[Yt-dev] mpi4py

Stephen Skory stephenskory at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 16 09:16:16 PST 2009


> http://code.google.com/p/mpi4py/

The thing is, I've been running out of trunk for a while now. At least I thought I was.

> python setup.py build

Here is the output of that on Ranger. I'm using the intel compilers which are very noisy, but it seems to have worked.


The modules I have loaded:

login3% module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) Linux                 8) tgproxy/0.9.1        15) cluster
  2) intel/10.1            9) tgresid/2.0.3        16) TACC
  3) binutils-amd/070220  10) tgusage/2.9          17) mvapich/1.0.1
  4) gx-map/       11) TERAGRID-BASIC       18) acml/4.1.0
  5) globus/4.0.8         12) GLOBUS-4.0           19) hdf5/1.6.5
  6) srb-client/3.4.1     13) TERAGRID-DEV
  7) tg-policy/0.2        14) CTSSV4

sskory at physics.ucsd.edu           o__  Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student

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