[yt-dev] Removing the max_level keyword argument from ProjectionPlot
david collins
antpuncher at gmail.com
Fri May 10 06:54:02 PDT 2013
I'm sold. I often to do analysis on the projection object, so the scheme
Nathan outlined in his second email works just fine for me. It makes a ton
of sense to separate the functionality and avoid parameter clashes and
redundant functionality.
On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cameron, Dave and Nathan,
> I was actually the driving force behind removing the argument, and in
> fact, I'd like to be the driving force behind removing *most* of the
> kwargs that delve into a lot of stateful and "magic" object creation.
> (i.e., with the movie making, for instance.) I think it leads to a
> lot of leakiness -- we can't cover all possible use cases, but as we
> creep along, adding new things, we keep finding new areas that we want
> to cover. So the number of keyword arguments grows. But then, the
> number of potential conflicts between them grows, as does the
> duplication of code, and so on and so forth. I guess what I'm saying
> is, we have too many ways to do similar and identical things. And a
> lot of that can be traced back to mistakes I have made in the past.
> Much of the yt API was not designed, it was grown -- and watching
> other projects more closely over the last few years, I've come to
> really understand better how to work on design, and forethought, and
> trying to ensure a consistent experience.
> With the plot window, we tried to strip it down; they'd make a few
> well-meaning decisions about what can be done to make a plot, and if
> that wasn't good enough, it would throw up its hands and say, okay,
> you do it. Specifically, I think this applies when we think about the
> ways of creating objects that plots are built from.
> But ... Cameron, your comment about matplotlib made me think about
> this a bit more. I don't want to aspire to the style of API that
> Matplotlib has; in particular, I don't want to aim for the large
> number of kwargs, which I think tends to lead to some confusion at
> times. However, I was reminded of the talk at SciPy 2012 by the late
> John Hunter, entitled, "Matplotlib: Lessons from Middle Age." During
> the talk, I remember being struck by what a marvelous distillation of
> running a community project he had presented.
> Here is that talk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3lTby5RI54 (highly
> recommended viewing)
> One of the things I wrote down (I dug out my notebook for this email)
> was "Solid API". I even circled it. Later on I wrote, "Get a
> familiar, stable, user-facing API right away." And when I saw that
> tonight, I realized I was in the wrong on this one. We should not be
> removing this option, not because it belongs there, but because it's
> something people rely upon. And we have a responsibility not to break
> things unless absolutely necessary -- and sometimes it is necessary.
> But an improvement in elegance is not necessity.
> So we can decide how one might deprecate something like this; perhaps
> in the 3.0 branch, when we will have other different types of
> upgrades, we can consider removing it. But I was wrong to encourage
> Nathan to remove it now. In return, I think that what we as code
> reviewers should be doing is carefully considering the design of APIs
> that become exposed and that get built on. Thanks for helping me
> remember this.
> -Matt
> PS On a personal note, shortly after his talk I was able to find John
> and sincerely thank him for his candid, thoughtful and earnest
> presentation. His talk really was the highlight of my trip to SciPy
> 2012, and I am so very grateful I was able to tell him so.
> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Cameron Hummels <chummels at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I've used max_level coupled with annotate_grid (and it's own max_level)
> in
> > the past to highlight different structures in projections. I guess I
> don't
> > see why we're removing functionality here. You'd rather have all display
> > flags associated with the different plot functions? So in order to
> > replicate the functionality i describe above, this would mean creating a
> > cutting region with its own max_level on a given object for each level
> and
> > then piping each to projectionplot?
> >
> > I guess I'm not entirely behind the goals you have set out, explicitly to
> > "remove rarely-used kwargs" from the plotting functions. Matplotlib has
> > about 10 bajillion kwargs associated with its functions that aren't
> always
> > used, but it's nice to have them around for when you do need them. I
> don't
> > see having a lot of them around as a hindrance, as long as you make the
> > default behavior what one would expect. Most users will never have to
> > fiddle with them, but they may come in handy in rare circumstances. If
> > having them around prevents normal users from spending a few hours
> trying to
> > make a workaround for something that once did exist, then I say leave
> them
> > in.
> >
> > I'm -1 on removing this functionality from the plotting routines, but I'm
> > still open to hearing other opinions on the matter.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hi all,
> >> >
> >> > As part of the eternal journey that is making yt's plotting code as
> >> > awesome
> >> > as possible, we've endeavored to make the plotting code as flexible as
> >> > it
> >> > needs to be for quick use but simple enough that a use isn't
> overloaded
> >> > by
> >> > unnecessary or barely-used keyword arguments.
> >> >
> >> > Right now there is a pending PR to rework some of the plotting
> routines,
> >> > adding a couple of new features, and, per the subject of this e-mail,
> >> > removing the max_level keyword from ProjectionPlot.
> >> >
> >> > I could see how having max_level might be useful if projections are
> very
> >> > slow for a user's dataset. However, she should be able to get the
> exact
> >> > same result by explicitly constructing a projection data object and
> then
> >> > creating a plot for it using projection.to_pw(). I also think in
> >> > practice
> >> > max_level isn't used very often since projections are quite fast, even
> >> > on
> >> > large datasets.
> >>
> >> I'm strongly in favor of keeping the ProjectionPlot, SlicePlot, etc,
> >> all focused on display-related items, rather than data-related items.
> >> I feel like they should be a good way to make sensible default objects
> >> and then detailed modifications of plots from them. That's why we
> >> have .to_pw(), right? :) But I would like to hear if anyone
> >> disagrees and thinks we need to keep max_level.
> >>
> >> >
> >> > Am I incorrect in that assessment? Please let me know if you'd like
> to
> >> > keep
> >> > the max_level keyword around and I'll happily revert that part of the
> >> > pull
> >> > request.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks for your help,
> >> >
> >> > Nathan
> >> >
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > yt-dev mailing list
> >> > yt-dev at lists.spacepope.org
> >> > http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org
> >> >
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> >> yt-dev mailing list
> >> yt-dev at lists.spacepope.org
> >> http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Cameron Hummels
> > Postdoctoral Researcher
> > Steward Observatory
> > University of Arizona
> > http://chummels.org
> >
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> > yt-dev mailing list
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