[yt-dev] Packaging.
Chris Malone
chris.m.malone at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 10:52:53 PDT 2013
Hi Nathan,
That appears to work as it built the environment and `conda install ...`
added packages to my environment.
One mistake I made was that I originally downloaded the "latest" OS X build
of Miniconda, but that happened to be Miniconda3, which is python 3 based.
Trying to build the environment with that yields an error regarding
incompatibility of yt and python3.3, as it should.
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hey Chris,
> I don't think mercurial is strictly necessary, can you try again without
> it? I think if Matt uploads a mercurial package for OS X this won't be an
> issue. I'll send him an updated tarball.
> I submitted a mercurial recipe to conda-recipes yesterday (
> https://github.com/ContinuumIO/conda-recipes/pull/14) so hopefully a
> mercurial build will be included in future anaconda releases.
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Chris Malone <chris.m.malone at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I just tried setting this up on OS X 10.7.5 and failed when attempting to
>> create the conda environment due to a missing mercurial package:
>> $ conda create -n ytenv -c http://conda.binstar.org/yt_project yt
>> mercurial ipython tornado pyzmq pygments jinja2 sphinx
>> Error: No packages found matching: mercurial
>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Yup, please try on OSX as well. If you make sure Matt's binstar is in
>>> your .condarc, you should be able to get yt by doing 'conda install yt'.
>>> I built the OSX binary on my laptop so I'd appreciate hearing about
>>> issues, particularly if there are issues on older OS X releases.
>>> On Thursday, August 29, 2013, Matthew Turk wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Thank you for the feedback -- I am glad there is some agreement about
>>>> possible ways forward, and so I'm happy to try to use this as an
>>>> opportunity to explore simpler, more reliable methods than the install
>>>> script.
>>>> This afternoon, I spent a bit of time with Conda, and I think it's
>>>> quite nice. There are a few rough corners, particularly related to
>>>> the binstar service, but it's so far pretty great. With Nathan's
>>>> help, I was able to upload a yt-2.5.5 package for linux x86_64 and
>>>> then install it.
>>>> The workflow that seems to work:
>>>> * Get miniconda: http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/index.html
>>>> * Run the installer for miniconda
>>>> * Enter the conda environment and then install yt by doing "conda
>>>> install yt -c http://conda.binstar.org/yt_project/ ".
>>>> I think that this can likely all be stuck into a bash script. A
>>>> simple, first pass at this is here:
>>>> http://paste.yt-project.org/show/3833/
>>>> This right now only works on Linux x86_64, but getting it to work for
>>>> other machines won't be too hard. I suspect we will be able to do
>>>> nightlies very easily as well. If anyone out there has an x86_64
>>>> machine they wouldn't mind trying it on, that would be very helpful!
>>>> I did find that once I ran this script, I had to actually prepend the
>>>> PATH afterwards as well. This means doing:
>>>> export PATH=$HOME/yt-conda:$PATH
>>>> source activate ytenv
>>>> At that point, everything was set up and working for me. The
>>>> miniconda install offers to add paths to .bashrc, but I don't think we
>>>> should go down that route. That being said, this is also a possible
>>>> point of friction.
>>>> One nice thing is that this also completely works with the full
>>>> anaconda; if someone wants everything that is in the anaconda install,
>>>> they can even simply do "conda install anaconda" from the command line
>>>> to get it. But the stripped down subset is the default.
>>>> If anyone has a chance to try this out and has feedback, I'd greatly
>>>> appreciate it! I think Nathan has done something very similar for
>>>> OSX. I've also put a couple simple conda recipes here:
>>>> https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt_conda which we can use as a basis
>>>> for distributing builds and setting them up on buildbots and the like.
>>>> I'm pretty optimistic about this.
>>>> -Matt
>>>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > I think to get everything working in a sustainable fashion, we would
>>>> need
>>>> > buildbots for all platform combinations that we want to support, so
>>>> all
>>>> > permutations of the (32/64 bit, linux / OS X / windows, py27/py3.3)
>>>> tuple.
>>>> > At the moment anaconda seems to support 32 and 64 bit linux, 64 bit
>>>> OS X
>>>> > (not totally clear if OS X version matters), and 32 and 64 bit
>>>> windows.
>>>> >
>>>> > Another option is to rely on conda build, which compiles everything
>>>> from
>>>> > source.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Stephen Skory <s at skory.us> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Hi all,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I have less of a skin in this than I used to, but I'd like to raise
>>>> >> the issue of Windows & package managers. For example, Anaconda is
>>>> >> available for Windows - would that mean that yt might "just work" on
>>>> >> Windows? Or the opposite, and it would require a great deal of effort
>>>> >> to get all the various things we expect to be .so's to work as .dll's
>>>> >> (such as the Cython helpers or halo-finding stuff)?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I don't know the answers to these questions, but I think it's worth
>>>> >> thinking about.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> Stephen Skory
>>>> >> s at skory.us
>>>> >> http://stephenskory.com/
>>>> >> 510.621.3687 (google voice)
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