[yt-dev] Fwd: [yt_analysis/yt] Adding IPython notebook dependencies (on-by-default) to the install script. (pull request #137)

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 12:39:24 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I thought this pull request might be of interest to the list, and we
could discuss it here, rather than in the PR itself.

The IPython notebook is awesome.  I love Reason, and I'm super proud
of the work we have done on it, but the clunkiest part of Reason is
the cell-evaluation (and, it's also the part of it that we spent the
least time on.)  I think it would be worthwhile to discuss and
consider moving forward with de-emphasizing our own notebook solution,
embed IPython inside Reason, and then re-focus on providing awesome
widgets.  I am still reading through the API for the IPython
notebook's engine interface, but I believe this could be accomplished

1) Spinning up an SSL-enabled, passworded IPython engine when reason is started
2) Construct actual RPC interfaces for the existing (and new) widgets,
with payload delivery systems
3) Embed the IPython notebook as another widget

Anyway, if you want to test it out, pull the new install script, run
it, and then start the notebook with:

ipython notebook

There are some pretty awesome things in there.  Fernando Perez and I
discussed this on a G+ post of his (
https://plus.google.com/105051551851350439748/posts/gd9fDgpV8iY ) and
I'd particularly draw your attention to the blog post he cited by
Titus Brown ( http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/apr-12/replication-i.html ;
I believe his office is just down the hall from where we held the Enzo
workshop last Spring!) and the possibilities therein.

Even if down the road we don't find a way to marry Reason widgets with
the IPython notebook in a seamless way, I'm still issuing this PR
because I would like to make it easier to get up and running with the
notebook.  Note that they have a detailed discussion of the security
implications ( http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/rel-0.12/interactive/htmlnotebook.html#security
), which become very important on shared user systems, which I think
make up the majority of yt installations.

Thoughts on this?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Turk <pullrequests-noreply at bitbucket.org>
Date: Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 3:31 PM
Subject: [yt_analysis/yt] Adding IPython notebook dependencies
(on-by-default) to the install script. (pull request #137)
To: yt at enzotools.org

A new pull request has been opened by Matthew Turk.

MatthewTurk/yt has changes to be pulled into yt_analysis/yt.


Title: Adding IPython notebook dependencies (on-by-default) to the
install script.

The IPython notebook requires 0MQ, Tornado and pyzmq.  This change
adds those dependencies.

Changes to be pulled:

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