[Yt-dev] EnzoFOF merger tree

John Wise jwise at astro.princeton.edu
Thu Jan 13 22:02:00 PST 2011

Hi all,

I just extended Matt's merger tree that works on enzo's inline FOF halo finder to work on multiple outputs, and build a complete merger tree.  It produces DOT (Graphviz) files.  I tried to make it simple to use and put in the necessary docstrings.  Here's an example to make a merger tree from z = 15->7 only including halos with >500 particles.

from yt.mods import *
import yt.analysis_modules.halo_merger_tree.api as hm

tree = hm.EnzoFOFMergerTree((7.0,15.0), load_saved=True)
#tree.build_tree(0, max_children=4)
tree.build_tree(0, min_particles=500)

The load_saved argument will load the pickled results from previous calculations.  It will save it by default if it's false.

Here's the result from the most massive halo in a 256^3 sim.  Careful, it's large!  1.9MB, 4325x7461 pix

If you try it out, please let me know of any problems!


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