[Yt-dev] Halo Merger Tree

Stephen Skory stephenskory at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 27 17:00:51 PST 2010

Hi devs,

I've got a much-improved halo merger tree class working. It works in parallel for the important stuff: the halo finding of course, as well as the halo membership comparison. The halo data is kept in a SQLite database which I think is the Right Way To Go for this kind of stuff, and I've carefully made sure the database is written to by only one thread at a time.

If this is something you are interested in, or have some requests of me to make sure it has some capability, let me know.

This is how you run on a set of outputs:


from yt.mods import *
from yt.extensions.MergerTree import *

files = []
first = 100
for i in range(117-first):
    files.append('/mirage/sskory/reddead-427/DD%04d/data%04d' % (i+first, i+first))

MergerTree(restart_files=files, database='/tmp/427.db')

MergerTreeDotOutput(halos=[0], database='/tmp/427.db', current_time=1264547197)


That's it. The output is in Graphviz format, which has binary distributions for every OS that matters.

I'll eventually write some docs for this. I have it in the mercurial repo right now, and eventually it will be promoted to trunk, perhaps for the next point release.

sskory at physics.ucsd.edu           o__  Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student

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