[yt-dev] Website redesign feedback

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 04:25:49 PDT 2013

Hi all,

Anybody have any additional feedback?  I think the remaining two
things to fix up are the Ohloh widget and the facebook button.  But, I
think we're all set for "launch", otherwise.


Additionally, if you haven't added something to the gallery and
particularly if you have something cool *with* a script, please feel
free to do so.  I've merged in the outstanding PR to the main website,
so PRs and whatnot can happen there:



On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The last week or so, I've been working on a redesign of the website.
> I've gotten some really good feedback from Nathan, Britton and a few
> others, and I think it's ready to be opened up for more general
> comments.
> The redesign pull request is here:
> https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/website/pull-request/11/draft-redesign-using-twitter-bootstrap/diff
> and the redesign itself can be viewed here:
> http://yt-project.org/index2.html
> There were a couple goals here:
>  * Make information much easier to get at
>  * Reduce the text and increase the size of the text on the front page
>  * Make the website *way* easier for people to edit
>  * Make the website *way* less javascript heavy
>  * Indicate much more strongly that we're part of the scientific
> Python ecosystem
>  * Emphasize that yt is analysis-focused with visualization built on
> that, rather than the other way around
> There are a few visual glitches still (the headings underline when you
> mouse over them, and I'm trying to make the text lighter) but I think
> it's ready for feedback.  I'd appreciate any comments, either here or
> on the pull request.  And, if we decide this is *not* the direction to
> go, that's fine too!
> Britton and I have gone back and forth on how to fix up the gallery
> and integrate the hub and the blog more deeply.  That's a much longer
> project, but we see the three all coming together nicely in the
> future.  As it stands, the Gallery will likely include a few images
> linked to scientific papers, link to a few things on the hub
> (notebooks, projects, etc), and is currently handled via version
> control.
> Britton's working on expanding it, but if you can read this, you
> should also add some stuff to it!  Ultimately what I think would work
> best would be to solicit contributions directly, solicit contributions
> to the hub, and then flag some things for display in the gallery.  It
> would be nice to include basically all types of contributions here --
> notebooks, scripts, figures, papers -- and I'm coming to really think
> the gallery is essential.
> Incidentally, this week as Anthony and I have been working on getting
> support for PyNE interoperability with yt, I've had occasion to view
> their docs and found them to be really nice.  The gallery system they
> have is quite nice and very similar to where we're going with the yt
> docs and the cookbook, but just a *little* bit further than we've
> gone:
> http://pynesim.org/
> http://pynesim.org/gallery/index.html
> If we decide this website is the way to go, I'll spend some time
> trying to make our docs play look a bit nicer with it, although likely
> not with black background.
> Thanks for any feedback,
> Matt

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