[yt-dev] Proposal: Upcast Enzo to 64 bits at IO time

Douglas Harvey Rudd drudd at uchicago.edu
Thu Dec 6 11:49:56 PST 2012

+1 to keeping knowledge of underlying data in frontends.

Douglas Rudd
Scientific Computing Consultant
Research Computing Center
drudd at uchicago.edu

On Dec 6, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been doing some benchmarking of various operations in the Enzo
> frontend in yt 2.x.  I don't believe other frontends suffer from this,
> for the main reason that they're all 64 bit everywhere.
> The test dataset is about ten gigs, with a bunch of grids.  I'm
> extracting a surface, which means from a practical standpoint that I'm
> filling ghost zones for every grid inside the region of interest.
> There are many places in yt that we either upcast to 64-bit floats or
> that we assume 64-bits.  Basically, nearly all yt-defined Cython or C
> operations assume 64-bit floats.
> There's a large quantity of Enzo data out there that is float32 on
> disk, which gets passed into yt, where it gets handed around until it
> is upcast.  There are two problems here: 1) We have a tendency to use
> "astype" instead of "asarray", which means the data is *always*
> duplicated.  2) We often do this repeatedly for the same set of grid
> data; nowhere is this more true than when generating ghost zones.
> So for the dataset I've been working on, ghost zones are a really
> intense prospect.  And the call to .astype("float64") actually
> completely dominated the operation.  This comes from both copying the
> data, as well as casting.  I found two different solutions.
> The original code:
> g_fields = [grid[field].astype("float64") for field in fields]
> This is bad even if you're using float64 data types, since it will
> always copy.  So it has to go.  The total runtime for this dataset was
> 160s, and the most-expensive function was "astype" at 53 seconds.
> So as a first step, I inserted a cast to "float64" if the dtype of an
> array inside the Enzo IO system was "float32".  This way, all arrays
> were upcast automatically.  This led me to see zero performance
> improvement.  So I checked further and saw the "always copy" bit in
> astype, which I was ignorant of.  This option:
> g_fields = [np.asarray(grid[field], "float64") for field in fields]
> is much faster, and saves a bunch of time.  But 7 seconds is still
> spent inside "np.array", and total runtime is 107.5 seconds.  This
> option is the fasted:
>        g_fields = []
>        for field in fields:
>            gf = grid[field]
>            if gf.dtype != "float64": gf = gf.astype("float64")
>            g_fields.append(gf)
> and now total runtime is 95.6 seconds, with the dominant cost *still*
> in _get_data_from_grid.  At this point I am much more happy with the
> performance, although still quite disappointed, and I'll be doing
> line-by-line next to figure out any more micro-optimizations.
> Now, the change to _get_data_from_grid *itself* will greatly impact
> performance for 64-bit datasets.  But also updating the io.py to
> upcast-on-read datasets that are 32-bit will help speed things up
> considerably for 32-bit datasets as well.  The downside is that it
> will be difficult to get back raw, unmodified 32-bit data from the
> grids, rather than 32-bit data that has been cast to 64-bits.
> Is this an okay change to make?
> [+-1][01]
> -Matt
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