[Yt-svn] yt-commit r873 - trunk/yt/lagos/hop

sskory at wrangler.dreamhost.com sskory at wrangler.dreamhost.com
Tue Nov 4 13:32:22 PST 2008

Author: sskory
Date: Tue Nov  4 13:32:21 2008
New Revision: 873
URL: http://yt.spacepope.org/changeset/873

Adding the semi-parallel hop stuff, even though this shouldn't be final, it works and is worhty of being added and eventually deleted in favor of better code.


Modified: trunk/yt/lagos/hop/HopOutput.py
--- trunk/yt/lagos/hop/HopOutput.py	(original)
+++ trunk/yt/lagos/hop/HopOutput.py	Tue Nov  4 13:32:21 2008
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from yt.lagos.hop import *
+from numpy import *
 class HopList(object):
     def __init__(self, data_source, threshold=160.0,
@@ -37,12 +38,20 @@
         self.dm_only = dm_only
         self.threshold = threshold
         self._groups = []
+        self._groups2 = {}
         self._max_dens = {}
+        self._max_dens2 = {}
         mylog.info("Initializing HOP")
+        #self.__enlarge_data()
+        #self.__slice_data()
+        #self.__run_hops()
+        #self.__reduce_data()
         mylog.info("Parsing outputs")
+        #self.__parse_outputs()
+        #self.__glue_outputs()
         mylog.debug("Finished. (%s)", len(self))
     def __obtain_particles(self):
@@ -55,6 +64,115 @@
             self.particle_fields[field] = self.data_source[field][ii]
         self._base_indices = na.arange(tot_part)[ii]
+    def __enlarge_data(self):
+        sizetemp = self.particle_fields["particle_position_x"].size
+        self.tempx = [i for i in range(3*sizetemp)]
+        self.tempy = [i for i in range(3*sizetemp)]
+        self.tempz = [i for i in range(3*sizetemp)]
+        self.tempm = [i for i in range(3*sizetemp)]
+        self.tracking = [i for i in range(3*sizetemp)]
+        # reverse below 0, straight up between 0 and 1, reverse above 1
+        for part,i in enumerate(self.particle_fields["particle_position_x"]):
+            self.tempx[sizetemp - 1 - part] = -i
+            self.tempx[sizetemp + part] = i
+            self.tempx[3*sizetemp - 1 - part] = 2 - i
+            self.tracking[sizetemp - 1 - part] = part
+            self.tracking[sizetemp + part] = part
+            self.tracking[3*sizetemp - 1 - part] = part
+        for part,i in enumerate(self.particle_fields["particle_position_y"]):
+            self.tempy[sizetemp - 1 - part] = -i
+            self.tempy[sizetemp + part] = i
+            self.tempy[3*sizetemp - 1 - part] = 2 - i
+        for part,i in enumerate(self.particle_fields["particle_position_z"]):
+            self.tempz[sizetemp - 1 - part] = -i
+            self.tempz[sizetemp + part] = i
+            self.tempz[3*sizetemp - 1 - part] = 2 - i
+        for part,i in enumerate(self.particle_fields["ParticleMassMsun"]):
+            self.tempm[sizetemp - 1 - part] = i
+            self.tempm[sizetemp + part] = i
+            self.tempm[3*sizetemp -1 - part] = i
+    def __slice_data(self):
+        cuts = 2
+        padding = 0.2
+        self.temp2x = {}
+        self.temp2y = {}
+        self.temp2z = {}
+        self.temp2m = {}
+        self.tracking2 = {}
+        # loop over the sub-boxes
+        for i in range(cuts):
+            for j in range(cuts):
+                for k in range(cuts):
+                    x_t = []
+                    y_t = []
+                    z_t = []
+                    m_t = []
+                    t_t = {}
+                    # define the edges
+                    xleft = (1.0 * i)/cuts - padding
+                    xright = (1.0 * (i+1))/cuts + padding
+                    yleft = (1.0 * j)/cuts - padding
+                    yright = (1.0 * (j+1))/cuts + padding
+                    zleft = (1.0 * k)/cuts - padding
+                    zright = (1.0 * (k+1))/cuts + padding
+                    # loop over the temporary expanded fields, test to see if they're in the sub-box
+                    # and then re-map to a unit sized box, we'll have inclusive boundary on the left,
+                    # exclusive on the right
+                    jj = 0
+                    for part,ii in enumerate(self.tempx):
+                        if ((ii >= xleft) and (ii < xright) and (self.tempy[part] >= yleft) and \
+                        (self.tempy[part] < yright) and (self.tempz[part] >= zleft) and \
+                        (self.tempz[part] < zright)):
+                            x_t.append((ii-xleft)*(1.0/(xright-xleft)))
+                            y_t.append((self.tempy[part]-yleft)*(1.0/(yright-yleft)))
+                            z_t.append((self.tempz[part]-zleft)*(1.0/(zright-zleft)))
+                            m_t.append(self.tempm[part])
+                            t_t[jj] = self.tracking[part] # put real ID in t_t at jj
+                            jj += 1
+                    # save them to their position in the dict
+                    self.temp2x[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = array(x_t)
+                    self.temp2y[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = array(y_t)
+                    self.temp2z[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = array(z_t)
+                    self.temp2m[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = array(m_t)
+                    self.tracking2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = t_t
+    def __reduce_data(self):
+        cuts = 2
+        padding = 0.2
+        # loop over the sub-boxes
+        for i in range(cuts):
+            for j in range(cuts):
+                for k in range(cuts):
+                    xleft = (1.0 * i)/cuts - padding
+                    xright = (1.0 * (i+1))/cuts + padding
+                    yleft = (1.0 * j)/cuts - padding
+                    yright = (1.0 * (j+1))/cuts + padding
+                    zleft = (1.0 * k)/cuts - padding
+                    zright = (1.0 * (k+1))/cuts + padding
+                    # we're going to reduce the values of the particles to their true position
+                    # with some going negative, of course
+                    self.temp2x[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = self.temp2x[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]*(xright-xleft)+xleft
+                    self.temp2y[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = self.temp2y[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]*(yright-yleft)+yleft
+                    self.temp2z[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = self.temp2z[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]*(zright-zleft)+zleft
+    def __run_hops(self):
+        cuts = 2
+        padding = 0.2
+        dens_fix = 1 / (2*padding + 1./cuts)**3
+        self.densities2 = {}
+        self.tags2 = {}
+        for i in range(cuts):
+            for j in range(cuts):
+                for k in range(cuts):
+                    print "run_hops %d" % (((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k)
+                    self.densities2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k], self.tags2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = \
+                        RunHOP(self.temp2x[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k],
+                               self.temp2y[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k],
+                               self.temp2z[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k],
+                               self.temp2m[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]*dens_fix,
+                               self.threshold)
     def __run_hop(self):
         self.densities, self.tags = \
@@ -64,6 +182,7 @@
         self.particle_fields["densities"] = self.densities
         self.particle_fields["tags"] = self.tags
+        print 'tags %d' % (self.tags.size)
     def __get_dm_indices(self):
         if 'creation_time' in self.data_source.hierarchy.field_list:
@@ -76,6 +195,59 @@
             mylog.warning("No particle_type, no creation_time, so not distinguishing.")
             return slice(None)
+    def __parse_outputs(self):
+        cuts = 2
+        for i in range(cuts):
+            for j in range(cuts):
+                for k in range(cuts):
+                    self._groups2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = []
+                    self._max_dens2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k] = []
+                    unique_ids = na.unique(self.tags2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k])
+                    counts = na.bincount(self.tags2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]+1)
+                    sort_indices = na.argsort(self.tags2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k])
+                    grab_indices = na.indices(self.tags2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k].shape).ravel()[sort_indices]
+                    dens = self.densities2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k][sort_indices]
+                    cp = 0
+                    print 'uids %d' % (unique_ids.size)
+                    for ii in unique_ids:
+                        cp_c = cp + counts[ii+1]
+                        if ii == -1:
+                            cp += counts[ii+1]
+                            continue
+                        group_indices = grab_indices[cp:cp_c]
+                        md_i = na.argmax(dens[cp:cp_c])
+                        px = self.temp2x[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k][group_indices]
+                        py = self.temp2y[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k][group_indices]
+                        pz = self.temp2z[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k][group_indices]
+                        max_dens = (dens[cp:cp_c][md_i], px[md_i], py[md_i], pz[md_i])
+                        # as a shortcut, if the most dense particle is in the current box, we keep the group
+                        if ((math.floor(max_dens[1]*cuts) == i) and (math.floor(max_dens[2]*cuts) == j) \
+                                and (math.floor(max_dens[3]*cuts) == k)):
+                            # I think this will make the group_indices correct in the overall 'real' sense
+                            temp_real_indices = arange(group_indices.size)
+                            for gg,gi in enumerate(group_indices):
+                                temp_real_indices[gg] = self.tracking2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k][gi]
+                            self._groups2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k].append(HopGroup(self,ii, temp_real_indices))
+                            self._max_dens2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k].append(max_dens)
+                        cp += counts[ii+1]
+        for i in range(cuts**3):
+            print '%d groups2 %d' % (i,len(self._groups2[i]))
+    def __glue_outputs(self):
+        cuts = 2
+        ii = 0
+        iii = 0
+        for i in range(cuts):
+            for j in range(cuts):
+                for k in range(cuts):
+                    print '%d len = %d' % (((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k,len(self._groups2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]))
+                    for group2 in self._groups2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]:
+                        self._groups.append(HopGroup(self,iii,group2.indices))
+                        iii += 1
+                    for dens in self._max_dens2[((i*cuts) + j)*cuts + k]:
+                        self._max_dens[ii] = dens
+                        ii += 1
     def __parse_output(self):
         unique_ids = na.unique(self.tags)
         counts = na.bincount(self.tags+1)

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