[Yt-dev] yt: parameters in analysis

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 14:57:45 PST 2009

Hey Dave,

Can you send a bit more context in the traceback?  This looks okay to
me at first glance, because it's roughly the same thing as:


but it's tough to say without seeing a bit more, specifically how the
field is getting called -- from which datatype.  Feel free to submit
to paste.enzotools.org as a traceback, if you like.


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 2:33 PM, david collins <antpuncher at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, Matt--
> My equation of state is driven by a flag in the parameter file, and
> for isothermal runs, I don't have an energy field, and I store Sound
> Speed as a parameter.  So to get around this, when I need to get at
> things like sound speed or gas pressure, I do the following:
> def _SoundSpeedSquared(field,data):
>    if data.pf.parameters['EquationOfState'] == 0:
>        return data.pf['Gamma']*data['GasPressure']/data['Density']
>    else:
>        return data['Density']*0 +
> (data.pf.parameters['IsothermalSoundSpeed'])**2
> When I do a projection, it chokes in the following way:
> if data.pf.parameters['EquationOfState'] == 0:
>   AttributeError: 'collections.defaultdict' object has no attribute
> 'parameters'
> What's the YT Approved way of getting to the parameter file info in analysis?
> d.

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