[Yt-dev] mpi4py

Stephen Skory stephenskory at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 16 10:44:38 PST 2009

> right, because they moved to google code for the incompatible changes.

> :)  (see URL above)

Dood, so which version do you want us to download? On the page you sent us, there is:

"svn co http://mpi4py.scipy.org/svn/mpi4py/mpi4py/trunk mpi4py"

Is that the version you want us to dowload? If not, could you tell me exactly which version and what link to download from?

> Oh!  Try setting mpicc = cc and mpicxx = CC in your mpi.cfg.  That was
> the only thing I had to do...

Hrm. Progress, but not there yet:


sskory at physics.ucsd.edu           o__  Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student

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