'], add_x_pdy, add_y_pdy, add2_x_pdy, add2_y_pdy])
+        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data[field] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0][field], add_x_field, add_y_field, add2_x_field, add2_y_field])
+        lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data['weight_field'] = na.concatenate([lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0]['weight_field'], add_x_weight_field, add_y_weight_field,
+                                                                             add2_x_weight_field, add2_y_weight_field])
         # Delete original copies of hanging cells.
-        del add_x_px,add_y_px,add2_x_px,add2_y_px
-        del add_x_py,add_y_py,add2_x_py,add2_y_py
-        del add_x_pdx,add_y_pdx,add2_x_pdx,add2_y_pdx
-        del add_x_pdy,add_y_pdy,add2_x_pdy,add2_y_pdy
-        del add_x_field,add_y_field,add2_x_field,add2_y_field
-        del add_x_weight_field,add_y_weight_field,add2_x_weight_field,add2_y_weight_field
+        del add_x_px, add_y_px, add2_x_px, add2_y_px
+        del add_x_py, add_y_py, add2_x_py, add2_y_py
+        del add_x_pdx, add_y_pdx, add2_x_pdx, add2_y_pdx
+        del add_x_pdy, add_y_pdy, add2_x_pdy, add2_y_pdy
+        del add_x_field, add_y_field, add2_x_field, add2_y_field
+        del add_x_weight_field, add_y_weight_field, add2_x_weight_field, add2_y_weight_field
         # Tiles were made rounding up the width to the nearest integer.
         # Cut off the edges to get the specified width.
@@ -226,14 +222,16 @@
         # Save an image if requested.
         if save_image:
-            lightConeSlice['pc'].set_xlim(0,lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction'])
-            lightConeSlice['pc'].set_ylim(0,lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction'])
+            lightConeSlice['pc'].set_xlim(0, lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction'])
+            lightConeSlice['pc'].set_ylim(0, lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction'])
+            if add_redshift_label:
+                lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[-1].modify['text']((0.5, 0.03), "z = %.3f" % lightConeSlice['redshift'], dict(color='black',size=50))
         # Create fixed resolution buffer to return back to the light cone object.
         # These buffers will be stacked together to make the light cone.
-        frb = raven.FixedResolutionBuffer(lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data,(0,lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction'],0,lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction']),
-                                          (pixels,pixels),antialias=False)
+        frb = raven.FixedResolutionBuffer(lightConeSlice['pc'].plots[0].data, (0, lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction'], 0, lightConeSlice['WidthBoxFraction']),
+                                          (pixels, pixels), antialias=False)
         return frb

Modified: branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/UniqueSolution.py
--- branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/UniqueSolution.py	(original)
+++ branches/yt-1.5/yt/extensions/lightcone/UniqueSolution.py	Tue Nov  3 15:45:17 2009
@@ -28,36 +28,35 @@
 from yt.logger import lagosLogger as mylog
 import numpy as na
 import random as rand
+import copy
 import sys
-def ProjectUniqueLightCones(EnzoParameterFile,LightConeParameterFile,seedFile,field,**kwargs):
+def project_unique_light_cones(lightcone, seed_file, field, **kwargs):
     "Make light cone projections using list of random seeds in a file."
-    seedList = _ReadSeedFile(seedFile)
+    seedList = _read_seed_file(seed_file)
-    lc = LightCone(EnzoParameterFile,LightConeParameterFile)
-    prefix = lc.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix']
-    lc.CalculateLightConeSolution(seed=0)
+    prefix = lightcone.output_prefix
+    lightcone.calculate_light_cone_solution(seed=0)
     lastSeed = None
     for seed in seedList:
         if (seed['master'] != lastSeed):
-            lc.RerandomizeLightConeSolution(seed['master'],recycle=False)
+            lightcone.rerandomize_light_cone_solution(seed['master'], recycle=False)
             lastSeed = seed['master']
         if (seed['recycle'] is not None):
-            lc.RerandomizeLightConeSolution(seed['recycle'],recycle=True)
+            lightcone.rerandomize_light_cone_solution(seed['recycle'], recycle=True)
-        lc.lightConeParameters['OutputPrefix'] = "%s_%s_%s" % (prefix,seed['master'],seed['recycle'])
-        lc.ProjectLightCone(field,**kwargs)
+        lightcone.output_prefix = "%s_%s_%s" % (prefix, seed['master'], seed['recycle'])
+        lightcone.project_light_cone(field, **kwargs)
-def FindUniqueSolutions(EnzoParameterFile,LightConeParameterFile,solutions=100,seed=None,
-                        max_overlap=0.25,failures=10,recycle=True,filename='unique.dat'):
+def find_unique_solutions(lightcone1, solutions=100, seed=None, max_overlap=0.25, failures=10, 
+                          recycle=True, filename='unique.dat'):
     "Find a set of random seeds that will give light cones will minimal volume overlap."
-    solution1 = LightCone(EnzoParameterFile,LightConeParameterFile,verbose=False)
-    solution2 = LightCone(EnzoParameterFile,LightConeParameterFile,verbose=False)
-    solution1.CalculateLightConeSolution(seed=0)
-    solution2.CalculateLightConeSolution(seed=0)
+    lightcone2 = copy.deepcopy(lightcone1)
+    lightcone1.calculate_light_cone_solution(seed=0)
+    lightcone2.calculate_light_cone_solution(seed=0)
     uniqueSeeds = []
     if recycle:
@@ -83,40 +82,41 @@
         if (recycle and master is not None):
             newSeed = master
             if state is not None: rand.setstate(state)
-            newRecycleSeed = rand.randint(1,1e9)
+            newRecycleSeed = rand.randint(1, 1e9)
             state = rand.getstate()
             if state is not None: rand.setstate(state)
-            newSeed = rand.randint(1,1e9)
+            newSeed = rand.randint(1, 1e9)
             state = rand.getstate()
             if recycle:
                 master = newSeed
                 recycleFails = 0
             newRecycleSeed = None
-        sys.stderr.write(("Unique solutions: %d, consecutive failures: %"+failDigits+"d, %"+failDigits+"d.\r") % (len(uniqueSeeds),fails,recycleFails))
+        sys.stderr.write(("Unique solutions: %d, consecutive failures: %"+failDigits+"d, %"+failDigits+"d.\r") % \
+                             (len(uniqueSeeds), fails, recycleFails))
-        solution1.RerandomizeLightConeSolution(newSeed,recycle=False)
+        lightcone1.rerandomize_light_cone_solution(newSeed, recycle=False)
         if newRecycleSeed is not None:
-            solution1.RerandomizeLightConeSolution(newRecycleSeed,recycle=True)
+            lightcone1.rerandomize_light_cone_solution(newRecycleSeed, recycle=True)
         # Compare with all other seeds.
         testPass = True
         for uniqueSeed in uniqueSeeds:
-            solution2.RerandomizeLightConeSolution(uniqueSeed['master'],recycle=False)
+            lightcone2.rerandomize_light_cone_solution(uniqueSeed['master'], recycle=False)
             if uniqueSeed['recycle'] is not None:
-                solution2.RerandomizeLightConeSolution(uniqueSeed['recycle'],recycle=True)
+                lightcone2.rerandomize_light_cone_solution(uniqueSeed['recycle'], recycle=True)
-            common = CompareSolutions(solution1.lightConeSolution,solution2.lightConeSolution)
+            common = _compare_solutions(lightcone1.light_cone_solution, lightcone2.light_cone_solution)
             if (common > max_overlap):
                 testPass = False
-                maxCommon = max(maxCommon,common)
+                maxCommon = max(maxCommon, common)
         if testPass:
-            uniqueSeeds.append({'master':newSeed,'recycle':newRecycleSeed})
+            uniqueSeeds.append({'master':newSeed, 'recycle':newRecycleSeed})
             fails = 0
             recycleFails = 0
@@ -127,21 +127,23 @@
                 fails += 1
             if (recycleFails >= failures):
-                sys.stderr.write(("Unique solutions: %d, consecutive failures: %"+failDigits+"d, %"+failDigits+"d.\n") % (len(uniqueSeeds),fails,recycleFails))
+                sys.stderr.write(("Unique solutions: %d, consecutive failures: %"+failDigits+"d, %"+failDigits+"d.\n") % \
+                                     (len(uniqueSeeds), fails, recycleFails))
                 fails += 1
                 mylog.info("Max recycled failures reached with master seed %d." % newSeed)
                 master = None
             if (fails >= failures):
-                sys.stderr.write(("Unique solutions: %d, consecutive failures: %"+failDigits+"d, %"+failDigits+"d.\n") % (len(uniqueSeeds),fails,recycleFails))
+                sys.stderr.write(("Unique solutions: %d, consecutive failures: %"+failDigits+"d, %"+failDigits+"d.\n") % \
+                                     (len(uniqueSeeds), fails, recycleFails))
                 mylog.error("Max consecutive failures reached.")
     mylog.info("Created %d unique solutions." % len(uniqueSeeds))
     mylog.info("Maximum common volume is %.2e." % maxCommon)
-    _WriteSeedFile(uniqueSeeds,filename)
+    _write_seed_file(uniqueSeeds, filename)
     return uniqueSeeds
-def CompareSolutions(solution1,solution2):
+def _compare_solutions(solution1, solution2):
     "Calculate common volume between two light cone solutions."
     if (len(solution1) != len(solution2)):
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@
         mylog.error("Light cone solutions do not have equal volumes, will use the smaller one.")
     for q in range(len(solution1)):
-        cube1 = na.zeros(shape=(len(solution1[q]['ProjectionCenter']),2))
+        cube1 = na.zeros(shape=(len(solution1[q]['ProjectionCenter']), 2))
         volume1 = 1.0
         for w in range(len(cube1)):
             if (w == solution1[q]['ProjectionAxis']):
@@ -168,7 +170,7 @@
             cube1[w] = [solution1[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] - 0.5 * width,
                         solution1[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] + 0.5 * width]
-        cube2 = na.zeros(shape=(len(solution2[q]['ProjectionCenter']),2))
+        cube2 = na.zeros(shape=(len(solution2[q]['ProjectionCenter']), 2))
         volume2 = 1.0
         for w in range(len(cube2)):
             if (w == solution2[q]['ProjectionAxis']):
@@ -179,12 +181,12 @@
             cube2[w] = [solution2[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] - 0.5 * width,
                         solution2[q]['ProjectionCenter'][w] + 0.5 * width]
-        totalVolume += min(volume1,volume2)
-        commonVolume += commonNVolume(cube1,cube2,periodic=na.array([[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]]))
+        totalVolume += min(volume1, volume2)
+        commonVolume += commonNVolume(cube1, cube2, periodic=na.array([[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]]))
     return (commonVolume/totalVolume)
-def _ReadSeedFile(filename):
+def _read_seed_file(filename):
     "Read list of random seeds from a file."
     mylog.info("Reading random seed list from %s." % filename)
@@ -203,15 +205,16 @@
     return seedList
-def _WriteSeedFile(seedList,filename):
+ at rootonly
+def _write_seed_file(seedList, filename):
     "Write list of random seeds to a file."
     mylog.info("Writing random seed list to %s." % filename)
-    f = open(filename,'w')
+    f = open(filename, 'w')
     for seed in seedList:
         if seed['recycle'] is None:
             f.write("%s\n" % seed['master'])
-            f.write("%s,%s\n" % (seed['master'],seed['recycle']))
+            f.write("%s, %s\n" % (seed['master'], seed['recycle']))

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