<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hello,<br><br></div>First an introduction, I am Stuart Mumford I am doing a solar physics PhD at Sheffield University in the UK. I work primarily on MHD wave simulations of the solar atmosphere studying energy propagation and wave excitation. The code SAC (<a href="http://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361:200809800">http://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361:200809800</a>) solves for perturbations ontop of a fixed background to deal with the very wide range of the parameters e.g. density and temperature in the solar atmosphere. I also attended SciPy this year, where I met some of you and discovered yt, mainly as a consequence of my contributions to SunPy (<a href="http://www.sunpy.org">www.sunpy.org</a>) which is a solar physics data analysis library.<br>
<br></div><div>So that's that over with, now having been playing with yt on and off since SciPy I started using it properly this week, as the need arose. I am very impressed with yt's capabilities and I want to be able to make better use of it. To that end I am trying to write a frontend for SAC, as I have been speaking to some of you about in IRC (I am Cadair in IRC and on GH).<br>
<br></div><div>I have some questions regarding this, as far as I can ascertain a frontend provides a mapper between the stored data and a abstracted format that yt understands? I have started looking in the code for FLASH and Stream to try and get an idea where to start and not got very far. So some questions to start:<br>
<br>Where should the file handling be done?<br>Where is the file opened?<br>What things should the StaticOutput subclass define?<br><br></div><div>Thanks once again for your help on IRC over the last few days and I hope you can point me in the right direction.<br>