[Yt-svn] yt-commit r1274 - in trunk/yt: . lagos

mturk at wrangler.dreamhost.com mturk at wrangler.dreamhost.com
Thu Apr 23 10:04:45 PDT 2009

Author: mturk
Date: Thu Apr 23 10:04:43 2009
New Revision: 1274
URL: http://yt.spacepope.org/changeset/1274

Adding the HaloFinding module, which unifies HOP and FOF.  Added FOF to the
setup.py file.  HaloFinder is now imported in yt/mods.py .

Correct usage is now:

from yt.mods import *
pf = load("data0001")
halo_list = HaloFinder(pf)


Added: trunk/yt/lagos/HaloFinding.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/yt/lagos/HaloFinding.py	Thu Apr 23 10:04:43 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+HOP-output data handling
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Author: Stephen Skory <stephenskory at yahoo.com>
+Affiliation: UCSD Physics/CASS
+Homepage: http://yt.enzotools.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from yt.lagos import *
+from yt.lagos.hop.EnzoHop import RunHOP
+    from yt.lagos.fof.EnzoFOF import RunFOF
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+class Halo(object):
+    """
+    A data source that returns particle information about the members of a
+    HOP-identified halo.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ParallelDummy # This will proxy up our methods
+    _distributed = False
+    _processing = False
+    _owner = 0
+    indices = None
+    dont_wrap = ["get_sphere", "write_particle_list"]
+    extra_wrap = ["__getitem__"]
+    def __init__(self, halo_list, id, indices = None):
+        self.halo_list = halo_list
+        self.id = id
+        self.data = halo_list.data_source
+        if indices is not None: self.indices = halo_list._base_indices[indices]
+        # We assume that if indices = None, the instantiator has OTHER plans
+        # for us -- i.e., setting it somehow else
+    def center_of_mass(self):
+        """
+        Calculate and return the center of mass.
+        """
+        c_vec = self.maximum_density_location() - na.array([0.5,0.5,0.5])
+        pm = self["ParticleMassMsun"]
+        cx = (self["particle_position_x"] - c_vec[0])
+        cy = (self["particle_position_y"] - c_vec[1])
+        cz = (self["particle_position_z"] - c_vec[2])
+        com = na.array([v-na.floor(v) for v in [cx,cy,cz]])
+        return (com*pm).sum(axis=1)/pm.sum() + c_vec
+    def maximum_density(self):
+        """
+        Return the HOP-identified maximum density.
+        """
+        return self.halo_list._max_dens[self.id][0]
+    def maximum_density_location(self):
+        """
+        Return the location HOP identified as maximally dense.
+        """
+        return na.array([
+                self.halo_list._max_dens[self.id][1],
+                self.halo_list._max_dens[self.id][2],
+                self.halo_list._max_dens[self.id][3]])
+    def total_mass(self):
+        """
+        Returns the total mass in solar masses of the halo.
+        """
+        return self["ParticleMassMsun"].sum()
+    def bulk_velocity(self):
+        """
+        Returns the mass-weighted average velocity.
+        """
+        pm = self["ParticleMassMsun"]
+        vx = (self["particle_velocity_x"] * pm).sum()
+        vy = (self["particle_velocity_y"] * pm).sum()
+        vz = (self["particle_velocity_z"] * pm).sum()
+        return na.array([vx,vy,vz])/pm.sum()
+    def maximum_radius(self, center_of_mass=True):
+        """
+        Returns the maximum radius in the halo for all particles,
+        either from the point of maximum density or from the (default)
+        *center_of_mass*.
+        """
+        if center_of_mass: center = self.center_of_mass()
+        else: center = self.maximum_density_location()
+        rx = na.abs(self["particle_position_x"]-center[0])
+        ry = na.abs(self["particle_position_y"]-center[1])
+        rz = na.abs(self["particle_position_z"]-center[2])
+        r = na.sqrt(na.minimum(rx, 1.0-rx)**2.0
+                +   na.minimum(ry, 1.0-ry)**2.0
+                +   na.minimum(rz, 1.0-rz)**2.0)
+        return r.max()
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.data[key][self.indices]
+    def get_sphere(self, center_of_mass=True):
+        """
+        Returns an EnzoSphere centered on either the point of maximum density
+        or the *center_of_mass*, with the maximum radius of the halo.
+        """
+        if center_of_mass: center = self.center_of_mass()
+        else: center = self.maximum_density_location()
+        radius = self.maximum_radius()
+        # A bit of a long-reach here...
+        sphere = self.halo_list.data_source.hierarchy.sphere(
+                        center, radius=radius)
+        return sphere
+    def get_size(self):
+        return self.indices.size
+    def write_particle_list(self, handle):
+        self._processing = True
+        gn = "Halo%08i" % (self.id)
+        handle.createGroup("/", gn)
+        for field in ["particle_position_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'] \
+                   + ["particle_velocity_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'] \
+                   + ["particle_index"]:
+            handle.createArray("/%s" % gn, field, self[field])
+        n = handle.getNode("/", gn)
+        # set attributes on n
+        self._processing = False
+class HOPHalo(Halo):
+    pass
+class FOFHalo(Halo):
+    def center_of_mass(self):
+        """
+        Calculate and return the center of mass.
+        """
+        pm = self["ParticleMassMsun"]
+        cx = self["particle_position_x"]
+        cy = self["particle_position_y"]
+        cz = self["particle_position_z"]
+        c_vec = na.array([cx[0],cy[0],cz[0]]) - na.array([0.5,0.5,0.5])
+        cx = cx - c_vec[0]
+        cy = cy - c_vec[1]
+        cz = cz - c_vec[2]
+        com = na.array([v-na.floor(v) for v in [cx,cy,cz]])
+        com = (pm * com).sum(axis=1)/pm.sum() + c_vec
+        return com
+    def maximum_density(self):
+        return -1
+    def maximum_density_location(self):
+        return self.center_of_mass()
+class HaloList(object):
+    _fields = ["particle_position_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz']
+    def __init__(self, data_source, dm_only = True):
+        """
+        Run hop on *data_source* with a given density *threshold*.  If
+        *dm_only* is set, only run it on the dark matter particles, otherwise
+        on all particles.  Returns an iterable collection of *HopGroup* items.
+        """
+        self.data_source = data_source
+        self.dm_only = dm_only
+        self._groups = []
+        self._max_dens = {}
+        self.__obtain_particles()
+        self._run_finder()
+        mylog.info("Parsing outputs")
+        self._parse_output()
+        mylog.debug("Finished. (%s)", len(self))
+    def __obtain_particles(self):
+        if self.dm_only: ii = self.__get_dm_indices()
+        else: ii = slice(None)
+        self.particle_fields = {}
+        for field in self._fields:
+            tot_part = self.data_source[field].size
+            self.particle_fields[field] = self.data_source[field][ii]
+        self._base_indices = na.arange(tot_part)[ii]
+    def __get_dm_indices(self):
+        if 'creation_time' in self.data_source.hierarchy.field_list:
+            mylog.debug("Differentiating based on creation time")
+            return (self.data_source["creation_time"] < 0)
+        elif 'particle_type' in self.data_source.hierarchy.field_list:
+            mylog.debug("Differentiating based on particle type")
+            return (self.data_source["particle_type"] == 1)
+        else:
+            mylog.warning("No particle_type, no creation_time, so not distinguishing.")
+            return slice(None)
+    def _parse_output(self):
+        unique_ids = na.unique(self.tags)
+        counts = na.bincount(self.tags+1)
+        sort_indices = na.argsort(self.tags)
+        grab_indices = na.indices(self.tags.shape).ravel()[sort_indices]
+        dens = self.densities[sort_indices]
+        cp = 0
+        for i in unique_ids:
+            cp_c = cp + counts[i+1]
+            if i == -1:
+                cp += counts[i+1]
+                continue
+            group_indices = grab_indices[cp:cp_c]
+            self._groups.append(self._halo_class(self, i, group_indices))
+            md_i = na.argmax(dens[cp:cp_c])
+            px, py, pz = [self.particle_fields['particle_position_%s'%ax][group_indices]
+                                            for ax in 'xyz']
+            self._max_dens[i] = (dens[cp:cp_c][md_i], px[md_i], py[md_i], pz[md_i])
+            cp += counts[i+1]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._groups)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for i in self._groups: yield i
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self._groups[key]
+    def write_out(self, filename):
+        """
+        Write out standard HOP information to *filename*.
+        """
+        if hasattr(filename, 'write'):
+            f = filename
+        else:
+            f = open(filename,"w")
+        f.write("# HALOS FOUND WITH %s\n" % (self._name))
+        f.write("\t".join(["# Group","Mass","# part","max dens"
+                           "x","y","z", "center-of-mass",
+                           "x","y","z",
+                           "vx","vy","vz","max_r","\n"]))
+        for group in self:
+            f.write("%10i\t" % group.id)
+            f.write("%0.9e\t" % group.total_mass())
+            f.write("%10i\t" % group.get_size())
+            f.write("%0.9e\t" % group.maximum_density())
+            f.write("\t".join(["%0.9e" % v for v in group.maximum_density_location()]))
+            f.write("\t")
+            f.write("\t".join(["%0.9e" % v for v in group.center_of_mass()]))
+            f.write("\t")
+            f.write("\t".join(["%0.9e" % v for v in group.bulk_velocity()]))
+            f.write("\t")
+            f.write("%0.9e\t" % group.maximum_radius())
+            f.write("\n")
+            f.flush()
+        f.close()
+class HOPHaloList(HaloList):
+    _name = "HOP"
+    _halo_class = HOPHalo
+    _fields = ["particle_position_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'] + \
+              ["ParticleMassMsun"]
+    def __init__(self, data_source, threshold=160.0, dm_only=True):
+        """
+        Run hop on *data_source* with a given density *threshold*.  If
+        *dm_only* is set, only run it on the dark matter particles, otherwise
+        on all particles.  Returns an iterable collection of *HopGroup* items.
+        """
+        self.threshold = threshold
+        mylog.info("Initializing HOP")
+        HaloList.__init__(self, data_source, dm_only)
+    def _run_finder(self):
+        self.densities, self.tags = \
+            RunHOP(self.particle_fields["particle_position_x"],
+                   self.particle_fields["particle_position_y"],
+                   self.particle_fields["particle_position_z"],
+                   self.particle_fields["ParticleMassMsun"],
+                   self.threshold)
+        self.particle_fields["densities"] = self.densities
+        self.particle_fields["tags"] = self.tags
+    def write_out(self, filename="HopAnalysis.out"):
+        HaloList.write_out(self, filename)
+class FOFHaloList(HaloList):
+    _name = "FOF"
+    _halo_class = FOFHalo
+    def __init__(self, data_source, link=0.2, dm_only=True):
+        self.link = link
+        mylog.info("Initializing FOF")
+        HaloList.__init__(self, data_source, dm_only)
+    def _run_finder(self):
+        self.tags = \
+            RunFOF(self.particle_fields["particle_position_x"],
+                   self.particle_fields["particle_position_y"],
+                   self.particle_fields["particle_position_z"],
+                   self.link)
+        self.densities = na.ones(self.tags.size, dtype='float64') * -1
+        self.particle_fields["densities"] = self.densities
+        self.particle_fields["tags"] = self.tags
+    def write_out(self, filename="FOFAnalysis.out"):
+        HaloList.write_out(self, filename)
+class GenericHaloFinder(ParallelAnalysisInterface):
+    def __init__(self, pf, dm_only=True, padding=0.2):
+        self.pf = pf
+        self.hierarchy = pf.h
+        self.center = (pf["DomainRightEdge"] + pf["DomainLeftEdge"])/2.0
+    def _parse_halolist(self, threshold_adjustment):
+        groups, max_dens, hi  = [], {}, 0
+        LE, RE = self.bounds
+        for halo in self._groups:
+            this_max_dens = halo.maximum_density_location()
+            # if the most dense particle is in the box, keep it
+            if na.all((this_max_dens >= LE) & (this_max_dens <= RE)):
+                # Now we add the halo information to OURSELVES, taken from the
+                # self.hop_list
+                # We need to mock up the HOPHaloList thingie, so we need to set:
+                #     self._max_dens
+                max_dens[hi] = self._max_dens[halo.id] / threshold_adjustment
+                groups.append(self._halo_class(self, hi))
+                groups[-1].indices = halo.indices
+                self._claim_object(groups[-1])
+                hi += 1
+        del self._groups, self._max_dens # explicit >> implicit
+        self._groups = groups
+        self._max_dens = max_dens
+    def _join_halolists(self):
+        # First we get the total number of halos the entire collection
+        # has identified
+        # Note I have added a new method here to help us get information
+        # about processors and ownership and so forth.
+        # _mpi_info_dict returns a dict of {proc: whatever} where whatever is
+        # what is fed in on each proc.
+        mine, halo_info = self._mpi_info_dict(len(self))
+        nhalos = sum(halo_info.values())
+        # Figure out our offset
+        my_first_id = sum([v for k,v in halo_info.items() if k < mine])
+        # Fix our max_dens
+        max_dens = {}
+        for i,m in self._max_dens.items(): max_dens[i+my_first_id] = m
+        self._max_dens = max_dens
+        # sort the list by the size of the groups
+        # Now we add ghost halos and reassign all the IDs
+        # Note: we already know which halos we own!
+        after = my_first_id + len(self._groups)
+        # One single fake halo, not owned, does the trick
+        self._groups = [self._halo_class(self, i) for i in range(my_first_id)] + \
+                       self._groups + \
+                       [self._halo_class(self, i) for i in range(after, nhalos)]
+        id = 0
+        for proc in sorted(halo_info.keys()):
+            for halo in self._groups[id:id+halo_info[proc]]:
+                halo.id = id
+                halo._distributed = self._distributed
+                halo._owner = proc
+                id += 1
+        def haloCmp(h1,h2):
+            c = cmp(h1.get_size(),h2.get_size())
+            if c != 0:
+                return -1 * c
+            if c == 0:
+                return cmp(h1.center_of_mass()[0],h2.center_of_mass()[0])
+        self._groups.sort(haloCmp)
+        sorted_max_dens = {}
+        for i, halo in enumerate(self._groups):
+            if halo.id in self._max_dens:
+                sorted_max_dens[i] = self._max_dens[halo.id]
+            halo.id = i
+        self._max_dens = sorted_max_dens
+    def _reposition_particles(self, bounds):
+        # This only does periodicity.  We do NOT want to deal with anything
+        # else.  The only reason we even do periodicity is the 
+        LE, RE = bounds
+        dw = self.pf["DomainRightEdge"] - self.pf["DomainLeftEdge"]
+        for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+            arr = self.data_source["particle_position_%s" % ax]
+            arr[arr < LE[i]-self.padding] += dw[i]
+            arr[arr > RE[i]+self.padding] -= dw[i]
+    def write_out(self, filename):
+        f = self._write_on_root(filename)
+        HaloList.write_out(self, f)
+    @parallel_blocking_call
+    def write_particle_lists(self, prefix):
+        fn = "%s.h5" % self._get_filename(prefix)
+        f = tables.openFile(fn, "w")
+        for halo in self._groups:
+            if not self._is_mine(halo): continue
+            halo.write_particle_list(f)
+class HOPHaloFinder(GenericHaloFinder, HOPHaloList):
+    def __init__(self, pf, threshold=160, dm_only=True, padding=0.2):
+        GenericHaloFinder.__init__(self, pf, dm_only, padding)
+        # do it once with no padding so the total_mass is correct (no duplicated particles)
+        self.padding = 0.0
+        padded, LE, RE, data_source = self._partition_hierarchy_3d(padding=self.padding)
+        # For scaling the threshold, note that it's a passthrough
+        total_mass = self._mpi_allsum(data_source["ParticleMassMsun"].sum())
+        # MJT: Note that instead of this, if we are assuming that the particles
+        # are all on different processors, we should instead construct an
+        # object representing the entire domain and sum it "lazily" with
+        # Derived Quantities.
+        self.padding = padding #* pf["unitary"] # This should be clevererer
+        padded, LE, RE, self.data_source = self._partition_hierarchy_3d(padding=self.padding)
+        self.bounds = (LE, RE)
+        # reflect particles around the periodic boundary
+        self._reposition_particles((LE, RE))
+        sub_mass = self.data_source["ParticleMassMsun"].sum()
+        HOPHaloList.__init__(self, self.data_source, threshold*total_mass/sub_mass, dm_only)
+        self._parse_halolist(total_mass/sub_mass)
+        self._join_halolists()
+class FOFHaloFinder(GenericHaloFinder, FOFHaloList):
+    def __init__(self, pf, link=0.2, dm_only=True, padding=0.2):
+        self.pf = pf
+        self.hierarchy = pf.h
+        self.center = (pf["DomainRightEdge"] + pf["DomainLeftEdge"])/2.0
+        self.padding = 0.0 #* pf["unitary"] # This should be clevererer
+        # get the total number of particles across all procs, with no padding
+        padded, LE, RE, self.data_source = self._partition_hierarchy_3d(padding=self.padding)
+        n_parts = self._mpi_allsum(self.data_source["particle_position_x"].size)
+        # get the average spacing between particles
+        l = pf["DomainRightEdge"] - pf["DomainLeftEdge"]
+        vol = l[0] * l[1] * l[2]
+        avg_spacing = (float(vol) / n_parts)**(1./3.)
+        self.padding = padding
+        padded, LE, RE, self.data_source = self._partition_hierarchy_3d(padding=self.padding)
+        self.bounds = (LE, RE)
+        # reflect particles around the periodic boundary
+        self._reposition_particles((LE, RE))
+        # here is where the FOF halo finder is run
+        FOFHaloList.__init__(self, self.data_source, link * avg_spacing, dm_only)
+        self._parse_halolist(1.)
+        self._join_halolists()
+HaloFinder = HOPHaloFinder

Modified: trunk/yt/lagos/__init__.py
--- trunk/yt/lagos/__init__.py	(original)
+++ trunk/yt/lagos/__init__.py	Thu Apr 23 10:04:43 2009
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
 from OutputTypes import *
 from Profiles import *
+from HaloFinding import *
 # We load plugins.  Keep in mind, this can be fairly dangerous -
 # the primary purpose is to allow people to have a set of functions

Modified: trunk/yt/lagos/setup.py
--- trunk/yt/lagos/setup.py	(original)
+++ trunk/yt/lagos/setup.py	Thu Apr 23 10:04:43 2009
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
     config.add_extension("Interpolators", "yt/lagos/Interpolators.c")
     #config.add_extension("DepthFirstOctree", "yt/lagos/DepthFirstOctree.c")
+    config.add_subpackage("fof")
     H5dir = check_for_hdf5()
     if H5dir is not None:

Modified: trunk/yt/mods.py
--- trunk/yt/mods.py	(original)
+++ trunk/yt/mods.py	Thu Apr 23 10:04:43 2009
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     BinnedProfile1D, BinnedProfile2D, BinnedProfile3D, \
     add_field, FieldInfo, EnzoFieldInfo, Enzo2DFieldInfo, OrionFieldInfo, \
     Clump, write_clump_hierarchy, find_clumps, write_clumps, \
-    OrionStaticOutput
+    OrionStaticOutput, HaloFinder
 # This is a temporary solution -- in the future, we will allow the user to
 # select this via ytcfg.

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