[Yt-svn] yt-commit r879 - trunk/yt/extensions

britton at wrangler.dreamhost.com britton at wrangler.dreamhost.com
Wed Nov 5 10:46:53 PST 2008

Author: britton
Date: Wed Nov  5 10:46:52 2008
New Revision: 879
URL: http://yt.spacepope.org/changeset/879

Adding HaloProfiler.  A sample parameter file and running script will be 
added to examples.

5 November, 2008

Britton Smith


Added: trunk/yt/extensions/HaloProfiler.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/yt/extensions/HaloProfiler.py	Wed Nov  5 10:46:52 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+HaloProfiler class and member functions.
+Author: Britton Smith <brittons at origins.colorado.edu>
+Affiliation: CASA/University of CO, Boulder
+Homepage: http://yt.enzotools.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008 Britton Smith.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import yt.lagos as lagos
+import yt.raven as raven
+import numpy as na
+import os
+class HaloProfiler(object):
+    def __init__(self,dataset,HaloProfilerParameterFile):
+        self.dataset = dataset
+        self.HaloProfilerParameterFile = HaloProfilerParameterFile
+        self.haloProfilerParameters = {}
+        self.profileFields = {}
+        self.projectionFields = {}
+        self.hopHalos = []
+        self.virialQuantities = []
+        # Set some parameter defaults.
+        self._SetParameterDefaults()
+        # Read parameter file.
+        self._ReadHaloProfilerParameterFile()
+        # Create dataset object.
+        self.pf = lagos.EnzoStaticOutput(self.dataset)
+    def makeProfiles(self):
+        "Make radial profiles for all halos on the list."
+        # Get hop data.
+        self._LoadHopData()
+        # Add profile fields necessary for calculating virial quantities.
+        self._CheckForNeededProfileFields()
+        outputDir = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,self.haloProfilerParameters['ProfileOutputDir'])
+        if (os.path.exists(outputDir)):
+            if not(os.path.isdir(outputDir)):
+                mylog.error("Output directory exists, but is not a directory: %s." % outputDir)
+                return
+        else:
+            os.mkdir(outputDir)
+        pbar = lagos.get_pbar("Profiling halos ", len(self.hopHalos))
+        for q,halo in enumerate(self.hopHalos):
+            filename = "%s/Halo_%04d_profile.dat" % (outputDir,q)
+            sphere = self.pf.h.sphere(halo['center'],halo['r_max']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+            profile = lagos.BinnedProfile1D(sphere,self.haloProfilerParameters['n_bins'],"RadiusMpc",
+                                            (4*self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx() * self.pf['mpc']),halo['r_max'],
+                                            log_space=True, lazy_reader=True)
+            for field in self.profileFields.keys():
+                profile.add_fields(field,weight=self.profileFields[field][0],
+                                   accumulation=self.profileFields[field][1])
+            self._AddActualOverdensity(profile)
+            virial = self._CalculateVirialQuantities(profile)
+            virial['center'] = self.hopHalos[q]['center']
+            if (virial['TotalMassMsun'] < self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff']):
+                self.virialQuantities.append(None)
+            else:
+                self.virialQuantities.append(virial)
+                profile.write_out(filename, format='%0.6e')
+            del profile
+            del sphere
+            pbar.update(q)
+        pbar.finish()
+        self._WriteVirialQuantities()
+    def makeProjections(self,save_images=True,**kwargs):
+        "Make projections of all halos using specified fields."
+        # Get virial quantities.
+        self._LoadVirialData()
+        outputDir = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionOutputDir'])
+        if (os.path.exists(outputDir)):
+            if not(os.path.isdir(outputDir)):
+                mylog.error("Output directory exists, but is not a directory: %s." % outputDir)
+                return
+        else:
+            os.mkdir(outputDir)
+        center = [0.5 * (self.pf.parameters['DomainLeftEdge'][w] + self.pf.parameters['DomainRightEdge'][w])
+                  for w in range(self.pf.parameters['TopGridRank'])]
+        # Create a plot collection.
+        pc = raven.PlotCollection(self.pf,center=center)
+        for q,halo in enumerate(self.virialQuantities):
+            if halo is None:
+                continue
+            # Check if region will overlap domain edge.
+            # Using non-periodic regions is faster than using periodic ones.
+            leftEdge = [(halo['center'][w] - 0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+                        for w in range(len(halo['center']))]
+            rightEdge = [(halo['center'][w] + 0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+                         for w in range(len(halo['center']))]
+            mylog.info("Projecting halo %04d in region: [%f, %f, %f] to [%f, %f, %f]." %
+                       (q,leftEdge[0],leftEdge[1],leftEdge[2],rightEdge[0],rightEdge[1],rightEdge[2]))
+            need_per = False
+            for w in range(len(halo['center'])):
+                if ((leftEdge[w] < self.pf.parameters['DomainLeftEdge'][w]) or
+                    (rightEdge[w] > self.pf.parameters['DomainRightEdge'][w])):
+                    need_per = True
+                    break
+            if need_per:
+                region = self.pf.h.periodic_region(halo['center'],leftEdge,rightEdge)
+            else:
+                region = self.pf.h.region(halo['center'],leftEdge,rightEdge)
+            # Make projections.
+            for w in range(self.pf.parameters['TopGridRank']):
+                # YT projections do not follow the right-hand rule.
+                coords = range(3)
+                del coords[w]
+                x_axis = coords[0]
+                y_axis = coords[1]
+                for field in self.projectionFields.keys():
+                    pc.add_projection(field,w,weight_field=self.projectionFields[field],source=region,**kwargs)
+                # Set x and y limits, shift image if it overlaps domain boundary.
+                if need_per:
+                    ShiftProjections(self.pf,pc,halo['center'],center,w)
+                    # Projection has now been shifted to center of box.
+                    pc.set_xlim(center[x_axis]-0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'],
+                                center[x_axis]+0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+                    pc.set_ylim(center[y_axis]-0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'],
+                                center[y_axis]+0.5 * self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth']/self.pf.units['mpc'])
+                else:
+                    pc.set_xlim(leftEdge[x_axis],rightEdge[x_axis])
+                    pc.set_ylim(leftEdge[y_axis],rightEdge[y_axis])
+                if save_images:
+                    pc.save("%s/%04d" % (outputDir,q))
+                pc.clear_plots()
+            del region
+        del pc
+    def _WriteVirialQuantities(self):
+        "Write out file with halo centers and virial masses and radii."
+        filename = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialQuantitiesOutputFile'])
+        mylog.info("Writing virial quantities to %s." % filename)
+        file = open(filename,'w')
+        file.write("#Index\tx\ty\tz\tMass [Msolar]\tRadius [Mpc]\n")
+        for q in range(len(self.virialQuantities)):
+            if (self.virialQuantities[q] is not None):
+                file.write("%04d %.10f %.10f %.10f %.6e %.6e\n" % (q,self.hopHalos[q]['center'][0],self.hopHalos[q]['center'][1],
+                                                                   self.hopHalos[q]['center'][2],
+                                                                   self.virialQuantities[q]['TotalMassMsun'],
+                                                                   self.virialQuantities[q]['RadiusMpc']))
+        file.close()
+    def _AddActualOverdensity(self,profile):
+        "Calculate overdensity from TotalMassMsun and CellVolume fields."
+        rho_crit_now = 1.8788e-29 # g cm^-3
+        Msun2g = 1.989e33
+        rho_crit = rho_crit_now * ((1 + self.pf['CosmologyCurrentRedshift'])**3.0)
+        profile['ActualOverdensity'] = (Msun2g * profile['TotalMassMsun']) / \
+            profile['CellVolume'] / rho_crit
+    def _CalculateVirialQuantities(self,profile,overdensity_field='ActualOverdensity'):
+        "Calculate virial radius and virial mass from radial profiles."
+        fields = ['TotalMassMsun','RadiusMpc']
+        overDensity = []
+        temp_profile = {}
+        for field in fields:
+            temp_profile[field] = []
+        for q in range(len(profile[overdensity_field])):
+            good = True
+            if (profile[overdensity_field][q] != profile[overdensity_field][q]):
+                good = False
+                continue
+            for field in fields:
+                if (profile[field][q] != profile[field][q]):
+                    good = False
+                    break
+            if good:
+                overDensity.append(profile[overdensity_field][q])
+                for field in fields:
+                    temp_profile[field].append(profile[field][q])
+        if (overDensity[1] <= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity']):
+            index = 0
+        elif (overDensity[-1] >= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity']):
+            index = -2
+        else:
+            for q in (na.array(range(len(overDensity)-2))+2):
+                if (overDensity[q] < self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity']):
+                    index = q - 1
+                    break
+        virial = {}
+        for field in fields:
+            slope = (temp_profile[field][index+1] - temp_profile[field][index]) / \
+                (overDensity[index+1] - overDensity[index])
+            value = slope * (self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity'] - overDensity[index]) + \
+                temp_profile[field][index]
+            virial[field] = value
+        return virial
+    def _CheckForNeededProfileFields(self):
+        "Make sure CellVolume and TotalMass fields are added so virial quantities can be calculated."
+        if not(self.profileFields.has_key('CellVolume')):
+            mylog.info("Adding CellVolume field to so virial quantities can be calculated")
+            self.profileFields['CellVolume'] = [None,True]
+        if not(self.profileFields.has_key('TotalMassMsun')):
+            mylog.info("Adding TotalMassMsun field to so virial quantities can be calculated")
+            self.profileFields['TotalMassMsun'] = [None,True]
+    def _ReadHopFile(self,hopFile):
+        "Read hop file to get halo information."
+        mylog.info("Reading halo information from %s." % hopFile)
+        hopLines = file(hopFile)
+        for line in hopLines:
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not(line.startswith('#')):
+                onLine = line.split()
+                mass = float(onLine[1])
+                if (mass >= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff']):
+                    center = [float(onLine[4]),float(onLine[5]),float(onLine[6])]
+                    r_max = float(onLine[13]) * self.pf.units['mpc']
+                    halo = {'center': center, 'r_max': r_max}
+                    self.hopHalos.append(halo)
+        mylog.info("Loaded %d halos with total dark matter mass af at least %e Msolar." % (len(self.hopHalos),
+                                                                                           self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff'])) 
+    def _RunHop(self,hopFile):
+        "Run hop to get halos."
+        full_box = self.pf.h.region(0.5 *(self.pf.parameters['DomainRightEdge'] -
+                                          self.pf.parameters['DomainLeftEdge']),
+                                    self.pf.parameters['DomainLeftEdge'],
+                                    self.pf.parameters['DomainRightEdge'])
+        hop_results = lagos.hop.HopList(full_box, 80.0)
+        hop_results.write_out(hopFile)
+        del full_box
+        del hop_results
+    def _LoadHopData(self):
+        "Read hop output file or run hop if it doesn't exist."
+        # Don't run if hop data already loaded.
+        if self.hopHalos:
+            return
+        hopFile = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,
+                             self.haloProfilerParameters['HopOutputFile'])
+        if not(os.path.exists(hopFile)):
+            mylog.info("Hop file not found, running hop to get halos.")
+            self._RunHop(hopFile)
+        self._ReadHopFile(hopFile)
+    def _LoadVirialData(self):
+        "Read virial quantities data or ask for profiles to be run if it doesn't exist."
+        if self.virialQuantities:
+            return
+        virialFile = "%s/%s" % (self.pf.fullpath,
+                                self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialQuantitiesOutputFile'])
+        if not(os.path.exists(virialFile)):
+            mylog.error("Virial quantities not available.  Run makeProfiles to get them.")
+            return
+        mylog.info("Reading virial quantities from %s." % virialFile)
+        virialLines = file(virialFile)
+        halos = 0
+        for line in virialLines:
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not(line.startswith('#')):
+                onLine = line.split()
+                index = int(onLine[0])
+                virial = {}
+                virial['center'] =  [float(onLine[1]),float(onLine[2]),float(onLine[3])]
+                virial['TotalMassMsun'] = float(onLine[4])
+                virial['RadiusMpc'] = float(onLine[5])
+                if (virial['TotalMassMsun'] >= self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff']):
+                    for q in range(index - len(self.virialQuantities)):
+                        self.virialQuantities.append(None)
+                    self.virialQuantities.append(virial)
+                    halos += 1
+        mylog.info("Loaded virial quantities for %d halos." % halos)
+    def _ReadHaloProfilerParameterFile(self):
+        "Read a halo profiler parameter file."
+        lines = open(self.HaloProfilerParameterFile).readlines()
+        for line in lines:
+            if line.find("#") >= 0: # Keep the commented lines
+                line=line[:line.find("#")]
+            line=line.strip()
+            if len(line) < 2:
+                continue
+            try:
+                param, vals = map(str,line.split("="))
+                param = param.strip()
+                vals = vals.strip()
+            except ValueError:
+                mylog.error("Skipping line: %s" % line)
+                continue
+            if haloProfilerParameterDict.has_key(param):
+                t = map(haloProfilerParameterDict[param], vals.split())
+                if len(t) == 1:
+                    self.haloProfilerParameters[param] = t[0]
+                else:
+                    self.haloProfilerParameters[param] = t
+            elif param.startswith("Profile["):
+                field = param[param.find("[")+1:param.find("]")]
+                field_vals = vals.split(',')
+                for val in field_vals:
+                    val.strip()
+                if (field_vals[0].find('None') >= 0):
+                    field_vals[0] = None
+                if (field_vals[1].find('True') >= 0):
+                    field_vals[1] = True
+                else:
+                    field_vals[1] = False
+                self.profileFields[field] = field_vals
+            elif param.startswith("Projection["):
+                field = param[param.find("[")+1:param.find("]")]
+                if (vals.find('None') >= 0):
+                    vals = None
+                self.projectionFields[field] = vals
+    def _SetParameterDefaults(self):
+        "Set some default parameters."
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialMassCutoff'] = 1e13 # M_solar
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialOverdensity'] = 200
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['n_bins'] = 50
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProfileOutputDir'] = 'radial_profiles'
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionOutputDir'] = 'projections'
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['HopOutputFile'] = "HopAnalysis.out"
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['VirialQuantitiesOutputFile'] = "VirialQuantities.out"
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionWidth'] = 4.0 # Mpc
+        self.haloProfilerParameters['ProjectionResolution'] = 800
+haloProfilerParameterDict = {"ProfileOutputDir": str,
+                             "VirialQuantitiesOutputFile": str,
+                             "HopOutputFile": str,
+                             "VirialMassCutoff": float,
+                             "VirialOverdensity": float,
+                             "n_bins": int,
+                             "Profile": str,
+                             "ProjectionOutputDir": str,
+                             "ProjectionWidth": float,
+                             "Projection": str,
+                             "ProjectionResolution": int}
+def ShiftProjections(pf,pc,oldCenter,newCenter,axis):
+    """
+    Shift projection data around.
+    This is necessary when projecting a preiodic region.
+    """
+    offset = [newCenter[q]-oldCenter[q] for q in range(len(oldCenter))]
+    width = [pf.parameters['DomainRightEdge'][q]-pf.parameters['DomainLeftEdge'][q] for q in range(len(oldCenter))]
+    del offset[axis]
+    del width[axis]
+    for plot in pc.plots:
+        # Get name of data field.
+        other_fields = {'px':True,'py':True,'pdx':True,'pdy':True,'weight_field':True}
+        for pfield in plot.data.data.keys():
+            if not(other_fields.has_key(pfield)):
+                field = pfield
+                break
+        # Shift x and y positions.
+        plot['px'] += offset[0]
+        plot['py'] += offset[1]
+        # Wrap off-edge cells back around to other side (periodic boundary conditions).
+        plot['px'][plot['px'] < 0] += width[0]
+        plot['py'][plot['py'] < 0] += width[1]
+        plot['px'][plot['px'] > width[0]] -= width[0]
+        plot['py'][plot['py'] > width[1]] -= width[1]
+        # After shifting, some cells have fractional coverage on both sides of the box.
+        # Find those cells and make copies to be placed on the other side.
+        # Cells hanging off the right edge.
+        add_x_px = plot['px'][plot['px'] + 0.5 * plot['pdx'] > width[0]]
+        add_x_px -= width[0]
+        add_x_py = plot['py'][plot['px'] + 0.5 * plot['pdx'] > width[0]]
+        add_x_pdx = plot['pdx'][plot['px'] + 0.5 * plot['pdx'] > width[0]]
+        add_x_pdy = plot['pdy'][plot['px'] + 0.5 * plot['pdx'] > width[0]]
+        add_x_field = plot[field][plot['px'] + 0.5 * plot['pdx'] > width[0]]
+        add_x_weight_field = plot['weight_field'][plot['px'] + 0.5 * plot['pdx'] > width[0]]
+        # Cells hanging off the left edge.
+        add2_x_px = plot['px'][plot['px'] - 0.5 * plot['pdx'] < 0]
+        add2_x_px += width[0]
+        add2_x_py = plot['py'][plot['px'] - 0.5 * plot['pdx'] < 0]
+        add2_x_pdx = plot['pdx'][plot['px'] - 0.5 * plot['pdx'] < 0]
+        add2_x_pdy = plot['pdy'][plot['px'] - 0.5 * plot['pdx'] < 0]
+        add2_x_field = plot[field][plot['px'] - 0.5 * plot['pdx'] < 0]
+        add2_x_weight_field = plot['weight_field'][plot['px'] - 0.5 * plot['pdx'] < 0]
+        # Cells hanging off the top edge.
+        add_y_px = plot['px'][plot['py'] + 0.5 * plot['pdy'] > width[1]]
+        add_y_py = plot['py'][plot['py'] + 0.5 * plot['pdy'] > width[1]]
+        add_y_py -= width[1]
+        add_y_pdx = plot['pdx'][plot['py'] + 0.5 * plot['pdy'] > width[1]]
+        add_y_pdy = plot['pdy'][plot['py'] + 0.5 * plot['pdy'] > width[1]]
+        add_y_field = plot[field][plot['py'] + 0.5 * plot['pdy'] > width[1]]
+        add_y_weight_field = plot['weight_field'][plot['py'] + 0.5 * plot['pdy'] > width[1]]
+        # Cells hanging off the bottom edge.
+        add2_y_px = plot['px'][plot['py'] - 0.5 * plot['pdy'] < 0]
+        add2_y_py = plot['py'][plot['py'] - 0.5 * plot['pdy'] < 0]
+        add2_y_py += width[1]
+        add2_y_pdx = plot['pdx'][plot['py'] - 0.5 * plot['pdy'] < 0]
+        add2_y_pdy = plot['pdy'][plot['py'] - 0.5 * plot['pdy'] < 0]
+        add2_y_field = plot[field][plot['py'] - 0.5 * plot['pdy'] < 0]
+        add2_y_weight_field = plot['weight_field'][plot['py'] - 0.5 * plot['pdy'] < 0]
+        # Add the hanging cells back to the projection data.
+        plot.data['px'] = na.concatenate([plot['px'],add_x_px,add_y_px,add2_x_px,add2_y_px])
+        plot.data['py'] = na.concatenate([plot['py'],add_x_py,add_y_py,add2_x_py,add2_y_py])
+        plot.data['pdx'] = na.concatenate([plot['pdx'],add_x_pdx,add_y_pdx,add2_x_pdx,add2_y_pdx])
+        plot.data['pdy'] = na.concatenate([plot['pdy'],add_x_pdy,add_y_pdy,add2_x_pdy,add2_y_pdy])
+        plot.data[field] = na.concatenate([plot[field],add_x_field,add_y_field,add2_x_field,add2_y_field])
+        plot.data['weight_field'] = na.concatenate([plot['weight_field'],
+                                                    add_x_weight_field,add_y_weight_field,add2_x_weight_field,add2_y_weight_field])
+        # Delete original copies of hanging cells.
+        del add_x_px,add_y_px,add2_x_px,add2_y_px
+        del add_x_py,add_y_py,add2_x_py,add2_y_py
+        del add_x_pdx,add_y_pdx,add2_x_pdx,add2_y_pdx
+        del add_x_pdy,add_y_pdy,add2_x_pdy,add2_y_pdy
+        del add_x_field,add_y_field,add2_x_field,add2_y_field
+        del add_x_weight_field,add_y_weight_field,add2_x_weight_field,add2_y_weight_field

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